Which women do we believe?

A lot of women are going to be talking about Joe Biden.

Two women have come out and accused Biden of crossing the line with nuzzles, or sniffs, or Eskimo kisses.

But there's at least one woman who's part of the Creepy Uncle Joe montage who says the former Vice President wasn't creepy at all.

The left insisted during the Bret Kavanaugh hearings that women must be believed. No questions allowed.

But now there are questions of interpretation. There are questions about generational differences. And there are questions about political motivations.

It is good to believe that people are telling the truth. But it is necessary to ask questions, to make sure they are telling the truth.

And, of course, two things can be true at the same time. For some women, Biden is creepy and handsy, while for others he is kind and sweet.

But when multiple women are all telling multiple stories, which women do we believe?

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