The Jay Weber Show

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Chicago Mayor blames right wing extremists for the city’s problems.

Jay Weber Show transcript 11-30-23 7:10am

I love this: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson blaming right wing extremists for the city’s problems.

Ah, folks...the city of Chicago and virtually all of its elected positions-right down to school board-have been in the control of the democrats for nearly 90 years.

The last republican mayor of Chicago was ‘Big Bill’ Thompson-who left office in 1931!  And he was hardly a right-wing extremist.

What? Is Brandon Johnson talking about?

Really, people. What a dope.  How can anyone with a brain buy this?  

He was asked by a reporter about his crime ridden city-and said this:

And what does it have to do with Chicago being a crap hole?

Johnson never -did-connect the dots.

Because he can’t. Chicago has been under complete democrat control for the last 90 years...and it’s insulting everyone’s intelligence for Johnson to blame -any-of the city’s problems on republicans...much less...’Maga extremists.

Folks-the last time any Maga members were spotted in Chicago they were attacking Jussie Smollett over a subway sandwich....and it turned out that- he hired them- to fake the attack!

Seriously. When was the last time we heard or saw anything ‘Maga’ come out of Chicago?

It was-honestly- when Smollett claimed two pro-trump thugs beat him up and put a noose around his neck....then conveniently left a Maga hat behind.

What were they yelling? ‘This is Maga country?’

Seriously? Just a few months into office- Brandon Johnson is going down the Jussie Smollett Maga hole? Fantastic.

Oh-and he also blamed mayor Beetlejuice.

This is also great. Mayor Johnson also kicked his fellow socialist predecessor under the bus...trying to spin his way out of questions about his own incompetence.

Johnson said he inherited her mess.

He brought up slavery.

He -flat out-said right-wing extremists are still mad that the black man was freed- completely ignoring the fact that it was southern racist democrats who were the slave owners, and who were upset that- northern republicans- freed the slaves. Has Brandon Johnson ever read a history book? Has he been doing mushrooms with Ibrahim x. Kendi?

Where’s he getting this crap?

Folks- murders are down about ten percent in Chicago over the last year...but car theft and carjacking have skyrocketed by another 47 percent.... robbery has gone up another 24 percent...and overall crime complaints have surged another 20 percent in 2023.

And this is on top of the dreadful spikes in crime that Chicago saw in 2022, and in 2021, and in 2020...etc.

And as crime has continued to skyrocket on Johnson’s watch-he’s made excuses for the thugs and written off any youth or juvenile crime as just ‘kids being kids.

How are republicans-or even ‘Maga extremists’ responsible for any of that?

This is -all you- and your putrid party-buddy.

And it has been for decades.

And yes, 20 or 30-thousand illegal immigrants have also been dumped onto his city-but that’s his own party’s presidents’ fault...and gee...for two decades Chicago leaders have proudly boasted that Chicago is a sanctuary again... Brandon Johnson and his own side of the aisle ‘asked ‘for all of this and ‘engineered’ all of this. I’m still not seeing a single ‘Maga actor’...step on stage yet.

Are you?

Yesterday, it was noted that 68 thousand Chicago residents are said to be homeless.


And? How are right-wingers responsible for that? Are little imps in Maga hats popping out from around corners and lighting their houses on fire? Or selling them the drugs they’re injecting into their arms?

Point out the evil right-wingers when you see them in any of these stats or scenarios, folks.

What an absolute jackass.

We knew Brandon Johnson was going to be bad. I urged all good Chicago citizens to move out of the city the moment he was elected-and make sure they never voted democrat again-in their new locations...

And so far, socialist dimwit and excuse-maker Brandon Johnson isn’t disappointing. He’s proving me right every day.

The truth is that crime is destroying America’s cities and it’s democrat policies, police chiefs, prosecutors, and judges who have made it so. They refuse to deal with the lawlessness and have, instead, put policies in place that have amplified it.

Do you know that in Oakland and out west? -the latest technique is to simply ram a stolen car thru the front wall of any business before your mob of accomplices swarms in and conducts the smash-and grab?


Forget subtlety. This is what erasing the rules on shoplifting in California has quickly escalated to.  

Democrat mayors, council men, das and judges in these major cities have done nothing about it.


And any attempt to blame it on ‘right wing extremists’ or Maga rabble rousers is idiotic.

It is the democrats like Brandon Johnson, himself, who have emboldened the violent criminals in this country.... who know no consequences will be coming their way.

People like Johnson and eric Adams and DC’s mayor Muriel Bowser, have done nothing but make ridiculous excuses and double down on their failures and foolish ideas.

I’ve said it before it’s almost as if they-want- to destroy America’s cities.

It’s clear that George Soros-funded groups and Soros backed DAs do. That’s’ not even in question, anymore. They intend to bring this country to its knees by destroying our cities.  And any elected democrat that’s dumb enough to join them is being a willing accomplice...whether they’d call themselves ‘soft on crime’ or ‘socialist’.

Washington dc has become an absolute pit of dysfunction, decay, and despair. This week, that city hit a 20 year high in murders for the year-and it’s not even December, yet.

DC homicides are up 35 percent over last year’s deadly high...and they’ve got a month of killing left before the stat book closes for the year.

This will be the third year in a row that the teeny tiny district of Washington DC will see more than 200 homicides, and each year, the number’s still rising. 

Violent crime overall? In DC? Up 40 percent again, this year.

Dc Muriel Bowser and the leftists who run the city only give lip service to doing something about it.  As you’d expect, every idea is related to ‘tackling social justice’...or ...’diverting juvenile thugs into cushy treatment centers’...instead of making them pay for their crimes.

And so, it will only continue to get worse. In DC, in Chicago, in San Francisco, in Seattle. Everywhere dems are in charge.

And-as has been the case for 90 to 100 years in most of these cities- there won’t be a single republican in a position of power...much less a single ‘Maga member’ to blame.

These democrats are destroying these communities on their own. The blame for Chicago’s mess is ‘all on’ Brandon Johnson, and Beetlejuice, and Rahm Emmanuel...and a list of democrats going back at least 50 years in Chicago.

It wasn’t always a crime ridden hell hole-but parts of it have been for many decades...and not. Under Lori Lightfoot and Brandon Johnson...even the downtown areas and the once-safe retail districts are.

And aside from Jussie Smollett- there’s not a single report of any Maga influence to blame.

photo credit: Fox News

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