Jay Weber Show transcript 8-1-24 7:10am
Here’s another great example of how the ‘fix is in’ for Kamala Harris and the dems-and how the biggest task for Donald trump and republicans between now and November will be to ‘break thru’ the incredible wall of disinformation and distraction that Harris’s accomplices in the MSM are putting up.
Folks-yesterday- Donald trump proposed eliminating taxes on social security benefits for seniors.
This would be-huge.
It would also be the ‘right thing to do’. And if any other presidential candidate had proposed it-in any era- it would be the biggest headline and most talked-about story of the day.
Yesterday. Donald trump. Proposed ending the idiotic process of taxing social security benefits we send out to seniors-
And it is getting nearly zero coverage today. Meanwhile, our so-called ‘journalists’ in this country are spending all their time trying to erase everything about Kamala Harris’ past and turn her into the next Barrack Obama-
As in don’t worry about what she stands for or how her policies would affect her life: just see her as a messianic figure and vote for her.
It would be huge-and long overdue-if trump and a GOP congress could pass changes that end income taxes on social security.
And yes, ending taxes on tips would be a more complicated process that would have several reverberating effects on the economy- and so-it’s less likely to be realized by trump-
But ending income taxes on social security benefits would be quite doable-and very popular- and that’s why the left’s activists in the news media aren’t reporting on it.
The one or two stories I-did see- were written in a ‘scoffing manner’...as in ‘well, trump can’t do that on his own, anyway. He’d need congress’.
But they never take the same tone when Biden, Harris, or other dems float -truly- unworkable or impossible proposals.
For example- Biden and Harris both signed onto a plan to overhaul the supreme court with term limits and an enforceable code of ethics.
Neither one of those things are constitutional or doable-but -the news media dutifully reports them without skepticism. As if: this is a reasonable promise being made to voters.
I am really starting to wonder if trump and republicans even an honest chance of have winning in November-given how much the rules have changed when it comes to democrats trying to rig elections in favor of themselves in every. Possible. Manner- including taking over the news media. Taking over college campuses. Forcing new cheating and sloppy ballot schemes into place.
If Trump and the GOP actually ‘win big’ in fall, I’ll be shocked.
And by the way- a group of democrat house members introduced a bill earlier this year that would end federal taxation on social security benefits-
And so- in theory- this is even a ‘bipartisan idea’ that trump has floated. It will certainly be quite popular with seniors.
So-why was this campaign proposal completely overlooked, yesterday?
And for the record-I fully expect some republicans who whine about this idea and insist it ‘increases the deficit’...etc. Whatever. It’s a good idea if we are interested in ‘fairness’ and getting the most ‘bang for our buck’ when it comes to this social safety net we’ve created for seniors.
photo credit: Gregory Jon's X account
audio version of the segment here > Trump proposes ending taxing Social Security for seniors