The Jay Weber Show

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Sexual abuse victims rebuke Kammy claim of being tough.

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-6-24 7:40 am

The democrats and their gestapo-like ‘gatekeepers’ are doing the best job that they can to only boost Kamala Harris’ chances.

The leftists in the so-called news media are doing their level best to only allow ‘light’ and ‘good vibes’ to shine down on Kamala since she was deemed ‘the anointed one’ by a small handful of democrat party leaders-

Even though it was those very same people who have bashed her as a nitwit and a drain on the Biden ticket thru two elections now....

Suddenly, she’s the third coming of the messiah. Obama was the ‘second’.

But still- the truths about Kamala Harris and her ‘real’ record are managing to break thru.

Here’s a new one today-thanks to the Washington Times:

Catholic clergy abuse victims in California strenuously objected when Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris described herself as a top-notch prosecutor who went after sex offenders during her time as San Francisco’s district attorney.

Joey Piscitelli, 69, a clergy sex abuse victim and advocate for survivors of clergy sexual abuse, called Ms. Harris’ depiction of her record as being tough on sex offenders “bulls***.”

“She was handed a room full of cases and boxes of names of sex offenders, and all that in the church right there under her nose,” Mr. Piscitelli told The Washington Times.

In fact- Kamala Harris-as DA refused to release the criminal files that would have helped the victims make their cases against their abusers in-civil court-so they at least could have gotten some justice and some compensation.

And so-imagine-Kamala Harris cared so little about the abuse victims that she refused to charge any of the priests criminally -and also- refused to cooperate with the victims-in any way-as they went about trying to file civil lawsuits against their abusers.

That is the -truth- about Kamala Harris-tough prosecutor. She didn’t stand up for victims when they needed her.

That’s the truth-and this story says it’s cataloged by -liberal-San Francisco newspapers at the time.  The reporters who wrote the stories back in the early 2000s didn’t think they’d be protecting Kamala Harris from her own past- 20 years later- as part of a desperate presidential campaign to keep the leftists in power-

So, all of those stories are archived and available-as even the liberal editorials and liberal papers out there detailed how Kamala Harris was -zero help- to sexual abuse victims.

I wonder if those newspapers will go back and try to frantically scrub their archives, now. If ‘snap’ and other survivor groups are smart-they’ll gather as much of it as they can and archive it for themselves- before Frisco’s accomplices go back and erase it all- in yet another purge- to protect kamala.

She’s been the Dem’s coronated candidate for all of seventeen days-and already- we’ve seen news outlets go back and purge their archives on several topics-including the fact that kamala Harris was made border czar-and we all know it.

And- furious victims of sexual abuse that had their abusers get off scot-free because of Kamala Harris-aren’t the only people on the left side of the aisle who are angry with her.

Politico points to several ‘special interest’ groups and ‘single issue voters’ on the left who also have a beef with Kamala Harris being the nominee this year.

I was unaware of this first one: some pro-abortion groups and activists actually-do not like-Harris’s stated position on abortion, because it doesn’t go far enough for them.

Kammy’s stated position has been she wants a restoration of Roe v Wade. But as I’ve explained in the past- roe v wade didn’t allow for ‘no holds barred’ abortions right up to the point of birth and beyond.

We’ve talked about how kamala Harris and Tammy Baldwin and other democrats who talk about ‘restoring roe’ the next breath...detail what they ‘really want’.... which are no restrictions on abortion- right up to the moment of birth.

That is-not- compatible with roe.

And so- even as many pro-abortion groups leapt to endorse Kamala Harris- several others are refusing to do so- until she makes it clear: we need laws that go ‘beyond roe’ and allow for any infanticide- any time- by any expectant mother.

All sorts of pro-abortion activists won’t endorse Kamala Harris until or unless she steps forward and makes it clear that she is in favor of ‘no restrictions’ abortions right up to the point of birth

photo credit: Getty Images

story credit: The Washington Times

audio version of the segment here > Sexual abuse victims rebuke Kammy claim of being tough.

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