Consent for a Diaper Change, Dr. Dre v. Dr. Drai, and a Nearly Naked Thesis

Parental Consent
A sexuality expert in Great Britain believes that parents should get consent from their babies before they change their diapers.  Deanne Carson describes herself on Twitter as a 'sexuality educator, speaker and author,' and says that asking a baby’s permission before changing a diaper is necessary to set up a culture of consent from birth.

"Yes, just about how to set up a culture of consent in their homes so 'I'm going to change your nappy now, is that OK,' she explained in a recent TV interview. “Of course a baby is not going to respond 'yes mum that's awesome, I'd love to have my nappy changed'. But if you leave a space, and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact then you're letting that child know that their response matters."

 Just don’t ask babies for permission to put them down for a nap; you might never get it.

The Half Naked Truth
A Cornell University student stripped down to her underwear—twice—before presenting her senior thesis to professors and other students. Why? To strike a blow against the patriarchy or something. Letitia Chai was wearing a pair of short cutoff jean shorts while practicing her thesis presentation in class. Her professor, Rebekah Maggor, asked, "Is that really what you would wear?"

I mean, I hate jean shorts, too, but not as much as Letitia hated that question. She stormed out of the room and returned to finish her practice presentation in her underwear.  This apparently was an insufficient blow to the patriarchy, so a few days later, she gave her actual senior thesis presentation in her underwear, too.

"I stood in solidarity with people who have been asked to 'question themselves' based on others' perception of their appearances," she said, and she even asked the audience to join her.  A number of them did, and afterward, Letitia led a roundtable discussion about diversity and inclusion...while in her underwear.

Crazy in Love...But Mostly Crazy
A woman in Arizona is accused of stalking a man she met on a dating app and sending him more than 65,000 text messages.  But in a jailhouse interview, 31 year-old Jacqueline Ades said it was all for true love.

"If [he] wants me to go to jail, I should be in jail," she told reporters. "I appreciate it. He's the light, I'm the love. He knows what to do and I follow the rules."

Spoiler alert: She didn’t.  Police in Paradise Valley say she took a bath in his home when he wasn't there, showed up at his work in Scottsdale claiming do be his wife, and then started sending threatening texts saying things like “Don’t ever try to leave me... I’ll kill you" and "Oh what would I do w ur blood! I'd wanna bathe in it."

She now faces a number of serious criminal charges, but remained upbeat while in jail, telling reporters "When you're finding love, not everything is perfect.  This is a journey."

Let’s hope that journey is straight to a mental institution.

A Strange Change of Address
A man in Chicago used a change of address form to change a UPS facility address to his apartment—and he deposited roughly $58,000 in checks for the company that were improperly rerouted to his home. Prosecutors say Dushaun Henderson-Spruce submitted a U.S. Postal Service change of address form on Oct. 26th, requesting that UPS Atlanta change its a tiny apartment in Chicago.  And no one at the US Postal Service noticed for a full three months! Henderson-Spruce got so much of UPS’s mail that his mailman had to leave it in a postal service tub outside his door.  Henderson-Spruce now faces federal charges, but it seems the real criminal here is the idiot at the post office who allowed this change-of-address to happen in the first place. 

Brother, Can You Spare 8 Million Dimes?
The Nevada Highway Patrol had to clean up an unusual spill on Interstate 15 near the town of Glendale on Tuesday.  A truck making a delivery for the U.S. Treasury Department hit a guardrail and dumped its load of 8 million dimes next to the road. That’s $800,000 worth of dimes. Fortunately none of them were stolen since troopers quickly created a secure crime scene around the spill, which gives new meaning to the phrase “dropping dimes.” 

Still D.R.A.I.
Dr. Dre has lost a long legal fight with Dr. Drai.  That’s D-R-A-I, a doctor and self-proclaimed “sexpert” whose full name is Dr. Draion Branch.  He’s a media personality and the author of a number of books including “20 Things You May Not Know About The Vagina.”  He goes by the shortened “Dr. Drai” in his media appearances, so he filed for a trademark on the name.  But Dr. Dre, the famed rapper and producer, objected, claiming it was too close to his name.  After three years, though, the US Patent and Trademark Office dismissed Dre’s objection, saying it would be pretty easy for consumers to tell the difference between a guy who writes gangster rap music and a guy who writes about sex and vaginas.  Wait, maybe they aren’t so different after all....  

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