Vicki McKenna

Vicki McKenna

Listen to Vicki McKenna statewide, including Milwaukee and Madison, every weekday in Wisconsin!Full Bio


Dr. Pierre Kory on His Push to Adopt This Cheap COVID Treatment

Dr. Pierre Kory on His Push to Adopt This Cheap COVID Treatment. Dr. Pierre Kory, Member of the COVID-19 Critical Care Group, joined Vicki on the Vicki McKenna Show to continue their discussion about cheap, effective treatments for COVID-19 that America has been avoiding adopting in favor of waiting for a vaccine. Dr. Kory and Vicki discuss why he and his fellow doctors are advocating for this treatment so strongly, the benefits of taking Ivermectin, and it's history as not only a safe drug but an incredibly famous drug. Then they go over why America hasn't seen fit to adopt this or any other cheap effective treatment


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