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Biden's border wall reversal backfires within hours

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-6-23

So- the Biden administration’s gambit to pretend to build more border wall-in order to gaslight the American people- backfired on them within hours, yesterday.

And of course, it did-because this is the president who famously promised his America-hating, leftist followers that he wasn’t going to build one more foot of wall after he got into office.

And gee-he tried his hardest to keep that promise, if you believe the new excuse, but look- congress appropriated that money to go toward the wall. Biden tried to redirect it to something else and couldn’t- and so, it must be spent on at least 20 miles of more wall.

This is the explanation that Biden and his regime retreated to, after his initial announcement that more walls would be built exploded on him.

And let’s walk thru this, because the move, itself, speaks to the Biden team’s desperation to get ‘some level’ of control over this massive flood of illegals that they have created over the last two years with their lawlessness and open borders policies-and now threatens to overwhelm the nation and destroy the democrat’s hold on power...

So, let’s be clear about the motivations for why Biden’s pro-illegal leftists would make this move-two years into their scheme to engineer permanently open borders-

The main reason is there’s an election coming up and even democrats in America’s largest cities are being overrun by illegals and getting PO’d enough about it to vote Biden out of office.

And so Joe’s team has to find a way to at least ‘pretend’ he’s doing something about it-and pretend he wants closed and controlled borders.

But they also need to find a way to at least ‘slow and control’-to better hide-the number of illegals coming in.  And building 20 miles of new wall along a heavily traveled stretch of Texas for illegals serves both purposes. 

It's not a genuine attempt to get a handle on this crisis, and anyone who thinks it is still being naïve. Listen to senator ted Cruz, who gets this exactly right. This is a juke step. A fake out by Biden’s open border czar.

And so- Alejandro Mayorkas announces that the Biden regime is going to suspend 26 different environmental reviews and rules -and put up about 20 miles worth of fence thru a certain stretch of border-

And the left went nuts, yesterday. Among those slamming Biden immediately was Beto O’Rourke, who’s still running around Texas wanting to run for some sort of office.  He immediately tweeted that walls don’t work and Biden’s betraying his promise not to build another single foot of wall.

And he is.

Joe Biden-is-doing that. Biden is having to eat his own words because his policies have been such a failure-if you think they were designed to control the border-

I don’t- and so, I’ll characterize this as- Biden is having to eat his own words because he and his lizard-king, Mayorkas, have so successfully engineered a lawless open border. As intended.

Either way-the crossings are out of control, now, and with an election coming up, these stooges are now trying to find a way to at least lower the number of crossings temporarily. Thru next November. 

But the backlash from the pro-illegal left was so significant-and his little spokes minion Karine Jean-Pierre- got so shelled with questions at the daily briefing- that the president needed to quickly spin this as something he was being-forced- to do, instead of something that he-wanted- to do.

Listen. This was Biden ‘bailing out’ of taking any responsibility for this new wall that He, His regime, Will be building, post-haste:

Biden-claimed- that he had no choice. Look. Congress dedicated this money to building the wall. I’ve been trying to redirect it to be used for other things...but...I can’t legally and so it’s got to be spent this way. 

That’s complete BS and anyone who has been following along on border issues knows it.

This is also yet another instance in which the Biden gas lighters take something that has a grain of truth to it- or that should be true-and then twists it.

Folks-the president is correct when he says he inherited hundreds of millions of dollars in border wall funding from the Trump era congress.  He did. Our lawmakers had dedicated ‘x’ amount of dollars to build the wall-and president trump had found even more money in the defense budget to do it.

And when Biden got into office-he immediately reversed course and blocked that defense money from being spent-he could do that on his own-as president.

But when it came to the money that congress had approved for border security-it had to be spent the way congress wanted it spent.

And here’s where the lie comes in: what Biden and Mayorkas have-famously-not been doing with that money- is spending it on any ‘wall’.

Instead, the directive has been to waste it on other work that is needed -related-to the border wall. For example: trump put up the wall. Made gravel roadways on the u-s side. Put in ground sensors to detect crossings. Regraded the landscape, as needed- created funnels and tunnels to redirect water away from it...etc.

