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FAA's diversity hiring was a concern well before this week's crash in DC

My friends- we won’t know what caused that in-flight collision in Washington DC for some time, yet...

And when we do get more answers, it may well be that it had nothing to do with DEI or the ‘quality’ of the pilots controlling the two aircraft- or the ‘quality’ of the air traffic controllers.

We’ll see.

But the problems that President Trump highlighted yesterday related to how the hiring practices and preferences have been handled at the FAA since the Obama era- are real.

This isn’t an issue that is just popping up, as it turns out. This has been percolating behind the scenes for some time-and has gotten closer scrutiny since the number of ‘near misses’ really started to escalate during the Biden era.

Folks, the leftists in the Obama and Biden era really did put race/gender/DEI ahead of competence when it came to hiring employees and air-traffic controllers, and that truth is going to come out.

This is going to be yet another case in which...quote...trump is right...but the country only comes to that realization after weeks or months of leftist media members and democrat excuse-makers trying to smear -him-as the problem.

This crash occurred around 8pm -our time- Wednesday night. Conservative websites were cataloging instances of liberals on CNN and MSNBC blaming President Trump, and Sean Duffy, and trump’s hiring freeze, etc....for the accident as little as an hour later.

This happened at 9pm 10 pm eastern on Wednesday, there were already a handful of leftists on CNN, MSNBC, and from the NY Times and Politico wanting to blame Trump for this.

And so, we saw yet another moment of media hypocrisy play out yesterday, when reporters from those very same news outlets were rushing to smear trump for ‘politicizing’ the crash during yesterday’s news conference.

By the time he held that press event, about 18 hours had passed, and the left had been trying to blame him for it for at least 17 of those hours.

And if you missed it-

President trump and Sean Duffy and his team popped up in the white house briefing room and gave a 33-minute news conference-

And just as an aside: the white house and dc press corps were all atwitter over this: Joe Biden -never-walked down to the briefing room to speak to them directly -and he never held news conferences.

In most presidencies, presidents will decide that ‘he’s doing the briefing in person, today’.... but those moments are rare, and normally only related to a national tragedy.

And so, apparently, the dc press corps was wetting their pants over the fact that we have a ‘real’ president again, and the 49 chairs in the press room filled up fast...and it was standing room only around the edges, with people smashed into the briefing room. 

Trump started with a moment’s silence for the victims of the crash...and talked about what we ‘knew’. At one point he theorized about what might have happened, based on ‘common sense’ and the fact that he’s spent his entire adult lifetime flying in both planes and helicopters -daily- including in and out of Washington DC.

He does happen to know a lot about this topic.

And yes, during part of the briefing he railed against the DEI hiring practices for air traffic controllers that started under the Obama era....

That he says he tried to correct during his era...and then were  reinforced with a vengeance when Biden got into office. And here’s the thing: there -is- a paper trail on all of this and-

And- even if it hasn’t been something that we, as average Americans have heard much about, it has been a big issue within the FAA and the aviation community-

To the point that there’s a pending lawsuit related to ‘Biden’s DEI’ at the FAA-that I will get to in a moment here.

But- one reason that President Trump was so ‘hot’ about this yesterday is that, basically, ‘we haven’t been putting our best and our brightest in charge of this system that is responsible for over 45-thousand flights a day and over tens of thousands of lives.’

Yeah. We’ve known this.

Trump had the Obama and bidden hiring guidelines with him....and at one point during the Obama era...over 1000 qualified candidates had been turned away-  

Rejected as air traffic controller ‘hires’ because they didn’t check one of the diversity boxes, which Trump read to reporters:

And among the things Trump did-was absolutely slam Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden’s completely useless transportation secretary.

We already knew that, but....

Many of us didn’t know that both Obama and Biden threw thousands of applications away...of very qualified, trained, air traffic controllers.... because they didn’t check the DEI box.

It happened.

It’s documented. And the truth is going to come out very quickly here.

The Washington Times is one of the rare media outlets who had been reporting on this, and following it, and so their editors did an immediate ‘flash back’ yesterday....

FAA’s diversity hiring practices were under scrutiny long before the air disaster in Washington

So, the DC court judge has already reviewed the facts of the lawsuit and determined that the plaintiffs in this lawsuit have a legitimate or plausible claim: yeah, it looks like they were discriminated against-

But the final decision hasn’t been handed down yet.

When it is, it’ll be a chance to send yet another message about how harmful DEI and ‘special status’ hiring is in this country- especially when other people’s lives literally depend on it.

So again-we don’t know if some numb skill DEI hire had anything to do-with Wednesday’s plane crash. But what we do know is that- yes- that airport flight control deck was understaffed for that time of night-

That has already been verified by FAA investigators-

And so, we already know for a fact it was understaffed. And we know that we have had-as a country- a real and growing issue with ‘near misses’ at our major airports- including Reagan international- over the last few years of the Biden administration, in particular.

Again- all of this will come out. I’m not reporting anything that wasn’t immediately put out yesterday by the Washington Times and other news outlets who have been covering this ‘air traffic controller’s issue for years.

There’s also this from Adam Laxalt, who is one of the attorneys in this lawsuit against the FAA. He has a piece for the wash times today in which he states:

DEI has jeopardized air safety

That is damning stuff, considering Wednesday’s crash.  

There hasn’t been a fatal collision involving a commercial aircraft in America for nearly sixteen years. That’s an impressive record of safety-

And we do-

We do have the safest and most impressive commercial airspace in the world. 

Imagine: we haven’t seen a disaster like this involving a commercial airliner in sixteen years- even though there are more than sixteen million flights in the u-s every year- and over 800-million passengers flying every year.

We have an incredibly safe air travel system.

Still. When the number of ‘near misses started to increase so dramatically that everyone within the industry noticed-

Remember- we in the public may never hear about them -but every one of those near-misses and ‘close scares’ is recorded and reviewed-

And so- when everyone within the airline industry knows that the number of close calls has been ticking up- with 2023 and 24 being particularly bad and concerning years-

It’s an issue that needs to be addressed.

And to Donald Trump’s point yesterday: what did Pete Buttajedge do about it?  Did we ever hear him mention this, even once? I all the time that he was Joe Biden’s transportation secretary all the time.


Because the truth is Buttajedge spent nearly all four years ignoring the job. Taking paternity leave. Plotting a run for president. Doing fundraisers....and bleeping around.

That’s the simple truth of Pete Buttajedge’s tenure-and that is another thing that ‘everyone in dc knows’.

I’ll occasionally talk about how the other insiders ‘really feel about’ or ‘really view’ one of our leaders- for example-  everyone in dc knows John Kerry was a bloviating bore and a pretender. They’d duck down a different hallway to avoid him.

Everyone knew Biden was a corrupt boob, even if he was an affable guy -outwardly.

Everyone in dc knows Pete Buttajedge is a useless waste of skin....and a political climber. That’s all he’s interested in.

And so, no, he didn’t take these issues seriously, and yes, he should be slammed for it.

photo credit: Getty Images

story credit: The Washington Times

audio version of the segment here > FAA's diversity hiring was a concern well before this week's crash in DC

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