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Bombshell document unsealed prove Wisconsin AG falsely charged Trump lawyer


Re: WISCONSIN ALTERNATE ELECTORS CASE: Secret Filings Expose Wisconsin Attorney General Kaul’s Failures.

For Immediate Release September 12, 2024

Explosive filings, just released by the Dane County Circuit Court, explain, for the first time, how the law required Republican Alternate Electors in Wisconsin to meet in 2020. The Wisconsin Attorney General initially demanded these filings be kept secret until after the election. But, after former Judge James Troupis, one of the Defendants, demanded the cloak of secrecy be removed, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul’s office conceded, and those filings and documents are now public. The secrecy violated both the First Amendment and Wisconsin’s freedom of information laws.

 The filings by Judge Troupis describe how Al Gore could have won the Presidency had the Gore campaign utilized alternate electors in 2000, as it would have allowed time to complete the recount. Legal scholars and U.S. Supreme Court Justices have identified that terminal mistake by the Gore legal team. It would have been legal malpractice to have made the same mistake in Wisconsin in 2020. 

Moreover, as the formerly secret papers detail, the Wisconsin Trump/Pence legal team provided advance notice to the Biden/Harris attorneys and the Wisconsin Attorney General that they intended to have the alternate electors meet. Neither Biden/Harris or Attorney General Kaul registered any objection. 

These filings also reveal an e-mail from that Attorney General Kaul’s office to the Wisconsin Election Commission that notified the Commission of the Republican Alternate Electors intention to meet and cast an Alternate Ballot. Kaul’s office at that time expressed no concern and no objection to the Alternate Electors meeting. 

After the Wisconsin Republican Alternate Electors meeting took place the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office explicitly approved, in a letter of legal opinion, of the Alternate Electors meeting. Members of the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office found that no laws had been violated in conducting the Wisconsin Alternate Electors meeting, as it mimicked almost exactly the legal process of 1960 in Hawaii. 

Shockingly, these filings disclose that those in the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office responsible for that legal opinion were prevented from participating in the later discussions by Attorney General Kaul that led to the June, 2024 filing of criminal charges related to the Alternate Electors.

Not surprisingly, in order to resolve these new, important and embarrassing legal issues and defenses, the Wisconsin Attorney General has now moved the Initial Appearance on the underlying criminal complaint it filed in June concerning Judge Troupis and others, from a September to December, well after the coming election. 


Motion To Quash


For further information: Contact Eric O’Keefe: Mobile: 608-279-6238. Email:  And see:

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