Jay Weber Show transcript 8/29/23 6:15am
Have you heard. Over ¾ of Americans say Joe Biden is too old for a second term.
This number has been locked in at a full 70 percent for about a year now-and with the latest AP/NORC poll- it leaps to 77 percent. Wow.
Over three-quarters of American voters say ‘not again, he’s too old’.
But the killer for the Bidens and the democrats is that 69 percent of democrats- say Biden is too old.
Seven in ten democrats! Say this guy is too old for a second term!
Folks, if that’s the case, Joe Biden isn’t running again.
I’ve been saying that the Bidens will blast thru all these age and corruption issues- if they can. Because they really, really want to be able to say ole ‘legacy joe’ was a consequential president and was so beloved that he won a second term...
Even though he could only serve a few months before handing the keys to Kammy-
And even then- oh. How wonderful. Joe Biden was responsible for the first black, female president in America.
Everyone knew that Kamala Harris never could have won the presidency on her own...but....Joe Biden had one last ‘white savior’ story to offer before he resigned or died:he gave a black woman the keys to the realm.
Trust me.... the Bidens hunger for those narratives and that imagined history, and so they will wait until the bitter end, here, before they announce joe can’t or won’t run again.
But- with each passing day- i am starting to believe that Biden-will not- run again.
Over the last two weeks, I was wondering whether the decision has already been made- based on the hints-and how Biden and his team aren’t even pretending that he was interested in responding to the Maui wildfires, or any other pressing issue of the day...
But if the Bidens aren’t already ‘out’ on a 2024 run, this poll yesterday could literally be the bit of information that pushes Biden and his team into a ‘no go’ mode. We can’t run again.
And I assume they won’t wait for this to be duplicated. I’m sure they have their own polling already- or will soon-that would validate this sentiment first-
But we’ve already had ‘roughly’ this level of Americans saying ‘no’ to a second Biden term for a year now, haven’t we?
My friend-with nearly 20 percent of democrats saying they either definitely or probably won’t vote for joe Biden next year- you see what sort of ‘rare opportunity’ we have on the right to win in 2024 and capture those voters.
Joe Biden is a corrupt, incompetent, way too elderly president who needs to go!!
At least seventeen percent of democrats just told the AP that they agree with that.
What in the hell are we doing? Not using this opportunity to put a new generation of populist conservative on the ticket like Ron DeSantis -and starting what could be a great new 8 or 12 year run of conservatism?
The country is ripe for it.
Instead-republicans are going to hold up a damaged trump who is only looking backward and trying to settle grudges....and claim that ‘he’s the guy’. Its’ got to be Trump. Only he can beat Joe Biden.
Bull plop, to that notion.
But the increasing likelihood is that Joe Biden won’t even be the dem nominee-and instead- the dems will have a far younger, more appealing candidate who is even more left-wing radical.
And as the fresh face who can claim ‘Biden didn’t do progressivism right, but I can. And your choice is a new generation or an angry, twisted old Trump?’
Who do you think most Americans would choose?
Biden has very little chance of beating anyone-other than trump-
But it’s also true that trump has very little chance of beating anyone-other than Biden.
Why aren’t we -on our side? - giving most Americans the ‘new face’ that they keep telling pollsters they are looking for?
Instead, the dems will do it, when Biden either passes on a second term or dies in his beach chair.
story credit: Wisconsin State Journal
photo credit: Getty Images