What Biden and Mayorkas have been doing is spending all of that surplus money on -roads. Infrastructure, sensors, grass seed, mile markers. Whatever might classify as a ‘border project’  that didn’t involve building more wall.

And they’ve been doing this for two years, thinking they were cute: we are going to waste this money and spend it on crap-and burn it up-so it won’t be spent on more wall.

And when you know how they have -expressly-been avoiding using it for more barrier- you understand what a total capitulation this was yesterday.

I know the MSM accomplices aren’t going to call Biden out on it-but it’s a b-s excuse: you’ve been wasting this very pot of money any way you can. You’ve been vowing and giggling that it will be wasted on other things. Not one more foot of wall will be funded with this appropriation.

Until yesterday.

What changed?

There’s an election coming up and Biden and Mayorkas have invited the globe’s poor masses to flood into America and it’s getting out of hand. It’s getting so crazy that they can no longer control the flow.

That’s what’s changed.

Mayorkas did an about-face and started lying too, around midday yesterday. Because, when the notice went out that these 26 eco-rules would be waived the notice mentioned a need to move with haste to get this wall up.

Mayorkas’ initial excuse for ignoring over two dozen environmental laws was- because we need this wall post-haste. We got to stop illegals from pouring in at this particular ‘troubled spot’ in Texas.

It sounds like there’s some urgency there, no?

Then-later in the day- Mayorkas was spinning right along with Biden. Well, the money’s got to be used this way.

No, it doesn’t. You’ve been finding a way to waste it for over two years now. Why the pivot?

In short- Biden’s team has discovered that-yes- walls do work. Where trump’s higher bollard style fencing has been put in place-both the border agents and the nearby landowners say it’s been working remarkably well.

And sure-it can be cut thru or climbed over-if you are very determined-but it has dramatically, dramatically, slowed down the number of crossings in those areas-

And where activity is detected- it gives agents time to get to the location. Climbing the wall or cutting thru it take some real effort- and those people and smugglers can be caught.

There’s so much to unpack here related to Biden’s about-face that I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface-

But one thing i wanted to be sure to do today-is explain why Biden and his regime are still lying- when they say they need to spend the money this way.

No. They don’t. They are are-choosing to-because their own -intentionally engineered-open borders have gotten out of hand.

And how do we know that Biden and Mayorkas-want. Want. To have this new border wall up?

Well, because in one action they waived and ignored 26 environmental regulations, right?

You understand that-if they didn’t want this wall to be built in that area-as joe claims-they would have used those laws, rules, and reviews to continue to block its construction. Right?

Biden-took action-to remove all legal barriers to building this wall quickly, folks. He wants it.

Don’t let him gaslight you now.

Segment 2

There are two things that I want to be sure every listener understands, today, as you watch all the coverage surrounding President Biden’s reversal on the border wall.

I spent an earlier segment on the first thing:

Please understand that Biden and his regime are still lying- when they say they needed to spend the money this way.

No. They don’t. And they haven’t been.

This is money that congress appropriated for ‘border control’ not specifically ‘to put up wall’.... And so, when Biden got into office, he and his scummy homeland security secretary decided they were going to be clever and cute-and made it known that they would burn thru this money other ways. Well-building roads ..and doing infrastructure upgrades- near the border- are technically ‘border projects’. And so, for three years, they’ve been giggling about how they are so cleverly wasting this taxpayer money while expressly-not-using it to build more border wall. They’ve been wasting it on another things-related to-the border.

They are-choosing to build more wall because their own -intentionally engineered-open borders have gotten out of hand.

Point one: Biden is still lying when he says he has no choice- he needs to build this wall.

Point two-which i will expand on now- proves point number one: Biden could still block this wall if he wanted to.

How do we know?

How do we know what Biden and Mayorkas’s intent is, here?

Well, because the action that touched this off was them-erasing no fewer than 26 environmental laws, regulations, and reviews. Right?

When Alejandro Mayorkas announced this new 20 miles worth of wall- he announced that the Biden admin was moving to ignore all eco-reviews because there is an immediate need for this wall.

If they didn’t want this wall to be built in that area-as joe suddenly claimed yesterday-they would have used those laws, rules, and reviews to continue to block its construction. Right?

You get this?

