Jay Weber Show transcript 10-10-23 8:30am
One of the things that these horrific and evil attacks by Hamas terrorists-on Israeli innocents-has done- is clarify exactly ‘how far gone’ America’s leftist news media is-
Because- aside from Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar and the rancid, anti-Semitic socialist squad, it has been certain media outlets in the American news media that have been the biggest apologists, propagandists, and defenders of the brutal acts Hamas has engaged in.
It proves that the people in these newsrooms are all members of the America-hating socialist left. It really does.
The New York times coverage has been outrageous and -at times-unforgivable-since the Hamas attacks started. All that paper has done is try to form moral equivalencies. Talk around the truth. Downplay the brutality. Suggest Israel is at fault, or that there is at least ‘shared blame’ here.
No, there’s not: anyone who brutalizes, rapes, murders, butchers women, children, and the elderly- are monsters. Anyone who attempts to step back and say...well...lets justify this now...
Has a rancid heart, as well.
Hamas’s terrorists intentionally used the victims cell phones to tape some of the rapes and murders-and then sent the video out to their contact lists- to make sure that the family members of this person saw him or her raped and murdered. Or saw grandma or their young relatives die. Who wants to leap in and justify that?
Even Omar and Talib and the disgusting socialist squad cannot-and so-they’ve been in hiding or speaking in coded statements for three days-
And since their allies on the cable news sets don’t want to openly support it, either, they’ve been downplaying it, or equivocating, or ignoring the inhumane brutality that the people who ‘they want to support politically’ commit these acts.
Anyone who doesn’t denounce these actions-fully-and anyone who isn’t willing to label these Hamas terrorists for the human garbage-
For the animals that they are- is pathetic.
As Mark Levin noted yesterday on ‘x’:
Yep. Instead, their show hosts want to call these monsters ‘militants’ or ‘soldiers’...and they invite guests on to try to explain how this behavior is somehow acceptable.
It’s shameful. And its’ embarrassing that this is what’s being seen on American television. It tells you how far ‘gone’ the American left is.
There was a moment on MSNBC-after days if this network spinning their coverage in favor of the brutal murders and rapists-
After days of their hosts trying to ‘talk around’ the truth or ‘justify Hamas’ actions’-
Yesterday Morning Joe and Mika finally had the director of the anti-defamation league on. His name is Jonathan Greenblatt-and you will hear him admit that he’s a huge lefty, too, but after days of delusional left wing coverage-he read MSNBC hosts, guests, and execs the riot act. Here’s a chunk of it.
He started out by saying that he’s angry the world has allowed Israelis and jews to be dehumanized and has sanitized and excused away the terrorist acts perpetrated against them.
He was talking about Hamas’s attack, sure. But he was also talking to the western world and how it has been slouching back toward antisemitism here and in Europe.
Attacks on Jews in this country have spiked -both under Obama and Biden. You see the videos online of thugs engaging in sneak attacks and sucker punches on the streets of New York, in particular. Asians are increasingly targets, too.
But the racial hatred in this country is growing again- and it’s being intentionally nurtured and escalated by the left. Today’s democrats, and their elected officials like Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar....but also by people like Joe Biden and his team...who won’t denounce them.
If today’s democrats need to racially agitate and divide to keep winning elections-that’s what they’re going to do. It worked well when Obama and Eric Holder were doing it-and so they’ve simply magnified the efforts ever since.
Black lives matter and other socialist-funded organizations are simply offshoots of this larger effort to destroy America using racial hatred-
Because the democrat’s attempts to control America thru class warfare stopped being effective midway thru the 20th century. They needed a new way to divide and destroy this country....and new ways to motivate the under-class of voters they rely on to win elections.
And only when their own ox is gored-do they object. As you heard: Jonathan Greenblatt is one of the very lefties who has been agitating for left-wing change in this country...
But he draws the line at supporting Muslim-based terrorism.
At least he has a line. Many of these immoral America-haters don’t seem to have one, anymore.
And I include Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar-specifically, in that group.
Their responses to Hamas’s actions have been ugly and unforgivable, this week.
Hamas and every similar evil against humanity needs to be wiped out.
We have lost our moral clarity, in the western world.
In fact- Greg-give me the Mark Levin cut. He’s a yeller-but he’s right.
This was his take on the news media relentlessly focusing on the six billion dollars that the Biden regime just released to Iran-to be used for terror. It was another instance of these media members wanting to focus on minutes-because they don’t want to confront -or report-the truth.
That is a great take by Levin.
Our leaders in this country-and in the western world-have, somehow, lost our moral clarity and our larger sense of purpose- toward the betterment of mankind.
And republicans in Washington are right to condemn any squad member or member of congress who is equivocating on Hamas terrorism.
Those defending Hamas on this are reprehensible people.
photo credit: Fox News