The Jay Weber Show

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Bidenomics is a Bust

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-7-23

So... with 7 in ten Americans saying the country is on the wrong track-and with President Biden having a personal ‘unfavorable’ rating of about six in ten Americans-With the same number saying his economy sucks-

He and his team have launched the effort to convince you that things are really going great for you- and that this economy is superior to Donald Trump’s- and that you’re just too much of an idiot to understand that.

Boy-people really love it when they are struggling, but someone else is insisting they’re not. They’re doing great. It’s very insulting.

But this is the Biden campaign’s main plan to get the worst president ever re-elected.

We, the American people, have all just lived thru the contrast of a truly great trump economy in which wages and salaries were up. Benefits packages were up. Every government and private sector measure of the economy was setting 50-year records-

But that economy sucked, according to Biden and the democrats- and it is this. This-economy that’s better.  And if you disagree-you’re just a putz who doesn’t get it.

Talk about insulting.  The entire pitch is: don’t believe what you are experiencing. Believe us when we tell you you’re better off now.

This is going to be a difficult sales job.

I’ve been talking about the incredible amount of gaslighting and lying that Biden and his team have had to do over the last two years-in order to pretend like they have successes to tout. But every one of them is a lie.

Biden’s own labor department- saying that hourly earnings are down in the Biden era and weekly wages haven’t kept up with inflation.

Private surveys have put the number of people living paycheck to paycheck in the Biden era now-at 57 percent. Nearly six in ten Americans say they are now existing paycheck-to-paycheck.

Credit card debt has surged again. The number of late payments has surged again. The American people-are-struggling, even if the arrogant beltway insiders don’t see it.

According to the federal reserve bank of New York-credit card debt has increased 28 percent since Biden took office. That’s a massive leap in credit card debt over the course of less than 3 years.

We learned just last week from Vangaard that more and more Americans are dipping into their 401ks and retirement savings again, in the Biden era. That’s such a bad financial move that it represents a particularly desperate act- of people who desperately need the money.

This. Is Bidenomics.

He said that on the very day that an ap poll came out showing 66 percent of Americans rate the economy as ‘poor’.

Folks- if this political scheme works-it will be the biggest snow-job that I’ve ever seen be ‘pulled off’ over the last 30 years.

If Biden and the dems can convince most voters that the financial hardships, they are experiencing are all made up- and they are actually better off than they were four years ago under Trump- it’ll be the biggest snow job I have ever seen be successful-

And if they do it-

If that many Americans fall for such obvious gaslighting and lying- then they’ll deserve the putrid economy and the putrid government that they’ll continue to get out of todays’ democrats.

If the American people are dumb enough to buy this? -well then- socialism really is ‘right around the corner’.... because this will be a country primarily populated by desperate dimwits....

And countries full of desperate dimwits are how you get socialism and communism.

Folks- Joe Biden and the dems have added six trillion dollars to the federal deficit just since Biden took office. Six trillion. And he’s only midway thru year three.

Trump didn’t even add that much to the debt to get us thru the covid crisis. Biden and Bernie and the dems have added six trillion dollars to the national debt-in 2 and a half years-and none of it was necessary spending.

This is Bidenomics. And it’s not sustainable.

Biden and his minions keep maligning supply side economics...when it is supply -side economics that have been the policies that have proven to work over the last sixty years. Cutting taxes and letting the American people keep, use, invest, and spend more of their own money worked in the JFK era, the Reagan and Clinton eras, and in the trump era.

Supply-side economics...which these idiot dems still want to call ‘trickle down economics’ are the policies and the philosophy that have proven to work the best-to stimulate our economy and lead to a better financial situation for Americans across-the-board. Even those on the lowest rungs.

And this would be a perfect time for republicans to be out there-messaging that fact-and standing up for the great past economies we’ve seen-and reminding people why we experienced them: tax cuts and supply siders.

It was Ronald Reagan and people like Larry Kudlow- 40 years ago- who knew that the heavy hand of government was behind a lot of the economic stagnation and inflation. Trump knew it, too.

We know it now, but no one seems to be saying it.

Cheap, plentiful energy is a key to a vibrant economy- and Biden and the dems have screwed that up...

And also- public safety and safe streets is an important pre-condition of economic activity. Which is also true, and we all see how the democrats have screwed that up.

I know we are still about a year away from the general election kicking in- but as Biden’s economy is infuriating voters- conservatives and republicans should be forcefully making the supply side argument...

And they aren’t.

photo credit: Getty Images

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