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Ben Wickler's huge loss as DNC chair shows just how far the Dems are lost

It looks like Wisconsin is stuck with Ben Wickler atop the dem party, here.

He lost his bid to become the DNC chair for the entire country-

And this was not unexpected.

I talked about this with JR Ross of last Wednesday: it didn’t look at that moment as if Wickler was going to have enough support to close the deal-even though he had some impressive endorsements from some of the party’s worst people....

Like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. 

J-R posted the news immediately following the vote:

Also- just to prove that they are not a serious party- they elected David Hogg to be the vice chair.... After spending the entire weekend making it clear that they-as a party- will not- veer from their socialist progressive course.


Every speech given over the course of the weekend was about race, gender, and

Trans-this, and ‘equity’-that’....and how their ‘strength’ was in their circus.

Which is great to hear...because it will only lead to more loss.

And so- full disclosure: having the party pass over Wickler as chair will mean we conservatives in WI will still have to deal with him and his national fundraising machine here. He has been-very effective- leading the state dem party here.

But-having the DNC pass over him is a big mistake on their part, and elevating a self-aggrandizing pinhead like David Hogg as vice chair is even dumber.

But Hogg won’t really matter, either way. The only way his participation might come into play is that-if even more Americans see his very punchable face- even more of them might be turned off to the party.

The bigger mistake may turn out to be- choosing this democrat leader from Minnesota, instead.

His name is Ken Martin- and even politico says-

He’s hard to take.

Apparently, this Okay-

But- Martin also spent the weekend talking about fighting Trump and republicans on all the leftist crap that led to their 2024 loss.

He says the party’s going to fight Trump on DEI, immigration, taxes, etc.

Okay-well then-their party is going to continue to lose. If anything, this clown seems even -less likely- to wise up and restore the party to some sort of common-sense platform than Wickler would have. And if you care to read the politico piece-it details how and why a lot of people within the party already hate him.

But you can do your own ‘deep dive’.

What’s most important to me is- given this weekend’s DNC events and the tone and rhetoric used in the speeches- these dems are still in a rather deep denial.

Last week-during a forum- every one of these potential DNC leaders said they believed racism and misogyny played a role in Kamala Harris’ defeat...any every one of them spoke- in every answer- using the elitist catchphrases of today’s left.

The catchphrases that make them sound like faculty lounge dopes of the sort of most Americans hate.

Completely out of touch with the real world yet pretending to have all the answers.

The ‘pretention scale’ was off the charts this weekend as these folks gathered to vote. Half of them talked like they’d gotten a PHD in prison.

Remember that great Damon Wayans character on ‘in living color’ who would misuse all sorts of big words to prove he was smart?

And the...compatibility of the peramatorious nature of the moment...dictates...

That’s what every speech sounded like this weekend. 

Donald trump won more of the Black, Hispanic, and Asian vote than any republican has in the modern era....and he did so by running a color-blind campaign in which he said he wants everyone to prosper.

And he won a second term-after a first term in which nearly every person-from every walk of life- every color, every social class, every gender identity-

Everyone-saw their paychecks go up as their taxes went down due to the first truly booming economy since the late-Reagan/early Clinton era...

So- if anything- trump’s color-blindness has only been positive for the country-

But- if you want to keep having your screechy meetings under your increasingly small tent- feel free.

If you want a bunch of elitist Karen and David Hoggs telling you why you are oppressed in some way- feel free to stick with that party.

But these democrats are kidding themselves -as they insist -nothing changed on November 8th.

Also- Byron York noted: the topics that just ‘never came up’ at these DNC meetings were inflation, the border, and crime.

The topics that did were ‘intersectionality’, racism, misogyny, climate change...etc.

It’s ‘no wonder’ that most Americans say the democrat party doesn’t care about their core values...and instead....only seem to focus on those that motivate their activist base- like transbullying and abortion.

That’s not just ‘voter perception’, that’s reality.

The democrat party-is lost.

considers it a positive that he’s a knife fighter. He likes to go dirty when he feels he needs to.... like Harry Reid.


But- martin also spent the weekend talking about fighting trump and republicans on all the leftist crap that led to their 2024 loss.

He says the party’s going to fight Trump on DEI, immigration, taxes, etc.

Okay-well then-their party is going to continue to lose. If anything, this clown seems even -less likely- to wise up and restore the party to some sort of common-sense platform than Wickler would have. And if you care to read the politico piece-it details how and why a lot of people within the party already hate him.

But you can do your own ‘deep dive’.

What’s most important to me is- given this weekend’s DNC events and the tone and rhetoric used in the speeches- these dems are still in a rather deep denial.

Last week-during a forum- every one of these potential DNC leaders said they believed racism and misogyny played a role in Kamala Harris’ defeat...any every one of them spoke- in every answer- using the elitist catchphrases of today’s left.

The catchphrases that make them sound like faculty lounge dopes of the sort of most Americans hate.

Completely out of touch with the real world yet pretending to have all the answers.

The ‘pretention scale’ was off the charts this weekend as these folks gathered to vote. Half of them talked like they’d gotten a PHD in prison.

Remember that great Damon Wayans character on ‘in living color’ who would misuse all sorts of big words to prove he was smart?

And the...compatibility of the peramatorious nature of the moment...dictates...

That’s what every speech sounded like this weekend. 

Donald trump won more of the Black, Hispanic, and Asian vote than any republican has in the modern era....and he did so by running a color-blind campaign in which he said he wants everyone to prosper.

And he won a second term-after a first term in which nearly every person-from every walk of life- every color, every social class, every gender identity-

Everyone-saw their paychecks go up as their taxes went down due to the first truly booming economy since the late-Reagan/early Clinton era...

So- if anything- trump’s color-blindness has only been positive for the country-

But- if you want to keep having your screechy meetings under your increasingly small tent- feel free.

If you want a bunch of elitist Karen and David Hoggs telling you why you are oppressed in some way- feel free to stick with that party.

But these democrats are kidding themselves -as they insist -nothing changed on November 8th.

Also- Byron York noted: the topics that just ‘never came up’ at these DNC meetings were inflation, the border, and crime.

The topics that did were ‘intersectionality’, racism, misogyny, climate change...etc.

It’s ‘no wonder’ that most Americans say the democrat party doesn’t care about their core values...and instead....only seem to focus on those that motivate their activist base- like transbullying and abortion.

That’s not just ‘voter perception’, that’s reality.

The democrat party-is lost.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Ben Wickler's huge loss as DNC chair shows just how far the Dems are lost

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