The Jay Weber Show

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$50 million taxpayer dollars funneled to Hamas supporting leftist group

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-28-24

Just before the long weekend break- a republican senator from West Virginia broke the news that Biden’s EPA has given at least 50-million dollars to a radical leftist organization that supports Hamas and terrorism-

And only pretends to be an activist group combatting climate change.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

What senator Shelly Moore Capito is pointing to here-is a much larger scam, or strategy, that the leftists in our deep state government and the regimes like Obamas and Bidens are using-to get millions of taxpayer dollars into the hands of radical, anti-west organizations.

Maybe the dems are being tricked into funding these anti-America groups. Maybe they know what’s occurring-

But either way-this is bad and needs to stop.

Capito walked reporters thru the instance her staffers found of Biden’s EPA funneling ‘climate change’ money-

50-million dollars of it- to a Jew-hating, America-hating organization.

GOP lawmakers admit there is virtually no government oversight here- in terms of ‘where’ or ‘how’ the Biden admin is doling out the money from these big ‘slush fund’ sorts of spending packages they rammed thru congress.

This ludicrously named ‘inflation reduction act’ was really a trillion-dollar bill that raised taxes and put all sorts of money toward climate change. 40-billion dollars of our hard-earned tax money, to be exact.

And yes, the dems always knew this was just going to be a massive pay-off to their political cronies-but do they really know what they are funding?

It’s an instance of the US taxpayers-literally-funding the hatreds, protests, and attacks against us- within our own borders- from these radical, America hating activist groups.

That is unacceptable- and must stop.

This is a very rancid feature of how the dc swamp now operates-and 98 percent of Americans would have no idea this sort of ugliness is going on.

Does Joe Biden?

Do lawmakers like Marc Pocan and Tammy Baldwin?

Because-they do now. Capito has exposed it.

So, will lawmakers in both chambers and on both sides of the aisle rush to reform the process under which these handouts are scrutinized?

No. Not if the dems are benefitting by it, no.

Capito isn’t exaggerating when she says this ‘climate justice alliance’ is a hard-core anti-west, anti-Jew, anti-American organization. 

This is one of those groups on the left that is openly dedicated to destroying our American system ...and American institutions.   

This is a pro-Hamas organization. No exaggeration. No mischaracterization.

So why is Biden’s white house funneling 50-million dollars in taxpayer money to it?

And now that it’s been discovered-will they stop it?


I’m certain that the answer is ‘no’ because today’s democrat party is being controlled by America-hating leftists who-want- to destroy the country. Joe and Jill Biden might be in enough of a fog or a haze to not truly grasp who it is they are in bed with -or who controls their political party anymore- but let’s not deny what the democrat party is, now, under its current and most influential leaders.

For the first time in u-s history, we have one of the two major parties being controlled by-and representing- Americans who hate their own country.

And if you don’t get that-and are still voting democrat- you got to wake up to this fact.

And by the way-this isn’t really the fault of whatever stooge Biden currently has running the EPA. This is a systemic problem in that- the system has been set up so that our government agencies-cannot- more closely investigate these groups or be more selective in who gets the grants- so as not to be ‘discriminatory’.

We need a major overhaul of these policies- immediately.

This must be shut down- asap- on behalf of the US taxpayers and the fate of the republic.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version here > $50 million taxpayer dollars funneled to Hamas supporting leftist group

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