The Jay Weber Show

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MSM is running out time for covering for Biden

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-14-23 7:10am

How much hubris do today’s democrats have? How certain are they that their accomplices in the MSM will have their backs and characterize even the biggest lies and even the most indefensible actions as ‘normal’?

So much so that a democrat president who has just been deemed mentally unfit to stand trial for past crimes-won’t take a cognitive test to prove to the American people that he’s capable of running the country.

This is how much political cover the democrats can expect now from their accomplices in the MSM.

The New York Times and MSNBC hosts have spent the last five days talking to ‘neurologists’ and ‘cognitive specialists’ who go out of their way to try to -explain away- joe Biden’s stumbling and stammering, memory loss, confabulations, and all the rest.

Yesterday, Karine Jean Pierre was asked if the president would take a cognitive test to prove he’s mentally fit. The answer was a flat ‘no’.

See how -little? - today’s democrats must worry about media scrutiny?  In any earlier era, with a more honest and probing news media, she would have been torn apart for that answer over the next three days.

Biden proves he’s capable in the decisions he makes every day.  The country and the globe are a flaming mess! Due to the decisions, he’s made over the last 3 years!

That’s really her answer? Oh my god, how tone deaf. 

But, hey...the fake news media has their back. Just...relay her quote....and consider your job done for the day.

It’s pathetic.

the white house physician is dr. Kevin O’Connor, and he was probably selected because he-won’t- put Biden thru cognitive tests. He didn’t find it necessary when Biden took office as a 78-year-old man who had run a basement campaign, and he hasn’t during Biden’s entire three years of his presidency.

No cognitive test related to the physical next year, and nope, the official presidential doctor doesn’t see the need for one now. Nope.

And don’t try to ask Dr. Kevin O’Connor for an explanation or comment. He has refused to take questions from the media over the last three years-which is a clear violation of what presidential protocol has always been in the past.

Do any of you remember when trump was running, and lefty reporters kept hounding him for his medical records? Insisting they hear from his doctor, directly?  Insisting the American people needed to know that he was in good health?

Eventually, trump came up with some wild-haired lunatic who he said was his personal physician, and the guy said: oh, he’s in great shape. Great shape. He could run marathons...or some such bologna....

But when trump became president, he had his medical records made public. The white house physician and doctors at Walter Reed were constantly cross-examined. Especially when trump got covid.

With Joe Biden? Who’s three years older? Ech. There’s no need to pry. If joe says he’s fine, he’s fine.

He’s checking in with a mystery doctor...., Kevin...O’ O’Connor. That’s it. Dr. Kevin O’Connor.

You can’t interview him. He’s a private guy. But he’s real, and he says Biden is mentally and physically fit. So, stop asking.

And the dems are certain they’re going to get away with it...because our news media is now 98 percent propagandists and left-wing activists.

If this was a republican president who was being deemed mentally unfit to stand trial after such a damning investigation into obvious crimes-this same fake news media would be demanding. Daily. Demanding. That the transcripts of that republican’s deposition were released so that the public could get a better sense of how ‘confused’ this old man was.... when was he questioned by lawyers: was he confused? Or was he lying?

A GOP president would be hounded to the gates of hell, until his team released the transcripts.

Here, too: reporters asked, KJP said ‘we’re looking at it’....and that’s it.

They won’t release the transcripts. But- they know they can make a weak claim today. And the whole idea will be forgotten by Sunday.

We are several days removed from the bombshell contained in Robert Hur’s report-and now that the democrats and left wing activists have had time to get their feet back under them-and find their new talking points- and juice up the rage against Hur and Garland... This is looking more and more ‘survivable’ to them, with each passing day.

photo credit: Getty Images

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