The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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He's fallen and can't get up

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-16-24 8:10am

President Biden’s fundraising committee is crowing about accomplishing something that even Barrack Obama’s team couldn’t do raising 100-million dollars in a single, quick, three-month reporting period.

See- as former Obama campaign strategists have gotten more and more vocal about how Biden’s too old to run for a second term and how his 2024 campaign team is really screwing this up-

Animosity has built up between the two camps.

I’ve been telling you for years that barrack, and Michelle Obama only ‘tolerated’ Joe and Jill Biden, and the ‘ole buddy barrack’ thing came-entirely-from Joe Biden’s side of the equation.

I’m sure Barrack Obama is aware of Joe Biden’s real senate past and the numerous racisms he’s engaged in over his private and public lifetime. But...since Biden was one of the first people to back him as an alternative to Hillary in 2008 and help him get the nomination-

And because barrack was just a one-term, unknown senator, he was paired with this old, likeable, Washington fossil as a running mate.

If Dick Cheney added gravitas and experience to the George W Bush ticket- dimwit joe was supposed to do the same thing to Obama’s ticket.

In truth?

Having the first black nominee on either ticket? Pretty much ensured Obama was going to win in 2006. The normal historical pattern of events dictated that-after 8 years of GOP rule- the dems would win back the white house-

But then they nominated a black man who was-as Joe himself put it: clean and articulate- come on.

Obama was that perfect hue of mocha: black, but not too black. Not Allen Keyes black.  

He was the first black candidate on the left who talked about being the president of-all- of the American people, not of the black American, as Jesse Jackson had when he’d run earlier. Etc.

Aside from that Muslim-sounding name- Barrack Obama was out of central casting and the perfect choice for the party obsessed with race, yet full of racists.

He would have won if a donkey had been his running mate-and as it turns out- joe was.

What a donkey, Biden has turned out to be.

But- back to the point: the ‘mutual love and friendship there’ is mostly farce. Barrack was never a Joe Biden fan. 

Obama never wanted to joe to run in the first place and tried to talk him out of it in 2020-fearing Biden would tarnish barrack’s legacy.

And I’ll be darned if Joe hasn’t.

Barrack has given us the famous phrase: never under-estimate Joe Biden’s ability to bleep things up.

And hasn’t that turned out to be true?

And so, Obama and his loyalists are certain Biden, and his campaign are clueless and are going to lose this virtually ‘unlosable’ race.

I mean-the larger left-wing apparatus is choreographing a situation in which Biden is running against a very damaged Donald Trump who 2/3 of the country says they’ll never vote for again-and somehow-he’s still losing?

Come on.

And so-we know Barry offered Joe Biden a bunch of unsolicited campaign advice during a recent breakfast. We know David Axelrod and van jones are on CNN every other day- saying joe’s too old. Joe won’t win. Joe’s campaign is a broken joke.

Wow. The Sunday ABC news poll has Joe Biden at just 33 percent support. That’s legitimately brutal. This is only one third of Americans saying they approve of the way he’s doing the job-and remember- anything under about 40 percent means you are losing the faith of a chunk of your party’s base.

Its why overall approval ratings of presidents-never-seem to dip this low.

This is why Donald trump is ahead in the swing states and could win the general election-despite his overall unpopularity and general state of affairs. Court cases, angry, insulting rants, and all.

And the most heartening thing for us on the right is- joe Biden doesn’t seem to have any way out of this chasm.

Yes, the economy could improve a little between now and fall-but he’ll also be even a year old and more out of it-with more terrible decisions and radical, America-hating policies behind him.

The best news for the GOP voters is we’ve got a deeply wounded opponent who’s got to complete the rest of the game that way.

The worst news for the republican party is we’ve still got nine months of ‘Donald Trump’ and all his drama and negatives ahead of us-which could be about the only thing that would give Biden a second term, now.

Folks- Biden and the dems are so broken that the only argument they are forming for November here is-literally: Trump is Hitler.

This is the best Biden’s got: after three years of failures and America-destroying policies, all Biden and the dems have to run on is: anti-trump hysteria.

So, what would happen if the GOP’s primary voters were smart enough to even take that talking point away from them-by nominating someone else?

Where would that leave today’s democrat party?

Here’s another thing that needs to be said: the ‘Trump is Hitler’ strategy only works for them-if Trump plays into it.

It only works if trump can’t control his temper and can’t control his instincts as every democrat on the eastern seaboard tries to get under his skin and have him come unglued thru their smears, criminal cases, and lawsuits

So, he doesn’t come off ‘proving’ the narrative with his words and actions.

The thing about the Biden plan is-the democrats that formed it are all certain. Certain. Trump’s behavior and rhetoric will play right into that narrative and ‘prove he’s Hitler’ to the chunk of people who will decide the election.

A Wash Times columnist asks today-is Donald Trump the GOP’s Hillary?

And before you fly off the handle, you trump fans, at least consider what Hillary was-and why she lost.

She was an inherently unlikeable, off-putting person who the democrat party’s leaders and voters insisted they needed to-force-onto the American people as their choice on the 2016 ballot.

They were certain she could be trump, but they’d ignored all the warning signs and polls and insisted Hillary needed to be on the ticket.

And she lost to Trump.

Is the GOP now going to-by God-force Donald trump onto the American people as the only alternative to a rancid Joe Biden?

And if we do? Are we certain that trump’s going to be able to beat him?   Trump fans seem certain. They’ve got the ‘love blinders’ on.

For anyone whose really been following along? It’s a much bigger question.

And hey-Hillary lead all of the polls right up until the day she lost.   

Trump has spent the last four years feeding this fawning fan in an echo-chamber rather than reaching out and growing the tent...and one thing we’ve learned from the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections is that-for the most part- Donald trump cannot swing undecided voters our way.

Mostly, he doesn’t even try.

Neither did Hillary.

The comparison is apt-and the question is apt: is Donald trump the GOP’s version of Hillary?

An candidate that 2/3 of the American people are telling us ahead of time they don’t like but-by god-we’re going to force more ‘trump’ on them, anyway?

photo credit: Getty Images

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