Jay Weber Show transcript 2-27-24 6:10am
President trump commented in the murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley, yesterday: she’s the nursing student at the university of Georgia who went out for a run and never came back- because a 26-year-old illegal alien who never should have been let into the country-
And then-should have been by New York officials for ice to deport after an earlier crime- was simply allowed to wander the country by Biden and the democrats until he murdered someone.
President Trump correctly laid Laken’s body at Biden’s feet:
And so, he was free to flee to Georgia, where he ended up developing a quiet obsession over, and then killing, Laken, the way campus police are making it sound.
And she’s not the first young woman to be murdered by an illegal who never should have been allowed into this country.
I could genuinely bring you an average of at least one story-per week-in which this is happening. Most of the stories are out of one of the major cities were Latin and South American gang members have settled....as teenagers Biden and Mayorkas waved into the country....
Who then prey on, or get involved with, naïve young American girls who end up getting caught up in their criminality or end up dead.
I’ll point to this now as yet another very real trend and side effect of Biden’s open borders that hasn’t been examined, or even ‘discovered’ yet, by the smart people: illegal alien teens and young men preying on American girls is becoming a bigger ‘thing’ and no one on the left will want to acknowledge it or talk about it – and most of our so-called newsrooms don’t have the staff or the time to connect the dots.
If you doubt me: I’d ask you to ‘look to Europe’. Do some googling. European nations are experiencing the same thing: young German, Swedish, French, Swiss girls....etc...getting mixed up with, or being actually targeted by and abused by- illegal, scumbag men.
This is another instance in which it is ‘somehow’ not politically correct to point it out, or stand up for the women and girls...
But trust me...this will become a bigger and bigger ‘thing’ here in America, too, as Biden and the dems open borders mean that tens of thousands of young thugs, criminals, and scumbags in their prime are flooding into our country along with the millions of other, less dangerous or concerning illegals.
It's a simple truth the dems refuse to acknowledge.
And-in the wake of the Laken Riley murder-we are getting the sort of b-s you’d expect from the left: now, you can’t blame this on the democrats or politicize this. Yes. We can. Because that’s who’s responsible for this.
And the supremely stupid: seventy other Americans were murdered that day...by Americans...and so...
(And so, they never finish that thought, folks. Because it’s not a complete thought, nor is it a legitimate argument)
What comes next?
Sincerely: seventy other Americans were murdered that day...by Americans...and so...what?
And so...what? Complete the thought, you morons.
And so...you can’t blame Riley’s murder on illegal immigration.
Yes. We can. An illegal alien killed her.
And so...you can’t say that all illegals are murderers.
No, but we aren’t claiming that. And we-can claim-that the ‘illegal’ that Laken Riley ran across was a murderer. Because he was, right?
Finish that sentence and try to turn it into some sort of argument that ‘explains away’ or mitigates the facts of this case?
It is not politicizing this murder to state the cold, hard facts of it: Laken Riley would be alive today if Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas’ policies wouldn’t have let Jose Ibarra into the country. Period.
Well...she...could have been hit by a bus...or something...we can’t know that.
Every argument the leftists are putting up on social media trying to ‘explain away’ Americans being murdered by illegals and how that’s not a real issue- is staggeringly stupid and incredibly insulting.
Another irrelevant claim i saw repeatedly: you know, illegal aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than Americans do...
Did you run across that one?
First of all-i doubt that’s true. I’d love to know the source of it because it sounds like invented crap to me.
But secondly: it’s not germaine to-anything. Not even the question of illegal aliens committing as many crimes as they are in this country.
Aside from the murders and rapes we’ve seen committed by people who shouldn’t be here-we are seeing all sorts of -relentless- and rising crimes in our big cities because Biden is importing criminals. The organized smash and grab and shoplifting gangs. The organized car theft and carjacking rings. The individual street crimes in which Americans are being beaten, robbed, shot, stabbed, victimized. These crimes are prominent in every city where large numbers of illegals have been dumped by Biden-
And even in smaller communities that have never dealt with such crimes before- like say- Whitewater.
People who should not be in this country-at all-are victimizing Americans in serious and growing ways...and so....how is this an response: you know, illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than Americans do....’
Illegal aliens should be committing-zero crimes in America-because they shouldn’t be here.
What is it about ‘they shouldn’t be here’ that isn’t sinking in, over on the left?
In fact, all of you democrats living over on the east side...let me know when your car gets stolen or you get robbed....and I’ll check the police reports ..and if an illegal alien did it...I’ll rush over to your house and say....you know...illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than Americans do...and we’ll see if you feel better about things.
I’m certain that’ll make you feel better. And if, God forbid, you or one of your friends or relatives is raped or killed by an illegal-again- just give me a call...and I’ll rush over and make you feel better.... with that reassuring falsehood that...you know.... illegals commit fewer crimes than Americans do...so......
And I’ll just leave it hang, like you do....
So....you know...someone was bound to rape your sister at some point....
And i know what I’m saying is offensive and out of bounds. But I’m just completing-your idiotic thoughts- you’ve been spreading around Twitter and Facebook for three days...
To ‘explain away’ Laken Riley’s murder.
We have the right to be furious-at the people-who created the conditions under which it could happen that’s Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas and the democrats.
They are game playing scumbags-and Laken’s death, and the deaths, rapes, and victimizations of thousands of other Americans are on their heads- yes.
80 percent of Americans say this border crisis is a problem-with 61 percent labeling it a ‘very serious’ problem.
For the first time ever- most Americans are in favor of ‘building the damn wall’ now.
For as long as we’ve been talking about better border enforcement-dating back to the bush era- fewer than half of all Americans said we needed a border wall to keep the illegals out.
Now polls are showing 6 in ten voters saying build the wall. The same number- 6 in ten-say all asylum seekers should have to remain in Mexico until their asylum claim is heard.
Right now-only half- of democrats-say they support Biden’s handling of the border. Only 26 percent of Americans say that-overall. Three out of every four Americans blame Biden for our disastrous border policy and all of the crime and death and deprivation that comes with it.
And they should.
He’s to blame.
photo credit: Fox News