The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Biden cements his legacy as the most corrupt President in history

So, as ‘former’ President Biden (how great is it to say that?)

-as ‘former’ President Biden was pulling his last slimy, corrupt act as president-

Literally 15 minutes before the swearing in ceremony- moving to pardon members of his family who hadn’t even been identified as ‘criminal Biden’s’ part of the influence peddling scandal-

And as Biden was proving that he-is-the most dishonest, disloyal, rancid actor in all of Washington DC-

And as Biden was proving that he-and his party- are ‘all the terrible things’ that they accuse trump of being-

I was thinking of the other democrats who Biden also makes look like lying, hypocritical asses as he uses a swamp of pardons to inoculate his family. People like Chuck Schumer and Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff- who are on tape back in the trump era- insisting that any ‘pardon’ presumes guilt....and how ‘if Donald Trump uses such pardons as he leaves’ will be an incredible and unprecedented and ugly abuse of power.

Here's Chuck Schumer on the floor of the senate in 2020- and if he didn’t mention ‘Rudy Giuliani’- you’d think this was yesterday, and he was talking about how own party’s president-Joe Biden.

There’s audio like that from 2020 on all sorts of democrats-including from Adam Kinzinger and Jamie Raskin- two members of the Jan sixth committee who Biden just gave pardons!

In 2020, they were insisting to anyone who would listen that accepting a trump pardon proved guilt.

Now they are ‘proven’ to be the guilty ones, based on their own standard. 

We played this audio yesterday of Biden, himself, insisting that this was an abuse of presidential power, and he wouldn’t do it.

Never has this country seen a more dishonest, deceptive, manipulative duplicitous, corrupt president, vice president, and US senator. Biden now leads all categories.

Hell, in pardoning his family members, Joe Biden basically identified ‘other Bidens’ who haven’t even been linked to the Biden family crime syndicate yet.

We know Hunter and Jim and Jim’s wife...and one granddaughter...had had bribe money shifted into their accounts after it had been laundered...but.... Joe basically named all of his siblings and their spouses as co-conspirators simply by deciding they needed a pardon for any ‘activities’ they engaged in... dating back to 2014.

To me: Biden ‘named’ the people who were part of the decades-long Biden family corruption scheme- with these pardons – on his way out the door.

He didn’t break the law with these pardons.... but he did break the public trust...and he did, no doubt, ‘break’ the presidential pardon system. 

Every president from now on- especially trump, given how relentlessly he’s been targeted-

I fully expect that every president from now on will go thru this act of pardoning all their family members and every friend and ally that was the least-bit controversial during their term.

And not just for ‘possible past crimes.

At some point (it’ll probably be the next democrat president)- I’d expect that life-long blanket pardons stretching into the future will be granted. It is -that sort- of outrageous pardon that Biden and Merrick Garland tried to engineer for hunter to get past his court cases, remember?

The judge rejected the plea agreement, in part, because it put a protective dome over Hunter Biden for ‘any and all’ future crimes, as well.

I’d expect that even pardons of that outrageous sort could eventually grow out of this ‘new standard’ that joe Biden has just given us for presidential pardons.

And no, i wouldn’t blame president trump, at all, for pardoning all his friends and associates as he leaves- to ensure they can’t be hounded and prosecuted.

We just saw an outrageous ‘new norm’ put into place here. One so outrageous that-if this is going to become the standard- we could literally have presidents recruit people into the admin to commit crimes on that president or party’s behalf-guaranteeing a lifetime blanket pardon on them when that president left office.

So, no, Biden didn’t break any laws here, but his timing and use of these pardons’ reeks of corruption.  

He is moving to protect two categories of people: political allies who carried out the dems political hit jobs and dirty work for Biden and the party...

And... criminal family members and associates.

These are the actions of a brutal dictator in a banana republic, not a western democracy.

Until now.

And in the scummiest, most ‘Biden’ sort of twist of all: Biden pretended as if he was only issuing these outrageous pardons because of ‘Trump’.

Yep. Even this was ‘Trump’s fault’.

Biden literally blames he perfectly describes the ‘lawfare’ that he launched against trump.

Isn’t that something?

What sort of special place in hell...has been reserved for Joe Biden?


He talks about how politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on lives, safety and financial security and ruin lives.

And he should know, because he ordered all those things done to trump over the last 4 years...and his party’s been engaging in them for more than 8.

These family pardons followed a first batch that pardoned every member of the rancid Jan sixth committee-whose members have since been discovered to have hidden and destroyed evidence related to their dishonest investigation-

And at least one of them: Liz Cheney -has been discovered to have tampered with witnesses.

These are the people who Joe Biden is protecting as ‘faithful servants to the country’.

General Milley literally engaged in treason during the first trump term- going behind the president’s back to communicate with the military leaders of other foreign countries.

Milley admitted it. It’s not like its conjecture, or accusation, or a secret: not only was Milley dumb enough to do it...he was dumb enough to boast about it to boost his lefty/ dc insider credentials.

The net result is Joe Biden has just bastardized the notion of clemency ‘forever more’...and he’s weaponized it to be used in political warfare.

He was.

As in, go ahead and do it. Break the law so we can ‘get this political win’.... And I’ll guarantee you a pardon when I leave office.

Biden has just put that on the table as a ‘standard operating procedure’ for future presidential administrations if they choose to use it.

The damage that joe Biden has done-in the waning moments of his presidency- genuinely ‘cannot be calculated’.

So, its’ good to hear Rand Paul and James Comer and these investigating congressmen vowing that they are -still-going to get to the bottom of Dr Fauci’s culpability and dishonesty related to the development of coronavirus...and possibly even profiting off of the vaccines...

And Comer saying he’s more motivated than ever to get the Bidens in front of congress to detail their family corruption-now that they cannot plead the fifth...etc.

But- in his final days in office- Joe Biden proved that he was everything. We conservatives said he was. 

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Biden cements his legacy as the most corrupt President in history

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