The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Call them what you want Tony, but these are not fair maps

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-20-24 6:10am

As I drove home, yesterday, I listened to governor Evers bloviate ‘on and on’ about how he was signing his ‘fair’ maps for the state of Wisconsin, and what a glorious day it was....blarty blar...

And he must have said ‘fair’ about 30 times in a 15-minute event. It was as if Tony Evers was trying to convince-himself-that these were fair electoral maps that he was signing into law.

Folks-the maps that were created and passed by the legislature and that we already had in place- were the fair maps. 

By simple definition-and by Wisconsin constitution: the party that holds the legislature at the turn of the decade redraws the maps for our state legislative chambers and our federal congressmen. That’s the legal and correct process that has been in place-and honored-in Wisconsin since the state was created in the 1840s. A democrat powerplay- mid-decade- to destroy those maps and implement their own via some powerplay- are not ‘fair’ maps.

And so-this is one way in which gov Evers’ maps are not ‘fair’. He and the dems are refusing to follow the legal and constitutional process that’s been honored for 170 years...and bullying their own maps into place.

The second way in which they are unfair is-they’re an extreme gerrymander of the sort that democrats ‘pretend’ to hate...and every state in which democrats have control of the process-they draw these extreme and unfair-unrepresentative-maps.  

Evers’ maps are not fair....and certainly are not any ‘more fair’ than the republican’s maps were.

And don’t confuse ‘fair’ with more competitive.

That’s what Evers and the WI dems want you to do.

These maps make it much harder to hold onto the majorities that republicans have had in Madison for quite some time now....and the democrats hope they will result in their party taking control of a newly rigged system...

But that doesn’t make anything ‘fairer’. It’s just Evers and the democrat’s way of cheating the maps in their own favor.

And so, if you’re buying any of this BS about how we have ‘fair’ electoral maps in Wisconsin now, you’re a stooge.

Democrats and their national operatives have been whining and moaning about these Wisconsin maps for over a decade- and have tried every lawsuit and every trick in the book to rig them back in their favor.... all while pretending it was some ‘high minded’ mission.

It wasn’t.

It was an attempt to cheat and change the rules-as democrats always do- when something doesn’t go their way. 

It wasn’t until the national left ‘bought’ a final liberal seat on the Wisconsin supreme court that they finally managed to pull this off. Janet Protosawitz ran as a rancid partisan-and made it clear she’d already made up her mind and would love to overturn these maps for the left...

And so-they filed a lawsuit to do so-the day after Protosawitz joined the court.

The fix was in, from day one, folks. At that point, republicans had to ‘think outside the box’ and figure out their own ‘best way forward’, given what they knew was coming.

It’s not difficult to sniff out: Evers’ maps pitted all sorts of republicans against each other in redrawn districts-but he protected virtually every single democrat and allowed them to remain in their current seats.

In short- Evers cheated.

And hey-elections have consequences, and the republicans weren’t going to be able to maintain such rock-solid control of both chambers of the legislature forever.

But- let’s not pretend that this isn’t the sort of hyper partisan cheat that the democrats are engaging in-

And let’s not pretend that it isn’t the democrats doing the -exact- and very thing-that they’ve been accusing republicans of doing for over a decade. 

Evers was doing victory laps yesterday. Ben wicker, the head of the state dems, said he was ‘floating’. There was glee and laughter on the democrat side of the aisle.

And yet.

And yet- last week when the two legislative chambers voted on these maps, all but two democrats voted against them. Evers’ own legislative party members voted against this cheating scheme to rig new maps.


Well-because they were certain that Janet Protosawitz and the three other left-wing activists on the supreme court would have cheated-even more! - that’s why.

So, let’s not pretend ‘fairness’ played any role in this, folks.

Also- I believe Tony Evers broken any détente the two sides had against more litigation when he went out of his way to say that he was going to ask the supreme court to clarify that it would be these new maps that would be used for the Robin Vos recall election, and/or any special elections moving forward.

Folks- the clarification that was put into this bill that approves Evers’ maps is-always put into the transition language to new maps. This wasn’t-and isn’t- republicans in Madison trying to protect Robin Vos in any way...and yet...the rancid democrats took it that way.

Vos isn’t going to have to worry -either way-about winning that recall. It’s a small group of genuine stooges who are organizing it.

Vos’s recall is a non-factor here.


Yet- the democrats hate him so, so much-they are seeing some nefarious plot in this boilerplate language that was put in the bill that says- we use the current maps until the fall election.

So i want to back up and remind you that-last week-when these new maps were passed and the governor got what he wanted- Robin Vos and Devin LeMahieu essentially promised not to file any new lawsuits over them: nope. We want certainly. These are the new maps, they said. No more lawsuits originated by us, over them.

Great. They took the high road.

Only to get kicked in the nuts by gov Evers yesterday, who even as he ‘took the win’...decided to be a jag and take the low road.

Evers felt the need to say: and I’m going to ask the supreme court to force this map to be used in Vos’s recall election.

Well, the provision that it-not be- is in the very bill that he just signed. It’s part of the new law surrounding these maps. This stooge-just- put his signature on it, saying he agreed with it.

I see that move by Evers as not only ‘petty and vindictive’...even as he claims victory by achieving a big cheat...

But i am urging Robin Vos and Devin LeMahieu to see it as an ‘all bets are off’ declaration.

As in-okay. We tried to take the high road, but if, in the very day that Tony Evers signs these new maps into law, he announces a new court action against them-

Then why in the heck should we take the higher road and be the gentlemen.  I’m calling on Vos and the state republicans to find new reasons to sue over Evers’ maps in federal court-and have them snuffed out again-if they can.

Screw it.

If everything for Evers and Gau and today’s democrats is cheating, and warfare, and underhanded tactics -and ‘anything to win’.... then republicans cannot sit by and be the only side that has any integrity or keeps any of its promises.

I say- if Evers and Gau are really that petty-that they are going to start another court action related to-these maps! - simply as a way to target Robin Vos-

Well then- republicans, get your lawyers together. Find a new way to challenge these maps that Evers signed yesterday in federal court-and ram them up his butt...if you can.

Meanwhile- if the republican candidates have the better ideas and have policies that make for a stronger, fairer Wisconsin- and they do- then they’ll keep winning elections and will be able to hang onto at least one chamber of the legislature...which gives them the ability to keep blocking the worst of the socialist left’s agenda.

And who knows? In 2026- we could have a new republican governor who- by 2030-could be winning a second term.... with republicans still holding majorities in both chambers and then.... oh! Oh! Oh! The unfair maps will be back. Oh. Oh!

Because- horror of horrors- we’d be back to following the longstanding and historical process of making these district maps.

Conversely-if it’s democrats who find themselves in the full majorities in 2030 don’t expect that they are going to give a moment worth of lip service to fair maps. They’ll destroy these Evers maps in favor of ones that are a much, much bigger cheat.

And Eric holder won’t be coming around to call them scumbags. And there won’t be a single left wing activist group whining about ‘fairness’. 

Because Dems are massive hypocrites and cheaters

photo credit: Fox 6 News/Milwaukee

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