Jay Weber Show transcript 4-22-24 7:42am
So-after sitting in a NY courtroom all last week-Donald Trump planned on doing one of his big rallies in North Carolina on Saturday-but it had to be called off due to severe weather.
Here’s what it sounded like when technicians- managed to have Trump -from his airplane-as he flew into the event- speak directly to the crowd that was waiting for him:
The east coast democrats -giggled- at the fact that Trump was forced off the campaign trail all last week and then had to cancel his Saturday rally.
They thought that was just great. Or that it would ‘matter’.
It won’t, folks. Everyone who was going to see him was already voting Trump-
And he’s got plenty of time to make any argument to undecided voters that he would have made Saturday- that might have been picked up by the news media.
But there’s no doubt this trial is going to be keeping trump in New York-
The 18-member jury and pool of alternates has been ‘seated’ in the bogus Trump hush money trial-and opening arguments are set for today.
Alan Dershowitz and several other notable experts-do not think-that Trump got a very good jury here, in terms of having reasonable members who are going to acquit him based on a bogus case.
Instead, Dershowitz says, about all Trump can hope for is a hung jury. He’s basing this on the fact that most jurors are clearly democrats-who none-the-less, insisted they can be fair.
I’m hoping that at least one or two -genuinely-fair minded people got onto that jury-who will refuse to convict simply because they see the ‘false nature’ of Alvin Bragg’s charges.
He’s trying to take a bookkeeping error that would be a misdemeanor at most-and turn it into 34 different felony counts. What a scummy putz.
This is a trial that will take weeks-and the democrats and their media accomplices are loving the fact that it keeps Donald Trump off the campaign trail for weeks-
It means that dementia Joe can pretend like he’s campaigning and continue to do- only sporadic- events. But I’m thinking it will backfire-as every camera east of the Mississippi is going to be trained on Donald Trump -every day- for weeks.
He's going to be holding what amount to ‘daily press conferences’ – two a day- for weeks, as he walks in and out of the courthouse.
And- let’s hope-the American people hear over and over again about the unfair nature of this trial- because it proves the left are out to ‘destroy’ this man.
Rancid socialist squad congresswoman Primal Jayapal screwed up and accidently told the truth on the MSNBC set this weekend- when she said: if the senate had convicted Trump during his impeachment trial- (it would have barred him from ever running for president again) – and this entire legal effort against trump would be unnecessary.
Jayapal admitted: this is organized lawfare and election tampering. It’s simply the democrats trying to keep trump from winning again-any way they can.
This is the ‘best’ the democrats can do, given that they have a feeble, mentally frail, octogenarian running on their side.
Even being stuck at trial- Donald Trump outcampaigned Biden last week.
He really did.
Biden made a few stops in Pennsylvania last week-that did not go well. He looked like a confused roomba everywhere he stopped. He alternately mumbled and shouted thru speeches.
And by the way- data crunchers like Sean Trende of real clear politics say Pennsylvania is -vital-to any Biden win in 2024. It is a ‘must have’ state, according to Trende, given how the other states are stacking up for him.
If Trump is stuck in New York- and so, he and his team use it as an opportunity to have trump interact with mixed racial crowds- it works to his advantage. I agree.
If trump’s seen being embraced in Hispanic neighborhoods and black neighborhoods- and that video and that imagery is beamed around the country-
Holy cow-could Biden and the dems be in trouble.
It’s one thing to -say- trump is winning over black and Hispanic voters-
It’s something else to have the video and images that go along with it-and help ‘prove it’ to other black and Hispanic voters.
It’d be great to see all sorts of video flowing around that shows trump being hugged and celebrated and praised by excited people of color. It will have other people of color who have traditionally voted democrat seeing it and wondering- am i missing the party, here?
Is there something that’s ‘cool’ about supporting trump over this clown, Biden, this year?
Campaign consultants and strategists are-paid-to worry. They are paid to over-react and see any positive development for their opponent’s challenger as a ‘big deal’ and a ‘new threat’.
And so, it’s not surprising that dem insiders are actually alarmed and worried about trump’s two little campaign stops with ‘real’ people.
But-in this instance-they’re right to be worried. Trump and his team should keep doing it. They’re powerful due to both the overt messages they send-but also the ‘hidden’ messages they send-
As in-
Think about it, people: Donald Trump stopped into a restaurant in Atlanta- with a heavily black crowd of patrons and black staffers- and they didn’t boo him. They didn’t refuse to serve him. They didn’t ‘get standoffish’ and quiet- as he quietly got his food.
They applauded and celebrated him. Wanted photos with him.
They-proved- that the American people do not see trump as a villain or a monster, but instead like and/or love the man-and wanted to meet him.
This was exciting for black patrons of that Chick-fil-A
It was exciting for the Latino neighbors of that bodega.
Trump wasn’t hissed at or shouted at. He was warmly welcomed.
As a large white man who has walked into some predominantly black events and/or restaurants in my time- i can tell you- the patrons are a little standoffish. You turn a few heads-and they wonder-what’s the white guy doing here?
Can we trust him?
And they’ve been told by the lefty media over and repeatedly that Donald Trump is racist-right?
And yet- when he walks into Chick-fil-A
This wasn’t like someone dressed in a Nazi uniform walking into a temple.
They immediately recognize Trump and are excited to see him.
Those! Are the images that the democrats simply cannot have circulating around America between now and November.
photo credit: Getty Images