The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Two full segments of Donald Trump winning.

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-3-25 Part 1

 (Play winning music)

We are going to wear out this music, Greg.

Listeners were clamoring for the return of the ‘Trump winning’ his current pace...every segment of the show- every day- could be a winning segment.

We might get tired of ‘winning’ -as trump predicted in term one.

But let’s start this ‘winning’ segment with trump’s new acting head of the FBI- not even waiting for pam Bondi to be confirmed by the senate before the house-cleaning starts

It was another Friday afternoon of surprise terminations as we ended ‘week two’ of Trump’s second term: at least 30 FBI agents and the heads of 20 FBI field offices were told they’d been fired...and were led out of the building...on Friday.

The 30 rank-and-file agents were agents that-by the estimation of trump’s team members- worked to zealously ‘get trump’ and to prosecute Jan sixth protestors-

And the move against the heads of 20 field offices is self-explanatory: they, too, struck Trump’s FBI insiders as ‘too political and left wing’.

Now- on Friday afternoon, trump denied ordering the firings.  The left-wing media outlets leapt to say, oh, come on, of course you did-we’re not stupid.

But I leave room for Trump to be telling the truth, here: he’s clearly appointing people who know what his feelings are-when it comes to these agencies and how they have been abused, politically-

But it is for that reason that I leave room for the possibility that McHenry really did act on his own. His orders are to purge politics from atop the FBI-

And these firings are part of that mission, clearly. I don’t think trump-had- to order the ‘code red’.... if you will...

And the move had leftist talking heads and democrat politicians squealing about how Trump was ‘politicizing the DOJ’...

But that’s laughable, given the decade or more of political attacks and abuses of power that have come out of this FBI during the Obama and Biden administrations.

They-on the left- co-opted these agencies to be used for their own political purposes. Trump restoring them to their original, non-partisan missions, is winning folks.

(play the cleanser)

I love this next win because for probably fifteen years I have been talking about two of the biggest, most impressive snakes in Washington DC: John Brennan and James Clapper.

These are two of the scumbags out of the so-called intelligence world-who worked to spread Hillary’s Russia collusion smear and rig the 2016 election.

And yet, so far, they have suffered zero consequences. Even CNN and MSNBC have kept them on as paid ‘experts’...since.

Well- about a week ago, the trump team stripped them of their security clearances: Brennan and Clapper-and the other 49 former intelligence officials who dipped their scummy fingers into the 2020 election and signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation...all had their security clearances revoked. That’s a win we should celebrate:

(play the sounder)

Friday’s win was these same men are now banned from entering national security facilities on their own.

Ugh. Fantastic.

The order strips them of unescorted access and revokes their security clearances...and so...yes, they can still visit these buildings, but only by alerting the bureaucracy first...and getting approved access...then be taken around be escort...etc.

That’s going to be demeaning. 


It was the scummy Anthony Blinken who had the idea to get these 51 people to sign a letter that cast doubt over the Hunter Biden laptop- greatly aiding the Biden campaign in the eleventh hour of that campaign. 

It was a blatant ‘ask’ of the sort that of them was clear about what they were signing: you are helping us dems engage in a fraudulent red herring operation to trick the American people and help joe win...

And they all happily signed it, anyway.

They used their career credentials and the power of their former positions to ‘sell out’ the country and help try to determine the outcome of an election- and yes- in any other era-it would have been a major scandal and a major disgrace.

They exposed themselves as corrupt, partisan, trump haters who’d be willing to work against him-and the country full of voters who elected him-

And that’s unacceptable. They have forfeited any right to be seen as ‘intel emeritus’ in this country.  And as gateway pundit puts it: most of the names are forgettable wannabes who are trying to stay relevant in the swamp...but.... There are also some big names on this list:

Leon Panetta- disappointed me-when his name showed up on this list at the time. I always thought he was a pretty straight-shooter and a weighty, serious guy. Not one to put politics above national security or the truth-

But obviously- he was.

For any American who wants honest federal agencies-doing their assigned work instead of being focused on partisan politics-

This is a win.

(play the cleanser)

I also love this next ‘win’. 

Did you hear that trump’s department of justice has opened an investigation into Chuck Schumer?

Also, fantastic.

Over what?

Over his verbal threats against u-s supreme court justices in the wake of the ruling that ended Roe v. Wade.

Do you remember this moment?

You might roll your eyes and think, oh, for heaven’s sake...Schumer wasn’t threatening violence, it was just rhetorical flourish...

But I have two responses to that:

First- what Schumer said there is more of a direct threat than -anything- president Trump said during his speech on January 6th of 2020, when this country full of democrats wants to insist trump was inciting an insurrection.

He wasn’t. And trump issued no threats of violence or ‘consequences’ if Biden’s win was certified. He only ever told the crowd to ‘protest peacefully’.

And yet, half of this country still whines about Trump ‘inciting the crowd’.

Well- Schumer’s rhetoric here is far more ominous and threatening...

And the second response to the eye-rollers would be: if you or I said anything like this on the steps of the Supreme Court- you can bet that we would absolutely be visited by federal agents within a few days or weeks.


It might not sound like much to you, given the sort of rhetorical crapulence today’s society wallows in on social media...

But Schumer’s statement there constitutes a direct threat leveled at two of our supreme court justices-

And given that it’s coming out of the mouth of an influential political and media figure- it could absolutely incite violence against them.

