Jay Weber Show transcript 8-3-23 6:40am
I had a lovely two-week trip to the British Isles. We had a good time. It was clear I wasn’t missing much news-
And then- I returned on Tuesday-to the news that the awful Janet Protasiewicz had been officially sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice-and the State Supreme court was now in the hands of left-wing activists-
What a gut-punch.
This represents such a terrible turn of events for Wisconsin that it’s hard to calculate-or enumerate- today- in this moment.
I read that Brian Hagedorn and other legal commentators were suggesting that-short term- this isn’t going to mean all that much-
That’s crap.
They say it’s going to take time to get the cases that will challenge the electoral maps, and act ten, and Wisconsin’s abortion laws in front of that new court.
That’s also crap. The left-wing activist groups and liberal lower court judges in Dane county and elsewhere will fast-track these cases.
And unlike challenges that come in front of a conservative leaning court- these liberal judges won’t feel the need to follow the law or the constitution. They won’t feel limited by ‘doing what’s right, correct, or constitutional’...before they make major rulings reversing settled law.
We all know it’s coming. The truly awful Janet Protasiewicz virtually promised it during her campaign-
And folks-
When the liberal judges’ first act of business when they take control is to fire the non-partisan director of the court system?
You know what’s coming.
This move to oust the top administrator of the state court system- who has a long-time reputation of being very good, capable, and non-partisan-
Is as outrageous as it is informative: it’s a leftist declaration of war on a fair and balanced judiciary. This move proves that Protasiewicz, Jill Karovski, Anne Walsh Bradley, and Rebecca Dallet have been meeting in secret and scheming- well before Protasiewicz was even placed on the court.
This move doesn’t come out of nowhere. It comes out of intentional-secretive- scheming by Wisconsin’s four leftist supreme court justices.
I believe Dan O’Donnell broke the story:
There has been no controversy surrounding Randy Koshnick.
This is what listeners need to understand: it’s not like Koshnick has been a controversial figure or has done the job in a sloppy or biased manner. There has been no controversy surrounding how this rather anonymous bureaucrat who sits atop the state court system does his job-
Which is why his firing is such a ‘tell’.
The leftist judges are replacing a good and capable bureaucrat with someone else of their choosing. Someone who is going to run the state court system in the manner in which-they-want to see it
These four liberal justices have clearly been meeting secretly and plotting strategies before Protasiewicz was even placed on the court.
How motivated do you think they are to engage in political hyper-partisanship and destroy and overturn every single ‘win’ or reform that Wisconsin republicans and conservatives have seen over the last 15 years?
If they are already plotting? Will they even wait for the cases to reach them before they start to enforce the leftist agenda thru their rulings? Or do you think they will leap to pull up cases from the lower courts?
It is going to take months- not years- before some of the most important cases like redistricting maps and abortion laws and challenges to act ten are before them.
I predict that these four will reach down into the lower courts and agree to hear these cases without allowing the normal appeals process to play out. It’s ‘game on’ for them, and they are already scheming.
The court will hold their fire on abortion until next year to maximize the issue for democrat’s next fall. That’s probably a good prediction, too, given that their first order of business is going to have to be to disqualify Wisconsin’s electoral maps and then redraw them so the dems have new advantages in 2024. That’ll be the first order of business so that they can have that resolved and their new cheating maps in place in time for the election.
But I could see them shooting down the 1849 abortion ban in short order-yet this year-and then dismantle the 20-week law and other abortion restrictions next year. Let’s not assume that their zeal to kill the unborn ends with one ruling.
I foresee several pro-abortion rulings by this court that are meant to make Wisconsin a full-blown no-holds-barred abortion state- right up until the moment of birth- or later.
That is how radical these four liberal justices are. We already know they are, and there is no mystery in how they are going to rule on these cases.
Act ten guarantees the freedom to decide whether to join a union. She will work to take that away.
We see how the left-wing judges are running our courts: they do not offer-or allow for-safe communities....and neither the democrat party nor their activist judges are affording everyone equal justice under the law.
Protasiewicz -at her swearing in ceremony-was lying. She wants none of those things and she represents none of those things.
photo credit: Fox 6 News/Milwaukee