The Jay Weber Show

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Legalizing weed has never been a good idea or made any sense

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-1-24

So…from a public health standpoint. From a public safety standpoint…And from a society-building standpoint… legalizing weed has never been a good idea or made any sense.

I know that the numbers have kept growing in terms of ‘people who want to legalize it’ the pro-pot crowd has done a stellar job of lying and gaslighting to the younger generations about how harmless it is.  

Hey! It’s good for you!  More and more of our young and gullible Americans believe. And I’m talking about people using it just to get high-and are mostly smoking it or vaping it. Pot is-not- healthy for you.

When this whole push to legalize marijuana started years ago, it was at the same time that the nannying left was at it’s absolute ‘zenith’ of pushing to ban tobacco products. We were spending tens of billions of dollars every year-trying to drive the tobacco companies out of business and keep our young people from taking up the habit.

At the-very same time- some of the same nannying idiots and a whole different group of pro-pot idiots were pushing to legalize weed.

We literally had overlap in the rhetoric. We were relentlessly hearing tobacco is ‘so bad for you!’’s got like…a thousand chemicals and harmful things in it that are killing you…even if you’re sucking them thru a filter.

And at the same time-we were being told smoking weed is harmless. It’s got, like, medicinal value and if we legalize it, the illegal market will dry up and we can tax it.

I was saying: so, sucking toxins out of tobacco thru a filter is deadly…but smoking pot…which has even more toxins in it…unfiltered? Is, okay?

We should promote and legalize and even worse public health risk?

Yep. To the pot heads and lefties that made sense.

And to be clear: we already knew the basic science on pot. We already had studies that showed marijuana had thousands of bad toxins and elements in it.

We already knew that it was an entrance drug. 

We already knew that it was linked to schizophrenia in young people…

The studies had already been done- and they were done when the weed had a lower level of THC and was less powerful than it is now.

But-screw it: legalization is a great idea. It makes sense. It’s a pro-crime move…because the black market will dry up.

I-and the pundits with a brain- shot every one of these contentions down.

And here we are legalizing weed has led to rampant and public drug use of it-and much harder drugs-in every state that has legalized it. Colorado, Washington, and Oregon were among the first-their major cities are now hell holes of crime, homelessness, tent cities and drug use.

Ditto for California and New York and the states that followed.

And a wave of new studies is being done.

This week- our own government- the national institutes of health funded a study that was published in the journal of the American Heart Association that finds daily pot smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Well-of course it does.  

We’ve had studies that have shown the same thing with tobacco for decades. Why would smoking pot be any different?

No, pot is healthier.

No-it’s not. It’s going to turn out to be an even worse weed -when smoked- and a new generation of Americans is going to be ‘shocked’ at the studies. This study used NIH data n 435-thousand Americans, so it’s no small sample size.

So, pot use, in general, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke and smoking it made that even more likely… was the finding.

And i can hear the potheads in the audience already falling back on the ‘what about alcohol’ argument.

Yep. Alcohol has been linked to these things, too. But we are talking about pot- a different ‘social ill’ and one that it’s users and abusers are increasingly convincing our young people is either ‘fine’, or even ‘good for you’.

It’s not. And just logically, we had to know that smoking pot was going to be even worse for us than smoking tobacco…. but ‘here we are’. Pot legalization is being proven to be a much more disruptive ‘social ill’ than even alcohol or tobacco- and it’s a public health nightmare that’s also leading to higher crime and has created a booming black market- of pot and -all drugs-here in America.

And the quality, purity, and/or production of pot is not regulated in any real way, either, because it still isn’t recognized as ‘legal’ by the federal government. 

The feds have simply let the states get away with calling it legal in their little neck of the woods- even though it’s an illegal drug, federally.

And so, the feds haven’t developed any standards or safety regulations for pot production or usage- which means none of America’s pot users-really-know what they are ingesting into their systems- even if they’ve grown it themselves.

Just now, because legal pot and overall pot usage is becoming so rampant- just now our federal regulators at the NIH, the FDA, the USDA are starting to compile complaints about pesticides, heavy metals, mold, and other contaminants that are contaminating pot products.

And this would be edibles- and all pot products, obviously, not just ‘what’s smoked’.

Let’s not kid ourselves: most. Most. Of the pot being consumed in the United States is illegal weed that isn’t being bought in the pot shops or dispensaries, anyway. That’s a tiny sliver of sales…as illegal grow operations run mostly by foreign cartels have boomed in the US. Especially out west. The rural parts of northern California and the pacific northwest are now teeming with illegal grow operations that are providing most of the weed for the users out there- including some of the seedier dispensaries.

So, let’s not pretend-as this article does-that there’s a ‘pot growers association’ that supports health regulations and would help organize and implement them. There isn’t.

Potheads always wanted to give special dispensation to smoke and use pot -any way they wanted to? Cancer patients. People dealing with illnesses. People who are immuno-compromised.  

Well, a growing number of experts say the toxins and mold in tainted weed could kill them- but yeah- keep pushing grandma to smoke your dealer’s pot to deal with her chemo nausea. Good idea.

Every promise and ‘claim’ related to weed that this pro-pot crowd has been pushing for decades- is moronic and wrong. Every single one of them.

And I don’t care if i have ended up, over time, on the losing end of this debate or ‘out of step’ with the 65 percent of Americans who support legalizing weed, now.

It just means that 65 percent of you are wrong on this one.

Story credit:
Smoking cannabis associated with increased risk of heart attack, stroke
Marijuana and hallucinogen use, binge drinking reached historic highs among adults 35 to 50

photo credit: Getty Images

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