The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Evers saved you a tank of gas as opposed to the GOP's car payment

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-10-23 7:10am

I don’t know how many people actually -read-the Saturday Journal/Sentinel- but Molly Beck and the editors -at least published- the truth about the governor’s veto of the significant middle class tax cuts that republicans had in the state budget.

This was after the nonpartisan legislative fiscal bureau-on Friday- validated that gov Evers’ move erased a yearly 600-dollar tax cut for the average Wisconsinite...and leaves them with just a pathetic 36 dollar cut, instead.

The official govt analysis – so- no lefty spin about ‘tax breaks for the rich—no hyperbole from republicans here, either-

The official govt analysis from the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau shows Evers' vetoes reduced the income tax relief in the 2023-25 state budget from an average cut of 15% in the GOP plan to an average tax cut of 0.9%, making the average income tax cut of $36, down from the $573 average cut taxpayers would have seen under a Republican-authored plan

This was as I suggested that this was such an outrageous and nasty move by Evers- to keep a 3.5-billion-dollar tax surplus- and not! -give it back to taxpayers after promising to do so-

That republicans needed to make this known to all Wisconsinites- even those who don’t normally pay attention to the news-

All Wisconsin workers should know that gov Evers just screwed them out of a 600-dollar tax cut-and for no other reason than to allegedly ‘own’ the republicans.

That’s all the veto was about. And the proof is that the money is just going to sit there in the state treasury: it was excess money taken away from you- from all of us-

Excess money taken out of your paychecks in order to cover the state of Wisconsin’s considerable bills- and they took too much-and now gov Evers -intentionally and blatantly refused to give it back.

And his lefty friends and dem strategists might be tittering and giggling over this. Jim Doyle and Chris Larson might be impressed-

But it was an ugly and unnecessary-and downright mean- move for Evers to make. Every working Wisconsinite needs to know how they just got ‘f-ed over’ by the governor and how he and his friends are giggling about it.

And so, yes, I was suggesting that Vos and the republicans reconvene the legislature once a month-right thru the summer and fall-and keep passing that stand-alone tax cut- and force Gov Evers to veto it time after time after time-

And own his insult to the public.

Again, on Friday- Evers’ spokes-clown tried to use Wisconsin’s eleven richest people to pretend this was about denying tax cuts to the rich.

Okay-so -they got to be mean to some rich people. But was denying two-million lower- and middle-class taxpayers a significant tax cut- worth it?

Because that’s what they did.

Gov Evers and his mean-cute acolytes here- denied nearly two million working Wisconsinites a sizable tax break- when it’s all money they are owed back- because it was taken in excess, in the first place.

Democrats feel good about that?

Then they should be made to own it.

Because today’s democrat party-clearly- doesn’t care about the average Wisconsinite or the average American-

And yet- nearly half of the country keeps voting for these evil dimwits.

story credit: j/s online

photo credit: Getty Images

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