Vicki McKenna

Vicki McKenna

Listen to Vicki McKenna statewide, including Milwaukee and Madison, every weekday in Wisconsin!Full Bio


Joseph Voiland on Challenging Local Lock-Down Orders in Court

Joseph Voiland on challenging local lock-down orders in court. Attorney Joseph Voiland joins Vicki on the Vicki McKenna Show to discuss the lawsuit he filed today in federal court challenging several local lock-down orders around the state of Wisconsin. Joe and Vicki discuss the specifics of the complaint contained in the lawsuit filed today, and the effects these local lock-down orders have had on citizens of Wisconsin who thought they would be free following the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision. They also discuss the idea of an "emergency" in legal terms, and how the extension of these lock-down orders are an attempt to place Wisconsin in a perpetual state of emergency

Front View of the Supreme Court Building

Photo: Getty Images

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