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Justice Roberts needs to tell radical Congressmen to pound sand

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-30-24 7:10am

My friends-it is high time that Chief Justice John Roberts and/or most of our Supreme Court Justices start blasting back at these activist groups and democrat lawmakers who are relentlessly smearing them-

And tell them: shut up and stay in your own lane.

Regular listeners to the program will know that i have- no respect-for John Roberts, the chief justice. He’s been a wilting flower and a misguided fool since he was confirmed to the court and to this chief justice position.

And among his numerous failings- we need to add- as chief justice, he never stands up for the integrity of the court or its members.

And as chief justice-he should be.

We’ve talked about how the smear campaigns against the justices on this court have hit new heights: they are mostly against the conservative justices-because it’s left-wing activist groups and game-playing democrat leaders who are doing it-

But those same slimy actors have also been attacking liberal justice Sonia Sotomayor. Not as viciously. But they’d like to see her off the court so that Joe Biden can appoint a younger liberal and shore up their grip on her seat-

And so- not even the liberal justices have been immune from these highly partisan political attacks on this court and its members.

The latest has been the activists at the NY Times-almost singlehandedly- trying to convince the American people justice Sam Alito is corrupt and needs to recuse himself from any cases having to do with January sixth or Donald Trump.

These are idiotic claims. They are based on fraudulent reporting -by the NY Times- related to a few flags Alito’s wife has flown over their homes...including an upside-down flag following January sixth.... which is a symbol for the ‘stop the steal’ movement and the insurrectionists...

Except it’s not.

The NY Times completely made that up. Flying the flag upside down as ‘code’ for ‘an insurrectionist lives here’ was never ‘a thing’. It’s a complete fabrication...

And it is on this lie that the times and the left-wing activists feeding it this nonsense have been insisting Sam Alito recuse himself from any cases related to trump or January sixth.

Several top democrat leaders-like dick Durbin and Jamie Raskin-have joined them in this ludicrous endeavor.

Well, yesterday, after about a week of this roiling nonsense, Sam Alito made it clear: I am not recusing myself from Jan sixth cases- over this nonsense.

This comes after Durbin and other game-playing congressmen insisted that Alito needed to appear before them to talk about this.

Now- people-

If you’ve forgotten your civics lessons- we have three co-equal branches of government in the United States- 

And co-equal means that a serious and sober supreme court justice like Sam Alito doesn’t need to honor the demands of elected officials who are a) in an entirely different branch of government and b) have far less power and importance than Alito, as a supreme court justice has.

And so- Alito’s response to the demand that he appears in front of Durbin’s panel in congress is-appropriately- ‘pound sand’.

Alito doesn’t have to do-diddly- because two political hacks in congress say he does.

The greatness of the supreme court is in ‘how’ our founders set it up: to be a group of people who can be free of all of the political squabbling and simply decide what is right....and what is best for the country...based on the constitution and the founding documents that were left for them- by the founders-and- based on the laws that duly elected congresses and presidents have passed since.

That is the Supreme Court’s job. And they need to be ‘above it all politically’ to do it well.

And yet, every effort by today’s rabid left has been to destroy and degrade the court’s mission...and court’s power and they do that mission.

That’s why it is high time for john Roberts and/or the rest of these justices to publicly blast back-and put Durbin and Whitehouse and AOC-and everyone else- in their place here.

It’s high time that Roberts and company remind the country ‘how this works’....and why congress does not have the authority to force a code of ethics- or anything else-onto them.

And this-is- all politics, of course, for Durbin and Whitehouse and the dem activists. They don’t really think that the justices are going to comply with any of their demands-

They are simply making them to play politics and try to set the predicate that this court is corrupt and needs to be reformed. Thru politics.

But it’s a serious game these dirty democrats are playing at-

And the court members should be making that clear to the public. Instead, Roberts and these justices have largely allowed the smears and fake controversies to go unchecked.

I tell ya-that’s a mistake. Even if the smears are as silly as these most recent ones- over flags being flown.

They still need to be taken seriously by the court members and John Roberts-because the leftists are going for going for a ‘cumulative’ effect here.

They are hoping that the cumulative weight of all these smears-over time- creates the impression among the public that this is an illegitimate and corrupt court that needs to be reformed.

Reformed how?

By having democrats cram six or eight new liberal members onto it...and steal away ideological control...which is really what all of this is about.

And so-the small smears are part of this intentional, never ending, slowing corrosive, plan these left-wing activist groups and todays’ democrats like Durbin and Whitehouse have going.

It's no mistake that these smears keep targeting Sam Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Brett Kavanaugh, in particular. Not only are they the most consistently conservative and originalist thinkers on the court...but Alito and Thomas are both the most senior, and weighty, and impressive. They-got to go-before any leftist takeover of this court is complete.  Right?

So, the smears are relentlessly targeted toward them. 

This is a sinister plot that today’s rancid, America-hating democrats are willing to have play out-over years-if they need to: prepping for that moment that might come up that gives them the chance to pack this court with liberals- on the excuse that- these court members have proven themselves to be corrupt.

Meanwhile-chief Justice Roberts sits inert.

In fact, Durbin and Whitehouse even ‘called out’ Roberts with their latest demands-and Roberts has still been too cowardly -or too disinterested-to react.

There is no ethics crisis on this court-and Roberts should fire back and say that-and tell them: stay in your lane and stop your cheap political smears. Roberts should make it clear: demanding justices recuse themselves from cases is a violation of the separation of powers and something that congressmen understood for nearly 250 years. So- shut up and go away.

Instead: nothing.

And Durbin and Whitehouse know this. They’re just playing games-so call them on it.

People like AOC and Ilhan Omar probably don’t know it-because they’re idiots- and so- fire back and school them on it.

Instead-chief Justice Roberts does nothing. What a useless waste such a historical and important position.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of segment here > Justice Roberts needs to tell radical Congressmen to pound sand

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