The Jay Weber Show

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WI's rabid leftists latest target is school choice before the lefty Court

Jay Weber Show transcript

So- we are seeing Wisconsin’s rabid leftists move to put court cases in front of the newly liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court -on abortion. On redistricting-

And now- on school choice. You may have heard about this activist tool who runs the Minocqua brewing company-whose profits are directly funneled into left wing causes-

Is now urging the State Supreme court to take up-directly- a lawsuit that he has brought forward on school choice.

And he’ll say its’ on behalf of some parents or grandparents-but it’s not. He couldn’t walk into court and pretend he had a ‘standing to sue’ over Wisconsin’s school choice program, given that he’s an adult and doesn’t even have any school aged kids-

And so- this clown- Kirk Bangstad-who has run unsuccessfully for office several times now- found some like-minded liberals who would agree to be the face of the lawsuit.

The claim is: the entire Wisconsin school choice system is unconstitutional-and must be killed off.

That’s right: Kirk Bangstad and his merry band of activist lawyers is trying to erase programs that have been around for decades and have proven to be very good alternatives or options to public schools- with or without taxpayer funding. 

The lawsuit asks this newly leftist state supreme court-with Janet Protosawitz now ensconced: to find that public school funding of the state’s choice and voucher programs -along with the independent charter schools- is unconstitutional.

And it’s not. But with the true radicals that we have controlling this supreme court, now, there’s certainly no guarantee that they won’t find an excuse to kill off school choice in this state.

If there’s any good news-it is that these programs are already so widespread and popular that it would take a particularly putrid and politically venomous Supreme Court to ‘make up’ reasons to overturn it-

But- the lawsuit has been brought-and Bangstad is asking them to grab it up from the lower courts and hear it and decide it-directly.

But we should mention that if school choice funding from taxpayers-was killed off- it would mostly be harming the poor and disenfranchised communities that leftists like Kirk Bangstad pretend to care about.

Right now-there are at least 30-thousand kids in Milwaukee benefiting from school voucher programs...and another 4 thousand in Racine. Most of them are African American.

And so- it’s fair to ask: why does Kirk Bangstad- living way up there in lilly-white Minocqua-hate black people?

Why is Kirk Bandstad such a racist hater of black people?

After all-that’s who his lawsuit will be doing the most damage to, here, if he’s successful.30-thousand black children who-are- getting a better education at these other schools than at MPS- guaranteed-

Would be forced back into the crummy MPS system. How is that a ‘win’ for them? Or for the state of Wisconsin?

And you’d have to ask the same question of any liberal supreme court whose members found a bogus reason to kill off school choice in Wisconsin: why do Rebecca Dallet, Janet Protosawitz, Jill Karovsky, and Anne Walsh Bradley hate black people?

I don’t want to get you-too-worked up about this, because the justices may decide to let this go thru the lower courts-and he could have a lower or an appeals court toss it out on either ‘standing’ or ‘merit’...neither of which pass the smell test here-

But knowing how desperate Wisconsin’s democrats are-and how long their leftist fantasies have been deferred here by a republican controlled legislature and a conservative court-

There’s a very good chance that their activists will force an ‘over-reaction’ from these four liberal justices-and will demand all sorts of extreme rulings out of them.

Folks-the Wisconsin public k-12 schools have ever-higher levels of funding pouring into them- especially in the Evers era. We are spending a whopping 13 to 15-grand per student- which is- sincerely- nearly double what we were spending before ACT 10n.

Honestly. Look it up: pre-walker era-and all thru the Walker era- we were spending about seven grand per public school student-and after the act-ten adjustment-governor walker and the gop immediately resumed funding increases for our k-12 schools every year.

They really did.

And so-when Scott Walker left office-we were spending more per pupil in Wisconsin than we ever had before. And now? In the Evers era? That figure has nearly doubled- and democrats and their activists. Still? Want to argue that school choice drains funding from the public schools?

My God-how much more per student should we be spending? We’re already among the tops in the nation-state to state.

And those are two argument’s I’d use in this lawsuit- in the pro-school choice argument: my god, look at how k-12 funding has exploded in Wisconsin-and how we’re still among the tops in per-pupil spending per state- even as choice programs have expanded here.

You know-it’s pathetic that these haters are trying to argue a ‘constitutionality’ question- but they are out of desperation-because one thing that they cannot argue-is that school choice doesn’t work.

We have three decades of success stories out of choice, voucher, and charter schools- and with very few failures to speak of. Private choice schools are so proud of their students and their success rates in getting poor and minority kids into college and successful careers that they- want- parents and media members to visit the schools and see what they’re doing.

Do MPS? Or ‘most’? Public schools do that? Absolutely! Come on in! Let us show you how great we’re doing. How well behaved our pupils are.  Let us show you the troubled kids who are now on the college path...etc.

I don’t see MPS or Racine schools openly encouraging any of that. 

any claims from the left that choice and voucher schools are a failure or a drain on public school funding are silly-and have been proven to be silly in state after state- and over and over again- in the 30 years since governor Thompson and Annette Polly Williams created school choice as an alternative to MPS’ generational failings.

Talk about a great legacy for the both: one a dem and one a republican-

School choice, vouchers, variations on these themes-have spread to nearly every state in the union now- with republican-run red states going-more and more- to ‘universal school choice’ systems, where-in, the money follows the student.

This issue has been infuriating right from the start- here in Wisconsin. The truth is that the public-school teachers’ unions just don’t want the competition. They don’t want to ‘up’ their game and be held accountable for whatever educational product they are cranking out in any given district.

They don’t want to be ‘shown up’ by private school teachers who make less than them-and might be more dedicated to the students.

This is the truth of the matter-and the decades long whining and gaslighting related to the funding of choice programs. Every whine of theirs is bologna.

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