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GOP needs to avoid a cheap Pelosi/Schumer type impeachment stunt

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-13-23

So... shortly after the show, yesterday, house speaker Kevin McCarthy launched the impeachment inquiry that many of us fully expected him to launch- given that it was the next logical step in the congressional inquiries that President Biden and his federal agencies are blocking.

There are several investigations that Biden’s regime is refusing to cooperate with-not just the Biden family corruption schemes that house oversight investigators and James Comer have collected so much evidence on.

And I’d note that -when speaker McCarthy announced this inquiry- he named three different committee chairman who would oversee it...including comer at ‘oversight’ and Jim Jordan, the chairman of the judiciary committee. And he said that the investigations would go ‘wherever the evidence takes us’.

This, to me, suggests that these house members aren’t solely going to concentrate on Biden’s bribe-taking as vice president.

It’s also worth pointing out that Kevin McCarthy announced this action-on his own. The speaker of the house has the power to do this on his-or-her own, but up until yesterday, McCarthy was suggesting that he wanted to have a full house vote if they were going to take the next step toward impeachment-

And this-is- just a step. A formal inquiry gives investigating congressmen more legal powers to compel people to comply and force the executive branch and govt agencies to turn over documents…. etc....

But an ‘inquiry’ doesn’t need to end with a formal vote to impeach the president, and i believe there’s some ‘room here’ for McCarthy to stop short of doing so before next year’s election.

Because-politically?- impeachment votes tend to backfire on the party that pushed them....

But if the house members can use these new authorities to expose Biden’s different types of corruption more fully over the next could benefit them next fall.

But-having McCarthy go about this the way he did: saying he wanted a full house vote before moving forward-for months- and then suddenly springing it on us- as his own decision-

That shows this was a move he made to try to placate some of the more politically rabid members of the house freedom caucus.

This was caving into Matt Goetz and Marjorie Taylor Green and Chip Roy and Lauren Boebert.

People who have been calling for Biden’s impeachment since the day he took office.

But McCarthy likely did so, to get them to cave, themselves, on some of their demands related to the spending and appropriations bills that they need to get worked out before the end of the avoid a govt shut down.

This has all the hallmarks of a strategic move by McCarthy to get something in return from these hardliners and get his spending bills done.

Not that it’s a bad strategic move: he may not have had enough votes on his own side of the aisle to move to an impeachment inquiry. Given how many timid squishes he has in that caucus who are in swing districts and think an impeachment of Biden would harm them-

And yet-at the same time- if we are ever going to hold joe Biden accountable for his decades of corruption- or simply expose it for posterity- then this move had to be made, anyway: those investigators like Comey and Jordan had to have the subpoena powers and additional powers to compel testimony that this step gives them.

And unlike Pelosi and the dems two sham impeachments of trump- house republicans have a chance here to do a more methodical, detailed process that really does end with the American people having a fuller understanding of the influence peddling and money laundering joe Biden orchestrated and had his family engaged in.

Bush-era insider Ari Fleisher was on the Fox set as McCarthy made this announcement and had this reaction:

‘You Need to Have Proof’: Ari Fleischer Urges Republicans ‘Don’t Start Accusing’ Biden of ‘Bribery’

But Fleisher was also careful to make it clear: the republicans have a choice here- either do a credible, detailed series of investigations that restore some credibility to this entire impeachment process- or play cheap politics with it like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff did.

Fleisher urged the GOP- be careful and credible.

I agree with that completely.

This announcement had all the reactions that you’d expect from the democrats and lefty talking heads. They leapt to portray this as a political mistake that would backfire on the republicans because it’s just a MAGA witch hunt...

But... Consider who sounded more ridiculous, yesterday. Kevin McCarthy- who called for a careful process that investigated a culture of corruption that they’ve already found evidence of-surrounding Biden-

Folks- 60 percent of Americans-already- say they believe Joe Biden was abusing his power and was involved in shady family influence peddling- lets remember that-

And so- who sounded more credible, yesterday? McCarthy?

Or Debbie Wasserman Shultz who was on the set of MSNBC and was asked to react. Listen to this load of tripe...and notice that Wasserman Shultz goes out of her way to say ‘MAGA’ and ‘MAGA witch hunt’ as much as she can...but please notice that she never completes a thought- or an excuse here:

Dem Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz: With Biden Impeachment, House Republicans Acting As "Arm Of The Trump Campaign"

Did that sound credible to you? Does McCarthy look more credible, announcing the continuance of an investigation into the Biden criminality that most Americans-already know is real? -

Or does Wasserman Schultz come off sounding better.... stammering and grasping and trying to say MAGA as many times as she can?

Here’s the same test-with Chuck Schumer. Does this clown sound credible, when his party put us two completely bogus impeachment inquiries-and full impeachment votes-  related to trump?

Listen to this dillweed.


So-in the Trump era...the American people didn’t want congress focusing on the nation’s problems...

In the Trump era...the American people wanted -two- bogus impeachments and were glad the dems were wasting their time on them.

But now?

Now the people really want congress focused on ‘the people’s business’.

What a clown, Chuck Schumer is. Schumer beclowns himself with his hypocrisy.

