Vicki McKenna

Vicki McKenna

Listen to Vicki McKenna statewide, including Milwaukee and Madison, every weekday in Wisconsin!Full Bio


Vice President Mike Pence Discusses The Border Security Crisis

Vice President Mike Pence has been pushing hard for a wall along the United States-Mexico border, and today he spoke to Vicki McKenna about the ongoing security and humanitarian crisis there and the need to build the wall.

Pence said numerous times during the government shutdown that there shouldn't be a deal to reopen the government until funding is provided for the border wall . In an interview with MSNBC earlier this month, Pence said that the shutdown was justified in order to deal with the crisis along the southern border of the U.S.

"As Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, but Americans, we owe it to our country," Pence told McKenna Wednesday on News/Talk 1130 WISN in Milwaukee in reference to building the border wall. Pence said that more than 2,000 people enter the country illegally daily, most of them families with children, which is putting a strain on the U.S. immigration system. Pence also touted legal immigration as a method of entry, as he has in past interviews .

You can listen to the full interview below.

Photo: Getty Images

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