Jay Weber Show transcript 6-26-24 7:10am
I loved this tweet out of the Biden White House yesterday.
Clearly, there’s some low-level turd in the white house press room who oversees the official twitter account of the Biden white house-
Because every few days, they will put out something ridiculous: some statement or another than has zero credibility behind it.
For example-two days ago- the ‘pretend president’ tweeted:
In America today, women have fewer rights than their mothers and their grandmothers had because of my predecessor’s administration.
That statement is so staggeringly stupid that it doesn’t even deserve a response. Women today do not have ‘fewer rights’ than their mothers or grandmothers-and it’s not even close. But this is the idiocy the Biden white house tweets out to the gullible, ‘low information’ voters who they need to trick into voting democrat.
Another recent idiotic post: we can secure our border and provide legal pathways to citizenship. We're America – we don't have to make a choice between the two.
But Biden is doing neither.
He’s the one who refuses to secure the border, and gee, we already have legal pathways to u-s citizenship-and they start with ‘come into the country the right way!’
You see how these tweets are pabulum. Mush. Soft, bland statements that really mean nothing if you are following along.
Well-here’s the one that tickled me yesterday-
It always tickles me when Biden or Kammy ‘try to be tough’. Yesterday, the post was:
Two years ago, when the Dobbs decision came down, republican elected officials bet that all of us would remain silent.
That the women of America would remain silent.
That Jill, Kamala, Doug, and I wouldn't act. Well, they were wrong then. And they're still wrong today.
I love how they pretend joe tweeted this. I love the false premise: that we, on the right, thought they’d be ‘silent’, when Roe was overturned.
Who thought that?
We knew that ‘quite the opposite’ would happen that abortion-loving democrats would moan and scream and pitch fits and use it again and again as political fodder in the ghoulish manner in which they do-
Step one of a ‘Biden gets tough’ act always seems to be-a false premise that allows him to act tough: republicans thought we’d be silent.
Shut up.
We-wish! -you could be silent.
Can any of you-shut up- for even one minute? Can any of you give the American people even one moment’s worth of peace as you shut your shrill, activist yappers for even one. Tiny. Moment?
‘They thought we’d be silent’...
And then comes the ‘brag/lie’ that isn’t any more legitimate than their false premise:
They thought that Jill, Kamala, Doug, and I wouldn't act. Well, they were wrong then. And they're still wrong today.
Folks...how have these heroic democrats in the white house ‘acted’? To protect baby murder over the last two years?
Seriously-how have they ‘acted’?
Aside from ordering the FDA to loosen restrictions on the abortion pill so that they can hand them out to women like chicklets-
What has the Biden admin done to ‘protect Roe’ or to ‘protect a woman’s right to kill her own child’?
What’s the ‘brag’ here?
How have the Bidens and the Harris’s ‘acted’ on behalf of the women of America?
The truth is that-they haven’t done much of anything in this regard-aside from whine and lie and spread fear.
But here’s what i really find great about the tweet: the truth is that Biden and his regime-cannot- cannot- do much when it comes to restoring ‘abortion on demand’ or expanding ‘no limit abortions’ across the country.
That was-in a way-the entire point of the Dobbs decision. The ruling that finally overturned an unconstitutional -legally indefensible-decision fifty years ago- by a prior court- put the abortion issue back into the hands of the voters in the states-and their lawmakers in the states-where it should be.
The entire point of Roe-and Dobbs-is that there is no constitutional right to an abortion-or to commit murder- if you are the mother of an unborn or unwanted child.
And the whole point of the constitution is to enumerate the -limited- limited- powers of the federal government and say that ‘anything not specifically addressed here, in this document or in the bill of rights, is a state issue.’
Young people-don’t let democrats confuse you and lie to you: abortion has not been banned. The Dobbs decision didn’t ‘take away a right’.
All it did is correct a bad decision that ‘invented’ a national right to an abortion and invented a premise that this could-and should-be decided by the federal branches of government.
It’s a state issue-that’s back with the states-and it’s driving the leftists nuts because they are really, really, committed to killing babies...and they really want to use this issue...and their lies surrounding it...to try to scare America’s voters.
Folks, the truth is: the Dobbs decision has been vindicated -completely- based on how this is working out in the states.
Letting the voters decide-in each state-where they and their communities want to draw the line on this issue-and how they feel about this issue- is precisely what-should be occurring-in a vibrant democracy. No?
And that’s what’s happening.
I know it’s messy and democrats-hate messy-because they want to be able to be the ones to call all the shots-
But- this-is-working as intended, at the state level.
The editors of the wall st journal point out today: the political frenzy that the Dobbs decision has touched off at the state level-is a good thing. Is ‘democracy in action’.
I thought the Biden regime and the democrats were ‘all about democracy’ and were the only ones who can defend it.....
Some states have moved to pass laws restricting abortions after a certain number of weeks. Other states have amended their state constitutions to add abortion protections into their constitutions.
There have been all sorts of activity as states and voters react to the Dobbs decision.
And it-was-the right decision.
Meanwhile, public opinion and ‘what the voters want’ in any given State has more importance than it has- in fifty years- on this issue.
In general- most Americans have come to believe that abortion should be generally legal during the first two or three months of pregnancy-but not beyond.
According to gallop – after the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy-even half of women say abortion should be banned or heavily restricted. But people’s ‘values’ and ‘views’ vary state-to-state, of course, which is the point: for five decades-after the terrible roe decision- politicians and the courts were free to ignore the opinions-and the wishes-of the American people who they are supposed to be serving-and honoring.
Now, for the first time in 50 years, politicians need to make their opinions known and need to be publicly accountable for how they cast their vote.
Biden and the dems are rushing to try to reimpose a single abortion law-onto the entire country-and one that is even more extreme than roe...but if the American people don’t want it...it’s going to be hard to ram it thru any split congress-and past any senate filibuster.
I don’t like that Lindsey Graham and some DC Republicans are talking about a national abortion ban-or national five- or 15-week restriction. Our side cannot argue for 50 years that roe was wrong and this is a decision for the states-only to pivot and insist it’s a national issue now that Dobbs has cleared the way for people-on the right-to try to bully the nation with a single national law.
But two years later- is the Dobbs decision a catastrophe?
Has it brought about all of the mayhem and back-alley abortions that the left-wing alarmists predicted it would?
Has it even ‘slowed down’ the rate at which women are killing their unborn and unwanted children?
Sadly- no.
But do the American people have a bigger stake-and a bigger say- in any of the decisions surrounding the issue-post Dobbs?
Heck yeah. And that’s a good thing.
photo credit: Getty Images
audio version of the segment here > Dobbs decision didn't lead to the mayhem the leftists warned about