Which side is going to sound more ridiculous and foolish as this impeachment inquiry moves forward?  It’s not going to be credible men like James Comer and Jim Jordan.

It’s going to be people who have already proven themselves to be hyper partisan, unserious clowns like Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and the genuinely dreadful Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

I’d nearly forgotten she was even in the congress. She ran the DNC into the ground in the Obama the point that he and his team wanted nothing to do with her-

And to the point that-during the 2016 campaign-the Clinton team had to essentially take over and ‘buy out’ the democratic national committee. Wasserman Schultz was one of the biggest disasters for the dunk it had ever endured.

Thank heaven she’s resurfaced with MAGA talking points. It can only help us next year.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s move to launch an impeachment inquiry is both ‘good’ and ‘necessary’.

It is the next logical step in the congressional inquiries that President Biden and his federal agencies are blocking related to Biden family corruption and more.

There are several investigations that Biden’s regime is refusing to cooperate with-not just the Biden family corruption schemes that house oversight investigators and James Comer have collected so much evidence on...

But Biden’s obvious corruption and criminality as vice president is the most compelling case and would be the most disqualifying for the American people.

We know James Comer, the lead house investigator, is being stonewalled on over 5-thousand emails related to three Joe Biden aliases.

There’s all sorts of smoke and fire here-and polls are starting to show that six in ten Americans already believe Biden engaged in this sort of influence peddling and corruption-

And they do-

Because GOP investigators already have so much detailed and compelling evidence of big payments from China, Ukraine, Russian oligarchs, and more-that was funneled to the Bidens and it’s clear joe was ‘at least’ involved in it, if not ‘orchestrating it’. 

My friends- we already know Joe Biden is corrupt.

This is already a ‘known thing’ to at least half of Americans and- everyone in dc.

Don’t kid yourself: everyone in dc knows that Biden was doing this.

For heaven’s sake-we are already at the point at which the democrats and Biden’s most ardent defenders on lefty cable shows are stubbornly don’t have any direct evidence that joe benefited. You don’t have any direct evidence joe was part of hunter’s influence peddling.


Because there’s all sorts of evidence including photos and videos of the ‘meet and greets’ joe had with shady foreign business associates. We’ve got emails off hunter’s laptop. We’ve got witness testimony from tony Babinski, Devon Archer, and Rob Walker.

The only thing we don’t have is video of a Chinese communist official handing over a bag of cash with a dollar sign on Biden.

Apparently, that’s what the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC are holding out for: some sort of cartoonish ‘bag of cash’  being handed directly to Joe Biden.

That’s not how secret deals involving money laundering work, folks. The GOP has already ‘got the goods’ on that stuff, and are gathering more evidence every week, according to comer.

The American people have already heard Joe Biden get caught in several lies. As a nominee in 2020- he repeatedly said he had no part in his son’s business dealings. Nope.

He lied and said his son hunter had done ‘nothing wrong’. It was all lies. Then we had IRS and FBI investigators charge him with several counts of tax evasion.... while dropping a gun charge. And hunter copped to it as part of a plea deal.


We already have Hunter Biden admitting to tax evasion on at least 3-million dollars that he owed-and to having a handgun illegally.  

And that plea deal was put together, so he didn’t go to prison on money laundering charges.

Gee. That exposes daddy’s lie right there...that

His son had done nothing wrong.

Heck-the scummy US prosecutor who tried to engineer that sweetheart plea deal for hunter is now saying he’s going to charge hunter on the gun charge-after all- before the end of September, here. Tax evasion charge may be included.


We already know joe and Hunter Biden are corrupt...and joe is lying about it. 

Meanwhile-you have some republicans in dc who are more worried about the politics of it-certain it’s going to harm them.

The way it harms them is if they rush ahead with an impeachment-vote.

That’s the way it harms them. To do a rush job like Pelosi and Schiff did on the first bogus trump impeachment...and in a matter of weeks.... orchestrate a political vote for the cameras.

That would backfire.

But a careful, continuing investigation that exposes every part of Joe Biden’s corruption and criminality between now and next year? Before the American people vote on whether to keep this corrupt clown in office?

That could be helpful.

As I’ve been saying- this is just a step. A formal inquiry gives investigating congressmen more legal powers to compel people to comply and force the executive branch and govt agencies to turn over documents...etc.

But an ‘inquiry’ doesn’t need to end with a formal vote to impeach the president, and i believe there’s some ‘room here’ for McCarthy to stop short of doing so before next year’s election.

I agree with air Fleisher, who says: the republicans have a choice here- either do a credible, detailed series of investigations that fully expose Joe Biden and restore some credibility to the impeachment process- or play cheap politics with it like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff did.

If these republicans are careful and credible, it can benefit them. If they do a sloppy rush job just to placate Marjorie Taylor Greene and Loren Boebert- it backfires.

The American people already know Joe Biden is corrupt. All Washington DC-including his fellow democrats- already know he is corrupt. That’s one reason that having the White House label this a ‘MAGA witch hunt’ isn’t going to work.

They make themselves sound like foolish scumbags even saying it.

photo credit: Getty Images

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