And so, yes, Trump’s DOJ should make Chuck Schumer sweat at least as much as they’d make any regular American sweat over this, yes.  

Brilliant constitutional lawyer and talker-Mark Levin- also cheered this on social media- and was saying at the time: every threat against a public official must be taken seriously.


And given that Schumer is a public official himself, does not exempt him and in fact means that he knows these rules. Knows this law.

And knows better.

Every one of our elected leaders knows: even in a moment of passion- you cannot use rhetoric that targets your political opponents with threats of violence or retaliation like this.

Schumer knows better.

And so- having a dept. of justice that is getting back to holding both sides accountable?

That’s got to be a win.

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-3-25 part 2 8:30am

 (Play winning music)

Yes- we are doing two winning segments in one day-and virtually every topic that I do today could be labeled ‘winning’.

Let’s start with Trump ordering the feds to slash ten regulations for every new regulation they put into place.

The stories I saw wanted to claim that this was like a move in trump’s first administration.

Well, yes and no.

In his first term, Trump only mandated a two-to-one ratio: two old regs had to be killed off for every new one put into place.

But- something wonderful happened: a republican admin run by trump- had no interest in new regulations.

Just-naturally- we on the right-want smaller govt. Want less intrusion. See less need for govt involvement or regulations.

And so- during term one- trump’s people just sort they went...killed off eight. Eight. Regulations for every new one they put in. That turned out to be the ratio: they dedicated nearly all their work to killing off regulations.

Which was great. And it also made it clear to Trump: we can easily do ‘ten-to-one’ then. Which is where this new mandate comes from.

And after Biden’s regime added another 1.7-trillion dollar in compliance costs to a runaway federal bureaucracy?

This mandate is a huge win for the American people and American businesses.

 (play the cleanser)

The next win- is an executive order by Donald trump-last Wednesday-that all federal employees need to erase their silly ‘pronouns’ from their govt email signatures.

Ugh. It’s so fun to see this leftist disease finally get burned out of our govt, isn’t it?

My friends- the death of pronouns on govt documents and greetings is- a win.

 (play the cleanser)

The next win is related: Trump basically said to

All of those agency heads and mid-level managers: as long as you’re addressing this silly pronoun thing- and changing that software- you might as well scrub your agency websites of any DEI crap, or anything promoting leftist ideology.

And so, toward the closing of business on Friday- all sorts of govt websites started going dark-for a ‘weekend crossover’.

So that’s an important win.

 (play the cleanser)

But we’ve got more ‘winning’.  Also related to DEI, and ugh, do I love this move: on Friday, new Def Sec Pete Hegseth ordered an end to all ‘special identity months’...

As in....our u-s military and its’ branches and offices -will not- be going out of their way to celebrate, black history month, gay and lesbian month, trans month, indigenous people’s week, white Cherokee day, for Liz warren-

None of it.

It’s all ‘out’ .And not ‘erased from culture’. Not ‘erased from everywhere’. 

But- as in: our u-s military does not need to be celebrating or investing time in all of this ‘cultural nonsense crap’...nor should we be. Let the civilians celebrate that stuff.

God, i love this order.

To be clear: neither Martin Luther King Day nor June Teenth day are affected, because those are official govt holidays. And so, if our military branches and/or offices want specialty events related to those, they can have them...

But....what a great and logical change...after all of these years: we should not be devoting taxpayer dollars to all of these specialty events and so-called celebrations...when really...the vast majority of them were just invented by leftists for political purposes and thrust onto the rest of us.

Anyone can celebrate any event or culture that they’d like, obviously. It’s a free country and we, who comprise the larger culture and society, are going to do so-

But- there’s no reason that-any of this-

And I mean- any of it- needs to be celebrated, promoted, or formalized by government or our military.

Of all the ‘wins’ of president Trump’s second term- none are more consequential than those we are seeing related to DEI and a rolling back of an ‘identity based, special status’ America.

Its’ already significant-but if we can get a republican elected in 2028 and these changes really have time to take hold- it could be earth shattering.

Such. Important. Wins.

 (play the cleanser)

The next win also comes from Pete Hegseth, who took the opportunity to kill off another sacred cow at the pentagon that gave NPR, the NY times, and NBC press offices and the best credentials and access to military affairs.

This is good.

The reality is, though, having that physical space within the pentagon for decades and decades has been a significant advantage for these left-wing news outlets...and their editors and all of the ‘official sounding’ press associations had the sort of meltdown over this that you can imagine them having.

This is another instance of trump ‘destroying’ dc and ‘destroying’ America...


I tell ya, folks, today’s democrats and never Trumpers are going to have to start pacing themselves and picking their spots-because every new move that trump and republicans make-cannot be met with the same level of hysterics.

It just can’t.

For two weeks, now, I’ve heard nothing by liberals and never-Trumpers rushing to their fainting couches after every new announcement.

I swear-

I envision every building in DC and every left wing media outlet ...furnished in nothing but fainting couches. All the normal chairs and desks have been that...after every new trump announcement...they can swoon onto a fainting couch...

Oh! I’ve lost my pronouns! I must lie down...

Oh! No more taxpayer funded drag shows...oh!...

Oh! No more condoms for terrorists.... augh! I do swoon...

Your delicate flowers out there: invest in fainting couches, because this is going to go on for a while.

Ooh! Who will pick my blueberries!, ooh!!


Sit there with your smelling salts. Some of us love this winning.

  (play the sounder)

audio version of the segment here > Two full segments of Donald Trump winning.

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