Jay Weber Show transcript 10-5-23 7:10am
I know most conservative talkers-and on social media-giggled over democrat congressman Henry Cuellar being carjacked in Washington dc on Monday evening...
But Cuellar is one of the rare ‘good ones’ when it comes to dc democrats. He’s normally not too radical on the issues, and he’s one of the very few democrats who regularly make a stink about the illegal aliens crossing the border-
And he does-because he’s a ‘border state’ congressman. Cuellar’s district includes part of the border, and he hears -first hand-how dangerous and destructive and alarming this wave of illegals and cartel activity is- to his constituents.
And so-if I was to wish bad fortune on a democrat-it wouldn’t be Henry Cuellar.
Still- I do- love to see democrat lawmakers become the victims of their own party’s policies.
I’m not going to pretend that I don’t like to see these America-haters hoisted on their own petards.
And at this point? I don’t even care if they’re the victims of crime. In fact, I would post it this way: until these dangerous democrats and/ or their families are the victims of crime-nothing is going to change.
We’ve seen this time and again. This is a ‘forever’ sort of truth when it comes to lawmakers-and certainly- the elite dc lawmakers: they never seem to ‘really’ care about what the American people are going thru- or what they-with their decisions are putting the American people thru- until they experience it themselves.
Do you know why cars have back-up cameras? Because a congressman’s grandchild was run over in the driveway while playing behind a car.
It’s a tragedy that way too many families experience, but when it happens to a lawmaker-then it gets real. Then they got to do something about it.
And until then? They really don’t care.
And so- if today’s democrats are going to push thru policies or refuse to enforce laws and encourage a spike in crime and lawlessness? Heck yes, I hope they become the victims of it. Yes.
The only way these dems might-ever-do an ‘about face’ on crime and defunding the police is if enough of them -or their relatives- are harmed or killed or victimized by it.
The only way these democrats will-ever-decide to close and control this border- is if they or their relatives are the victims of it.
So- no, I won’t pretend to be shocked or saddened by Henry Cuellar being carjacked. He seems like a decent man-but- my reaction is: good. Because these democrats need to feel the sting of their own policies.
I’d never wish anyone dead, or to be the victims of a violent crime, or to lose a loved one that way-but if their policies are causing it- why should we be shocked when some of these democrat lawmakers or their families become victims?
And if their policies-are-causing this-then why should they be immune from it?
Any democrat who won’t stand up and say we need to close the border or won’t say we need more cops and more prosecutions and prison time- won’t get any sympathy from me when they are the victim of a crime.
Nope. And sadly, we need more instances like this-where elected democrats are the victims-if anything is going to change.
Did congressman Craig say ‘stand back and watch them riot’ during the BLM protests?
Was she on the ‘defund the police’ bandwagon, as a Minnesota lawmaker after George Floyd’s death?
Because most of the leading voices in her party were.
What’s happening here-is that the leftists are being mugged by their own reality, now.
I’m not rooting for it. I’m explaining what it will take for today’s dangerously dumb leftists to reverse course on their policies.
Folks-just this week-the l-a common council put a ‘zero bail’ policy into place that will make l-a even more dangerous than it already is.
Most of these democrats and leftists aren’t willing to give up their dangerously naïve beliefs on crime and punishment -even now-as the country crumbles.
But if you notice-they are now all pretending as if they never called to defund the police.
Everyone from Nancy Pelosi to AOC, herself, is pretending that they never said what they said-and never supported slashing the funding for our police departments. They did.
Grabien news put together nine minutes of democrats from all levels of govt and from across the country saying, ‘we need to defund the police.’
Folks-the full cut runs nine minutes! I’ll give you just a sample of it-and try to identify the voices you might not know by ‘voice’ alone.
Mandela Barnes was in there. Racist and rancid congresswoman Cori bush was in there. (others)
They all caved to this BLM lawless and stupidity and now want to pretend they didn’t.
And since a democrat will never- ever-never admit a mistake!?
We must take this as evidence that they know how dumb and dangerous it is now- even if they still don’t have the integrity or the guts to go against their rabid activists- reverse course-and restore law and order to most of our cities.
What sorts of things might push them over the edge? Get them to decide that-by God-we got to crack down on this crime?
Well-sadly-it’s going to need to be a series of shocking crimes-against- high profile Americans and elected democrats. That’s what it’s going to take.
I don’t want to be grim or controversial here-but I think we all know that if a republican congresswoman is murdered or raped in dc-that’ll still be an anomaly. That’ll still be dismissed as ‘random’ by today’s democrats.
But if a democrat congresswoman is raped or murdered in DC? Then. Then...we might get a few of her fellow democrats admitting that crime in America is out of control and we need to deal with it.
Am I wrong?
And toss ‘the border’ into that same bucket: what might have democrats finally speaking up against joe Biden’s open borders?
Well, high profile democrats or their families being raped, murdered, or victimized by a criminal illegal alien who never should have been in the country.
That might be a catalyst for something. Otherwise, this border lawlessness is the new normal.
And the members of this audience know I'm right. Sadly, this is where we are now-in America- with the socialist progressive left having taken over control of one of the two major political parties.
This is where America is, now, because half of the people in this country still haven’t woken up to the fact that if they want to restore order, prosperity, accountability- they need to stop voting democrat!
The people now controlling that party at -all levels-are now dangerously dumb dreamers...or ruthless America haters.
This isn’t Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama's party, anymore. It’s AOC/s and Bernie's. It’s leaders are dangerously dumb America haters.
Nothing gets better until most Americans stop voting democrat.
photo credit: Getty Images