Jay Weber Show transcript 5-28-24 7:10am
So-this weekend’s Libertarian party convention was a great illustration of why i cannot-and never have been able to- take libertarians seriously.
They like to pretend that they are sober, serious people who are smarter or more independent minded than the rest of us-
But mostly-they’re a joke.
What a great illustration this was: the so-called ‘party leaders’ invited Trump, Biden, and RFK junior to speak to their convention-Trump and Kennedy took them up on the offer. Accepted the invite.
Only to have the attendees to the convention boo and jeer and act like a-holes as the two men spoke.
What is that?
Why even extend the invitation-if the libertarian party members who attend the convention aren’t interested in hearing what they have to say?
And-let’s start by imagining what sort of ‘lost and arrogant’ people would go out of their way to attend- travel to, get hotel rooms- stay for days
What sort of person would go out of their way to attend this convention.
These are ‘deep in the weeds’ of the libertarian dogma and nonsense-
But mostly-they’re probably just people who are ‘deep into weed’...
Because, more and more over the years, the libertarian party has become populated mostly by people who just want to legalize drugs. All sorts of drugs.
Why do they want to legalize drugs?
Because they -do drugs-
Are you with me, here?
Half of the speakers who appeared on the dais on Saturday-were baked. Clearly.
You could see it in their eyes and hear it in their stumbling, stammering deliveries.
One of the guys who was offering himself up as a presidential candidate for the party was Michael Rectenwald, who admitted to reporters that he had taken an edible before his speech-and was baked on stage.
And to be clear: this isn’t a scandal. Heavy pot usage at libertarian convention has just become a standard over the years-and so-
I just mention this as the type of people who are ‘into’ the libertarian party enough that they are traveling to its convention...or attending its events.
That convention hall was filled with ‘largely’ dopes. Let’s be clear about that.
But their leaders are at least ‘acting’ like a serious political party, in organizing the convention and asking Biden, Trump, and Kennedy to speak.
Biden and his team are cowards. They decline. Trump and Kennedy accepted-and then were treated like they were the a-holes for showing up. Very few people in the crowd wanted to hear what they had to say-and booed both men thru their entire speech.
There was a smattering of applause here and there-but the ‘disconnect’ for me was: - why even invite the candidates if you don’t want to hear what they have to say?
This really was a great example of the sort of tribalism that stains this country, in this era.
We used to be a country of voters who was at least willing to hear what the candidates had to say.Now, more and more, it’s ‘shut up, i don’t even want to hear it’.
Then-why invite the candidates in the first place, then? I’m sure trump and Kennedy had better things to do with their time.
But-to their credit-both Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy attended. Wanted to reach out to that group of voters and acknowledge ‘I see you’. I value your choice and your vote-
Only to get crapped on by the audience.
And I think trump handled it well. He plowed right thru his speech- after telling them- you should nominate me at your candidate- or at least vote for me- unless you’d rather be the party that keeps getting 3 percent and has no voice in DC.
Here's what it sounded like.
That’s a great response-and by the way- trump over-estimated the libertarian’s impact in America. They normally get about one percent of the general election vote. One percent.
In 2020-with Biden and trump on the ticket- the libertarian turd got 1.2 percent of the vote.
So, Trump was being generous.
And you heard his tone there. He wasn’t ‘lashing out’ or ‘snapping back’....as the left-wing news organizations insisted on portraying this exchange.
Trump was perfectly civil in his tone and temper. And so, the leftist media had to intentionally mischaracterize the moment.
If you-are-someone who calls yourself a libertarian or are affiliated with this party-you should be angry at your fellow party members-because their behavior this weekend ensured this will never be a serious, organized movement that matters in u-s politics.
And as if to prove it, folks, after a weekend of speeches and panels and other nonsense-
After hearing from a guy who might have a chance to win and take a more libertarian message and/or approach to government with him to dc-
After hearing from Trump and Kennedy-
These clowns voted to nominate an anti-Semitic, openly gay, former democrat who no one has ever heard of to be their nominee.
This clown’s name is ‘Chase Oliver’.... who used is victory speech to rail against the genocide in Gaza. He’s also in favor of open borders, according to his own website. Perfect. Fantastic.
This was the perfect capper to a weekend of idiocy. Let’s nominate a former democrat …. whose about as close to being ‘libertarian’ as Biden is.
Somehow, this is perfect, because -it too-helps Trump and harms Biden.
Fantastic. I’m loving this selection.
Now-Chase Oliver -has- run for office before.
He ran for the US senate in Georgia in 2022 and got two percent of the vote.
He’s like whole milk-
He’s a two-percenter.
Let’s hope he takes two percent from Biden in fall-and in the important swing states, like Michigan and Wisconsin. There’s already a few pro-Hamas, pro-Palestine activist groups who are organizing a campaign to convince democrat voters on those states not to vote for Biden....let’s hope that Oliver’s efforts out of the libertarian party only amplify that effort.
Any little bit helps.
Trump is leading the three midwestern swing states by just a sliver. One to three percent.
This is WI, Mi, and Penn. If the Jew-haters in the democrat tent and Chase Oliver out of the libertarian tent can convince even a small sliver of voters in each state ‘not to vote for Biden’, fantastic. We’ll take it.
Because it would likely be the decisive shift that gets Trump re-elected.
photo credit: Getty Images
audio version here> Trump takes on the Libertarian Party at their convention