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Kammy's "New Way Forward" is Biden's and a little bit of Trump's

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-11-24

Come on-

How can you-not? - love the fact that Kamala Harris’s ‘new way forward’ is actually just the Biden regime’s agenda....copied and pasted?

Did you see this revelation yesterday?

I didn’t really give it a second glance-when we were told that Kamala Harris’s campaign had finally put up her ‘policy agenda’ onto her campaign website.

This is more than six weeks after she entered the campaign....and started to change and flip flop and invent...a whole new set of pretend policies.

For six weeks, she’s been campaigning on nothing but false ‘joy’ and lies.

Well, finally, two days before the first debate, and as her poll numbers start to flag-

Finally-her campaign puts out a stated agenda-on paper. On that undecided voters can seek out and look at if they want to.

And so, big whoop.

I figured it was just going to be more of the same nonsense and talking points that we -have-been getting...and would be completely useless, anyway.

And it is-

But- a few reporters went to the website and checked...and discovered that’re! This is just the Biden policy page with a few changes to it-and with a few things stolen from Donald Trump included.


To me, this is more proof that:

A) Kamala Harris has no real strong beliefs or agenda of her own...

B) that she’s more than willing to be a pawn to the leftist machine that’s really running things just so long as they can get her the win...

C) that the people atop the leftist machine fully intend to just keep going with their current America-hating, constitution killing, agenda.... if they can manage to trick voters into keeping her in office.

This pathetic policy page confirms all three of those things, for me.

I was asking yesterday- rhetorically- what does it mean that Harris and her campaign refuse. Refuse to outline an agenda of their own or tell us how they’d do things differently than Biden?

America’s undecided voters have made it clear that they want to know more specifics out of kamala. Whether she’s just ‘more of the same’ or how she’d do things differently.

And yet-for six weeks and counting- Harris, Walz and their campaign have stubbornly refused to talk about the issues or explain how life in America under their leadership would be any better.

Why would that possibly be? If kamala really wants to be the next president? Why ignore and insult the voters this way?

We just got our answer-and got our suspicions confirmed: the Biden insiders and the cabal of people who are -really-running this country -and who Kamala Harris simply inherited as her ‘campaign’ god...intend to just keep doing what they are doing....if they can trick voters into giving them another four years.

They already know they have a playable and gullible figurehead in Kammy, so just sit back and do what we tell you to do, darlin’, and we’ll put you in the white house and make you an historical figure.

Who-doesn’t think? - that that conversation has gone on here? And is the essence of the Harris campaign?

Of course, it has. And it’s why we get b-s like this: 50 days after Joe Biden was forced campaign working for Kammy. Decide they need a fake agenda, after all, so they decide to just cut and paste Biden’s.... add a few ideas from trump that sound good...and call it the Harris/Walz ‘new way forward’.

Good grief.

It’s ironic that Joe Biden is notorious for plagiarism...and here’s kamala plagiarizing him.

She’s taking tired old phrases and trite little ideas that mean nothing-

Since there’s no real policy behind them-

And she’s selling them as ‘a new way forward’.

This isn’t even ‘savvy rebranding’, my friends.

I must marvel, again, at how little ‘actual effort’ today’s democrats and leftists are putting into trying to hide the truth or trick the voting public.

They know they need to trick a small sliver of dimwits who still don’t know ‘what they stand for’ or ‘who they are going to vote for’...

And assume.... these people are so dumb or so out of it-that they aren’t even going to know we are lying to them.

Feed them Joe Biden’s left-over oatmeal and tell them it’s kamala’s continental breakfast. They won’t know. They’re idiots.

And sadly, some of them are. Luckily-most Americans ‘aren’t’. 

The only new big economic policy idea that the Harris campaign has rolled out: price fixing-

Was so foolish and so trashed by experts on both sides of the aisle-that neither Kamala nor her campaign surrogates talk about it anymore.

Their one big thing- was ‘memory holed’ within about 48 hours-because it was so stupid.

These aren’t serious people with serious ideas. They are people with disastrous, socialist, America-killing ideas that they don’t dare ‘share with the public’...

Folks- Kamala Harris and her team have refused to articulate an economic plan for this country- over seven weeks-

As Donald Trump has been giving speeches that amount to a master class in how to bring the country back to the sort of prosperity, we saw in his first term: cut taxes, cut regulations, adopt an energy policy that leads to cheap energy, offer incentives for ‘made in America’. Lower crime and close the border.

These are the moves that quickly get us back to prosperity in this country after four disastrous years of radical and idiotic democrat policies.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version on the segment here > Kammy's "New Way Forward" is Biden's and a little bit of Trump

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