The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Initial US employment reports overstated by 439,000 jobs in 2023

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-8-24 7:10am

There was a -quote- unexpectedly strong jobs report that came out Friday morning-

And it was released during the show. I saw it. I just had other stuff I wanted to talk about-and by the way- I knew it was a fraudulent number that would require a closer look.

So, I ignored it.

This had several left-wing listeners emailing: why aren’t you talking about the good jobs report? Why aren’t you talking about the ‘soft landing’?

To be honest: this is one of my favorite parts of the job. Listeners who, after all these years, still think I’m afraid to address something. Or am being selective with facts, or what I’m willing to talk about.


Longtime listeners should know that I’ve always been a ‘bring it on’ kind of guy, who wants to focus on the facts and the truth of something instead of engaging in cheerleading and blind indoctrination.

A Trump supporter last week asked me: when are you going to get on the Trump train?

And my answer was- never- if that requires the sort of blind allegiance that you want me to have to the guy.

If trump says stupid crap-which he does regularly-I’m going to call him out on it. I’m certainly not going to defend it. 

And this is what i have been doing, in one form or another, on this radio station for decades. If I’ve done talk radio.

It’s political analysis. It’s my take on what’s right and, I believe, ‘honest’. And what I find interesting. And for over 30 years, I’ve been critical of politicians on both sides of the aisle when I feel it’s warranted...and Donald Trump is-and never has been- an exception.

The man is human. He’s fallible. He says dumb, or angry, or mean, or counter-productive stuff occasionally, and I’m going to call him out on it.

And just-fyi-entering another highly charged election year, I’ll put you blind Trump loyalists on notice: some of you-

And i stress- some of you- have turned into crybullies that are just as bad as anyone on the left.

If you hear even the slightest criticism or critique of Trump and feel the need to fire off an email or a text to me every time you hear it- you’re being a crybully.

Grow up and deal with it.

But I get far more cry bullying and snotty challenging from the left-and that’s what this: why aren’t you talking about the good jobs report? Emails were.

Again-part of the fun of this job is letting liberals know that: just because I’m not talking about something-doesn’t mean you aren’t still wrong about it.

Let me give you that, again, because it’s another thing I probably should have stated for listeners long ago: just because I’ve chosen, on any given day, not to talk about something-doesn’t mean you’re right about it... Or that I’m avoiding ‘good left-wing news’.

Because this jobs report on Friday-wasn’t- good news and doesn’t represent a ‘soft landing’ for Biden’s rancid economy.

For those who didn’t see the report: Biden’s Labor dept. said that 216-thousand jobs were created in December-which was another fake ‘better than expected’ number that will be revised down in a few weeks-and that hides the fact that one fourth of those jobs created-were govt jobs.

The raw number doesn’t show it-and left-wing media outlets aren’t reporting on it: one in four of the jobs Biden’s labor dept were created in December- were jobs growing government. Govt jobs are a strain on taxpayers, not a financial benefit to taxpayers- or the economy.

Moreover- most of the other jobs were created in health care and along a small sliver of the economy...and this report didn’t signal wider job growth across the economy.

And then there’s the final ‘kicker’, which i have been pointing out to this audience since the Obama era: Obama’s scummy appointees and bureaucrats at the labor department -always-as a matter of routine-inflated the number of jobs being added each month.

It became a standard in the Obama years that we talked about routinely: every jobs report was fraudulent...because they were intentionally boosting the jobs numbers and pretending this was going ‘better than it was’.

They’ve been doing the same thing all during the Biden administration, and i find it funny that, for some reason- the east coast media outlets are finally discovering this.

Fox news- this weekend-appears to have finally discovered this is occurring.

Other pundits on social media appear to -finally- be understanding what’s going on: Biden’s minions (many of whom are right out of the Obama administration) keep fraudulently boosting these jobs numbers.

Every month, they put out a fake and ‘too rosy’ estimate, and then the next month, every time, they quietly revise the numbers downward.

It happened again on Friday, as Biden’s labor department quietly revised the jobs numbers downward for October and November.

Now that no one’s looking.

Oops. We were too generous by 60-thousand jobs last month. Opps. We’re correcting it.

This is what has been going on-all along. Listeners to this program have known it for years. And finally, on Saturday, we got a fox report saying thru out 2023, Biden’s labor department lied and added nearly half a million fake jobs to these monthly jobs figures.

How do we know?

Because that’s the number of jobs that they went back and erased later.

via Fox Initial US employment reports overstated by 439,000 jobs in 2023

Charles Payne of Fox Business News Tweeted…

And I know it insults govt workers to say it-but govt jobs are a ‘drain’ on taxpayers and the larger economy, even if many govt jobs are ‘necessary’. Many others are not-and at this point in our history? For dems to be adding 50-thousand jobs a month to government-is insane. Completely unnecessary.

And it’s not a positive thing. And all Biden and his team have done on the topic of ‘job creation’ since they got into office-is lie about it.

photo credit: Fox News

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