Jay Weber Show transcript 10/30/24
I love how unhinged some of these democrat talking heads have become in the waning days of this campaign.
Do you know that Michigan Rep Debbie Dingell told Jake Tapper on CNN- thatif trump wins-he’s going to put people into internment camps.
How do these rumors even get started?
But here’s Debbie dingbat:
Rep. Dingell tells Jake Tapper he might 'have to visit' her in an internment camp if Trump wins
Now-if any republican had said Kamala Harris was talking about internment camps- Jake would have hopped all over that person and insisted: no, that’s wrong. She’s never said that. Let’s be factual, here.
But- when the claim is against trump, you notice how he doesn’t immediately call it false and foolish...and instead...only...kind of...pushes back on it.
They even ‘leave it’ with Dingell saying- i don’t remember the exact source but- i heard that....
Now, come on.
Would tapper and CNN allow-any? - republican to spout that crap without labeling it a falsehood?
Donald Trump has-not-talked about putting people in internment camps...and if you believe that...you really are a gullible person.
Next, we’ve got Whoopie Goldberg inventing a new whopper of a smear on the view. Did you know that -if Donald Trump wins- he’s going to break up mixed-race couples and assign a new white spouse to the white guy with the mixed-race wife?
Yeah. She said it-so it’s got to be true.
Whoopi Claims Trump Is Going To Break Up Interracial Marriages and Redistribute the White Spouses
So- be warned, minority women. If you think you are safe in this country because you are married to a white guy- think again-
If trump wins- republicans are going to yank you away from your white husband and deport you-and then assign him a white wife.
Where would Whoopie have-possibly? - heard that load of crap?
These delusions are a symptom of Trump Derangement Ebola entering into its final stages, folks. The virus has eaten away the brain pans of some of these left-wing talking heads, and they are inventing all sorts of extreme nonsense in a desperate attempt to win.
This is ‘handmaid’s tale’ sort of stuff, folks. To the point that-i predict-before Monday- someone on the left says that -if trump wins- babies will be snatched away from their mothers at the hospital and given to barren, childless, white conservative couples so that Trump and his evil white supremacists can boost their race and exterminate the black and brown ones.
You know it’s coming.
Let’s go full ‘handmaid’s tale’.
Who floats it? Alyssa Milano? Whoopie? Joy Reid?
It’ll be Joy Reid, won’t it.
Someone will have to check-because she’s probably already said it.It’s just that no one watches her show...so.... she spouts all sorts of loony racism and nonsense that no one ever hears.
I’m going to assume joy has already said this-or something close to it-but if she hasn’t yet- there’s a good chance she floats it by Friday.
Folks-none of this malarkey is going to move the needle.
We still have a week to go before election day, and we’ve got more and more left-leaning pundits and pollsters talking as if trump has already won.
Pollster Frank Luntz worked for fox, yes, but he’s not a trump supporter. And he said on CNN about a day ago: kamala lost this race the minute she pivoted to the ‘Trump is Hitler’ stuff.
I disagree with that. I’ve been tracking-on this show- a very slow- five week slide in Kamala Harris’ numbers and in her campaign. We did not just ‘arrive here’ within the last week or two-which is when Kammy pivoted to only abortion and trump bashing.
Luntz is wrong about when this Harris campaign started going south. But he’s right about how- this is a foolish closing argument-because it focuses all talk on trump- and not kamala or any vision she has for the country.
Yep. She should be talking about the economy. Yep, she should be talking about the border. Yep, she should be talking about crime.
But she and Joe are the ones who bleeped all of those up. So, she can’t. So, we get the Nazi stuff.
photo credit: Getty Images
audio version of the segment here > Unhinged