How does the left stop-any? - project these days? By claiming there’s a frog, turtle, or pigeon that might be disrupted.  

How does the left stop-any? -project? By using a web of regulations and agency rules to bring all progress to a halt-and block it from ever happening.

Biden and Mayorkas admitted they have the tools to stop this: there’s a web of environmental laws they could continue to enforce here-which is why this section of wall wasn’t being built in the first place.

They just cleared the way for the wall!

Joe Biden-took an executive action- that clears the way for wall to be quickly built there.

He exposes his own lie- with his actions taken.

You heard his snotty ‘no’ when the reporter asked if he thinks the wall works....

Well then, why is he clearing the way and expediting the process?

The answer is: his open borders lawlessness has gotten out of control.

The answer is: we are a year away from an election and the flood of illegals rushing into this country-and the national security risks and the burdens they place on our big-city communities- is getting alarming.

That’s why Biden is reversing course.

Here’s a bit of trivia: the secure fence act is what gives Biden and Mayorkas the blanket authority to waive those laws. It doesn’t mandate it-but it says a president ‘can’....

And- in fact-Joe Biden now becomes the first democrat president to make use of that power.

Mr. ‘not another foot of wall’...becomes the first to erase two dozen air, water, and endangered species rules-to say- build it. Now.

He can lie all he wants-but that’s what he just did.

I say it all the time: democrats never, never, never admit their mistakes.

Democrats- at all levels of government- refuse to ever admit they screwed up. Their policies backfired. Or they made things worse.

Their ‘go to move’ is to double, triple and quadruple down on the initial mistake-

And yes, Joe Biden has done that at the border. He initially killed off trump’s ‘remain in Mexico’ and ‘safe 3rd country’ policies, then he doubled and tripled down on other asinine rules and ‘asylum and parole’ changes that only increased the flood of illegals.

And now-3 years later- and still not being willing to admit he bleeped up big time-he’s now changing course. By his actions, he’s admitting he’s bleeped up and that walls work and that we in America need controlled borders...

And yet- when the activists in his party go nuts-he retreats to a new batch of lies.

Man, he’s a dreadful president and a dreadful human being.

You know Trump and republicans are going to savage Joe Biden for this between now and election time-and they should. This jackass deserves it. 

Early on in this regime, I labeled Biden and this era of democrats either ‘dangerously dumb’ or ‘intentionally destructive’.... And they are a mix of both.

It still galls me that one of this country’s two major political parties completely rolled over to the America-hating and pro-open borders crowds because they needed to engage in new stunts to keep winning elections and funding their campaigns-after they had driven America’s working-class voters out of their party.

It's still shameful that the democrat party leader has decided to take this route.

But don’t think this ‘about face’ on a little stretch of border wall means that Biden and the democrats are going to start supporting closed and controlled borders. They’re not.

This is a temporary and desperate move to slow the overall flow of illegals to the point that they can a) control it and hide it between now and next year’s election.  And b) pretend they’re interested in closing our borders.

They’re not.

This is about trying to get a handle on runaway numbers- and hoping to gaslight the American people for a little while longer. Because, let’s face it: if Joe Biden or a democrat wins another term- open borders is the new normal for this country-and with 3 to 5-million illegals flooding in every year- it will be a matter of ‘years’, not ‘decades’ before this country is an unrecognizable hell hole and a great 250 run of Americanism is dead.

The infuriating thing is this is like the high crime or the 9 percent inflation-none of this was necessary.

Joe Biden could have gotten into office-and done nothing- on this, issue, too, and he would have been a hero.

He inherited a closed and controlled border. All he had to do was-nothing-and he could have gone down in history as the president who finally shored up and controlled our southern border.

By simple interim- from the trump era-he could have ‘won’ on this issue.

Instead- he bleeped it up.

Instead- ‘moderate joe’ came into office and immediately decided to listen to the most radical voices who were whispering in his ear: they could make him the next LBJ or FDR-if he just let them run roughshod over the country and he adopted Bernie and AOC’s agenda-

And so, he did.

What a doddering dimwit. 

Biden-took action-to remove all legal barriers to building this wall quickly, folks. He wants it.

Don’t let him gaslight you now.

photo credit: Getty Images

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