The Real Reason Governor Evers Won't Meet with Republicans

"Totally Real Tony Evers" explains why he is refusing to meet with those sexist Republicans in the State Legislature.

My fellow Wisconsinites, I want to talk to you about why those sexist Republicans won’t meet with Maggie Gau. It’s because they’re sexist. Especially the top Senator on the Joint Finance Committee, Alberta Darling. She’s really, really sexist. Why won’t she meet with Maggie Gau? It’s because Alberta Darling clearly hates women.

But now those sexist Republicans claim that I should be meeting with them myself instead of sending a staffer. They want to know why I won’t meet with them myself. Well, they insist on holding meetings in the early afternoons and, as they well know, that is my nap time.

Like most governors, I take a three, three-and-a-half hour nap each afternoon. If Republicans want to meet with me, they can meet with me in the morning…except from 10:00 until 11:30, because that’s my mid-morning nap.

If they want, we could do a dinner meeting, so long as it doesn’t go past my bedtime of 7:45.

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