Jay Weber Show transcript 1-31-25
I got a kick out of this: a smattering of articles, including one from Politico that i have in my hand here, talking about how the democrats are flummoxed, bewildered, splintered…. On how to respond to Trump on illegal immigration.
How about…following the will of the American people?
Seriously, folks: 80 percent of Americans want our borders closed and controlled. 75 percent of Americans want illegals who commit crimes arrested and deported. 63 percent of Americans want -quote- ‘all illegals’ deported.
I’m not saying democrats need to help coordinate an orgy of workplace raids and deportations…but how about…getting on board with Trump and the republicans and being on the correct side of the issue.
How about…getting on board with Trump and the republicans and being on the correct side of the issue.
Because these-aren’t- split sentiments, people. In every poll I’ve seen over the last two years, at least-
At least ¾ of Americans and half of all democrats say: close the border and deport.
There can be-no question- as to where the American people stand on this.
More than 8 in 10 Americans are now saying- any police force? Even local police? Should they be rounding up illegals and holding them for deportation?
And so, if that’s where the American people stand: why are the leaders of the democrat party having such a ‘crisis of confidence’ over this?
‘Democrats struggle to find their position on immigration’.
Because it shouldn’t be a difficult decision.
But see-
It would require them to abandon their long-time activist groups. Groups that have helped them organize every election, gather donations, knock on doors, get out the vote…etc.
This is where the ‘emotional struggle’ is coming in, clearly. These stories would be more accurate if they addressed this part of the equation-but they don’t.
The real question is: are democrats finally ready to break ties with- or at least ‘greatly disappoint and disrupt’ - the relationships they’ve had with these ‘pro-illegal’, anti-America activist groups.
And they are anti-America. Don’t kid yourselves.
But ever since the George Bush era, they’ve become powerful allies, organizers, and agitators for the democrat party.
The problem is-in return for their contributions and loyalty- they have increasingly demanded that America’s democrats take what are decidedly anti-American and extreme positions-
Such as: we need open borders.
Such as: even illegal aliens who have been caught preying on Americans, robbing, scamming, stealing from, raping and killing women and children, cannot be sent back home. They need to either be dumped right back out onto the street if it’s a minor crime- or need to serve their prison sentence here- with taxpayers paying all of the bills- and then be dumped right back onto the street-here in America- after their prison sentence is done.
Because- according to these activist groups, the world shouldn’t have borders, and America should be a global toilet– if that’s what ‘open borders’ means for this country.
Hey, if you’ve got something special here in America that you want to protect- why can’t everyone has it? Every country should look like El Salvador or Syria…if it can’t look like America. America shouldn’t be allowed to prosper when other countries aren’t.
All that way of thinking does, folks, end up destroying the country. And hey, if you’re a member of these socialistic, America-hating, pro-illegal groups, you’re just fine with that.
Pelosi, Obama, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer-and the rest of the leaders of this party -back in the late 2000s- never should have gotten fully in bed with these activist groups.
Because -that! - is how they have ended up where they are: on the wrong side of virtually every issue-not just border and immigration issues.
And so, what’s to consider, really, when it comes to ‘where should the democrats go from here?’.
If they ever want to win the voters back when it comes to this issue- they’re going to need to break ties with these activist groups- or at least- break ranks with them-and say: we will help you push for more ‘legal’ immigration-but we will not promote border chaos and lawlessness. No.
The answer is: democrats and their activist groups need to do some deep reflection and realize their ‘mission’ started, two decades ago, with the hope of increasing-legal-immigration.
How it ended up at ‘open borders chaos’ and ‘foreign criminals get to poison this country as they get a complete pass’....is a travesty.
So- where should dems go from here?
Pivot away from the travesty.
How hard is it to align yourself with the ‘right side’ of the issue?
Does ‘being a democrat’ mean that you have to-by God- disagree with republicans on every single bleeping. Issue?
Does it mean that you and your party- won’t ever? Cooperate? With republicans to solve an issue that ¾ of the American people want solved?
I keep reminding listeners that we ‘used to have’ a more reasonable democrat party in this country. Pre-Clinton- the democrats and republicans generally agreed that America should be safe and prosperous with a strong military and low taxes and free from heavy govt intrusions…etc.
And they’d argue over the best ways to accomplish those things.
Today’s democrat party is a bunch of pseudo-socialist- or flat out socialist- America haters who want to turn this country into something entirely different than what it is.
Today’s democrat party wants to erase the constitution and kill off its protections and put a massive, totalitarian government in charge of us and every aspect of our lives.
And so, step one in this ‘journey of self-reflection’ that today’s top democrats need to be doing- is figuring out what your party really stands for- and whether or not you are a group of people who is interested in ‘representing’ the interests of the American people, anymore? Or whether your interest is in just ‘lording over’ the people and forcing them into obeying you.
That’d be ‘step one’ in this ‘journey of discovery’ today’s democrat leaders are on.
This question that currently has them stymied: how do we respond to trump on immigration?
How about helping?
How about doing what ¾ of the American people say they want done?
photo credit: Getty Images
audio version of the segment here > Democrats open border policies coming back to haunt them