Jay Weber Show transcript 3-4-24 6:40am
On Friday- Gov Evers vetoed three of the four tax-cut packages that lawmakers had recently sent him. And no, he didn’t sign that fourth one-which would have given young families an increased child tax credit.
He's still sitting on that one.
But the three that he vetoed were all great ideas-and would have returned about -half-of our 4-billion-dollar state tax surplus to the voters.
This is now the third time that this nasty clown, Evers, is refusing to give us our own money back.
“I object to fiscally irresponsible measures that would leave the State of Wisconsin unable to meet its basic obligations to adequately fund education, health care, public safety and aid to local government,”
That’s full of falsehoods. This was only half of the massive surplus that Evers and the dems insist on sitting on.
Only giving back-half- means that you still have two billion -along with an existing rainy-day fund- as a cushion against unexpected or increased costs or more school spending...which is like cocaine to this man. He just can’t kick that habit.
So, he’s lying about that. He’s lying about tax relief that should be aimed at working families-
Ah- dillweed- what’s more targeted than a tax cut to a specific ‘working middle class earner in Wisconsin?
So that’s a lie.
And as a final kicker-he insults retirees. Tony Evers clearly doesn’t’ consider you worthy of a tax cut. He goes out of his way to mention ‘working’ families. I guess if you’re no longer ‘working’ he has no use for you....
Even though you worked your entire lives. Paid in-and overpaid-your state income taxes your entire lives....
But no, Gov Evers doesn’t think you deserve a tax break in retirement. What an insult.
Oh, and if you’re married, you don’t deserve any additional tax break, either. Screw you, too, for doing it the right way: democrats like their mothers ‘single’ and their welfare rolls full of deadbeats...
So, Evers has no use for you. No new tax break for you. Just keep paying in too much...and never expect to get it back. Any of you.
I’m sorry—but what an a-hole.
Most of you know that i was critical of Robin Vos and Devin LeMahieu and republicans when it came to this package of tax cuts-only because it was four separate bills and it would allow the governor to ‘pick and choose’ winners and losers-or people who-only he thought- were worthy of a tax cut...or worthy of getting their money back.
And i stick with that: these should be across the board tax cuts and give backs.
However, passing them as separate bills that the governor could accept or reject- they really have exposed him as an uncaring a-hole.
They really have exposed Evers and his team as ruthless ‘socialist progressives’ who feel as if every dollar you have is really ‘theirs’ to simply take from you-and keep-whenever they want to.
This is a scummy move by Evers-and gee- he seems to know it. The man issued these votes on a Friday afternoon when they’d get the least amount of coverage-
And he did so with a brief, accompanying statement, instead of holding a news conference, which is what he would have done if he was proud of what he was doing.
Nope. Instead, we get a sleezy move on a Friday afternoon. Again. That’s typical.
But-how infuriating. This guy is controlling four billion dollars that amounts to ‘too much money’ taken out of all our paychecks...and he just won’t give it back.
Evers reminds me a four-year-old who simply refuses to give his brother his toy back:
Give that back, Anthony.
That’s not your toy, give it back, Anthony.
Governor Evers: it’s not your money. Give it back, dammit.
Speaker Robin Vos joined us to give us his take (audio below)
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