Jay Weber Show transcript 8-9-24
Wow- three days into the great ‘Tim Walz’ selection, and we’ve already learned that the Harris campaign is lying about ‘every part’ of Walz’s resume.
Even on the small stuff, like he wasn’t a head football coach. He was a line coach.
As in: he belongs to a radical leftist church that pretty much proves he’s a Marxist who hates traditional America.
I love this one, because it relates to his two decades of stolen valor: the Harris campaign has been saying that -when he was in congress- Tim Walz was chairman of the house veteran affairs committee.
At. No, he wasn’t.
Folks-that’s a super-easy one to check...which makes it a bad one to lie about.
Why would they even feel the need to lie? If he was a ‘member’ of the veteran affairs committee, fine. Does it really matter to voters if he was the ‘chair’?
No. Those positions and titles are only impressive, or ‘resume builders’, among dc insiders.
Hey, I was once the undersecretary of the senate panel on plastic sporks...when i was in congress.
Oh, really? That certainly adds gravitas, to you, sir.
I’m viewing you in an entirely different way: you headed that ‘sporks’ subcommittee, huh?
Yes....Nancy Pelosi -wanted- to put me on the full plastic silverware committee...but felt i didn’t know enough about spoons.... but...the house adopted my subcommittees report on sporks- in its entirety.
In fact, this is such a dumb boast that -it probably was-more of a staff error.
I don’t know if they ever tackled the issue of ‘sporks in combat’...or whether the u-s could ethically send ‘sporks’ to Ukraine if they were metal...
But...Tim Walz was on the committee. For nearly two years.
What a fake resume, this guy’s got.
And as i predicted on Tuesday- this far more serious issue of stolen valor has only gained steam over the last few days.
Yesterday- CNN decided to ‘fact check’ .and even though they ‘soft sold’ the truth. Their reporter admitted: Tim Walz is lying about seeing combat.
This is CNN’s tom foreman.
CNN: "Absolutely False" Walz Carried Weapons In A Fighting Situation, Was In Danger Of Being Shot At
Wow-he takes the ‘long way’ around there, doesn’t he?
We all know that you can play a support role during a war...yada yada...etc.etc....and... there’s the question of ‘taking fire’....blar… blar....but...
Yes, he’s lying.
Yes! He’s lying!
And we know that is JD Vance or some other republican was caught lying about seeing combat this would be a big, hairy deal and the same news outlets would be insisting this was ‘disqualifying’.
Because stolen valor and ‘bailing on your troops’ and ‘avoiding combat but then pretending you served’...have always been ‘a big deal’ to many vets, military members, and American voters.
Until it’s a democrat.
Folks-when Donald Trump ran in 2016- and the country was told that ‘bone spurs’ are what kept him out of Vietnam- or the excuse he used, at least- to avoid Vietnam... These same media outlets made a big hairy deal out of it.
But trump never pretended he had served. There was no ‘stolen valor’ issue when it came to Trump. At worst, he had a lame excuse for not going.
Tim Walz set himself up to claim ‘all the valor’ of a military career.... because serving in the national guard during peacetime is easy...
But then...in year 24...and with a two-year commitment that he’d agreed to still hanging over him-he abruptly retired when he was told-as a battalion commander: get your men ready for Iraq.
What? Combat? No one ever said anything about combat.
And he bailed.
And this-is-the story.
Fox news had one of Walz’ fellow unit commanders on the air yesterday. One of the men who has long accused Walz of bailing and then using lies to boost his political career.
The guy’s name is Paul Herr. He was a command Sgt major- when Walz was promoted to that rank to command a unit- and says-as the rest of us ‘unit commanders’ planned for war- he slipped out on us without saying a thing-to anyone.
I don’t care how the democrats and the left-wing apologists want to try to spin it-these are not the actions of an honorable man...or a ‘stand up’ guy.
And yet, we’ve got news outlets idiotically saying that ‘Tim Walz’ is bringing masculinity back. War hero, he wears a cammo hat and Carhat. What a man.
Good grief.
I think it’s been so long that anyone on the left has actually -seen- a man -that they’ve forgotten what one looks like.
When your entire universe is ‘pajama boys’ and ‘little Antifa a-holes’ who can only speak up in groups...I suppose you forget what ‘masculine’ looks like quickly.
They’ve got the lumberjack lesbians walking around with their chain wallets and their flannel, i suppose, but...
You know what i mean.
But-since this stolen valor story has swirled around Tim Walz before-you wonder how much vetting eric holder and his team really did?
Is there-any chance-that they didn’t know Walz has been lying about his military service for 20 years?
Or did they just assume they could wall-paper over it and it wouldn’t be an issue?
And this is only-one problem- with Tim Walz being on the ticket. Several have been detailed this week: he’s a radical leftist who was pro-BLM and let Minneapolis burn. He’s extreme on abortion, alphabet issues, he’s a trans-bully who wants to allow young kids to ‘make the call’ on lopping off their genitals.
He's been a terrible governor. Terrible budgeter. He blew thru a 20-billion-dollar budget surplus immediately- then raised taxes. He was a covid lockdown bully.
About the only thing missing her is: pedophilic sex scandal, no?
He’s being praised as an educator and a coach-so-is that next? Some football player comes forward and says, ‘Tim Walz touched me as a freshman?’
I have-never- in 35 years-seen a more awful presidential or vice-presidential candidate: top to bottom-awful- and with all of the documents and receipts to prove it, too.
This guy’s unbelievable.
Remember: he was the first ‘big decision’ Kammy needed to make for her campaign.
photo credit: Getty Images
audio version of the segment here > America is finding out Tim Walz is horrible and a fraud