The Jay Weber Show

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The US Supreme Court simply followed the constitution

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-5-23 7:10am

The meltdown the left is having over three new important, precedent-setting cases at the end of this spring Supreme Court session is as fake and farcical as you’d expect it to be. I said earlier: every one of these decisions was expected.

If you were shocked that the court’s members followed the clear, bold tenets of our constitution such as- the separation of powers- or the first amendment right to religious freedom-

If you were shocked that they’d follow the bold outlines of law and constitution- then you really are a gullible fool: you’ve allowed yourself to be sucked in by the obvious hyperbole, lies, and nonsense of the far left.

None of these decisions was unexpected or even-genuinely controversial. Everyone should have seen what’s coming-

And no re-re-affirming the most basic tenets of the constitution is not ‘an attack on democracy’.

Re-affirming what it is that our founders intended and what 250 years of Americans have fought and died to maintain- does not ‘put democracy in jeopardy’.

And anyone who is spouting that nonsense is either -a genuine idiot- like AOC and Joy Reid- or is a political hack of the worst sort- like Biden, Schumer, and Adam Schiff.

Those men have been in government a long time, and there is no way that they were surprised by any of these rulings. Rulings that ‘stood up for’ the constitution and stood against discrimination.

But we still had to go thru a weekend of cry bullying and hair-on-fire hyperbole from dimwits and socialists.

The calls immediately started to ‘expand the court’ so that the leftists could retake numerical control of it. Adam Schiff was one of the scummiest snakes this weekend.

This is in perfect keeping with today’s left: if they don’t get their way-they whine and bully and throw a tantrum until they do.

We have polls that show 6 in 10 Americans are against court packing....but those same polls show nearly 7 in 10 democrats favor it, because they can’t force their socialist agenda onto the rest of us-

And so- expect to hear a lot about this-and a lot of dishonesty surrounding it.

As if democrats wouldn’t have done the same thing if their president had been in office when the same openings came up.

If Barrack Obama had had three selections and a chance to replace two conservatives with two dyed-in-the-wool liberals, he would have done it, and we wouldn’t be hearing a peep about ‘court stacking’ or ‘needs for reform.

In fact- if Schiff and AOC and the left should be blaming anyone for this court’s current make-up, they should be blaming Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Her refusal to retire in her 80s and after two bouts with cancer is the reason that we have this 6-3 majority. Remember?

Remember how celebrated she was early in the trump era? Until she died and screwed them over?

You don’t hear many new cultural references to the notorious RGB, anymore, do you?  You don’t hear about many law schools or scholarships being named after her, do you?

Ginsburg was certain that Hillary Clinton was going to win in 2020. She went around telling people that she wanted the first female president to appoint her successor-indicating that it was something RGB was actually holding out for-

Instead, trump won, and her silly decision changed the course of history-thank heaven.

But today’s democrats, once again, find themselves in a situation of their own making. And you can bet that if they had the same sort of 6-3 advantage on this court-they wouldn’t be talking about the need to add more members or ‘reform’ the court.

This is all political pabulum meant to convince the ignorant masses that there is something illegitimate about this court.

There’s not.

In fact-you can easily make the case that the supreme court hasn’t been ‘this legitimate’ in 60 or 70 years-

After all- its members are simply overturning bad, unconstitutional decisions that the supreme courts of the 70s put into roe and now this affirmative action ruling.

If the wrong man is convicted of a crime and sits in prison for decades-only to have a new detective look at the case and find the real killer-leading to the man’s release-

Is that new detective a hero or a goat?

A hero, right? Because he ‘corrected a wrong’. He found justice after decades of injustice.

This is how we should be viewing today’s court members: they are willing to ignore political pressures and never-ending left-wing attacks on preserve and protect the constitution...and a large part of that mission is ‘getting it right’. Righting they have with the Dobbs decision and now these three new decisions.

Women never had a constitutional right to an abortion and the decision never should have been with federal lawmakers or the courts. It’s a state issue.

Joe Biden never had the power to forgive or shift student debt. 

Colorado never had the right to take away the religious rights of business owners.

Affirmative action was always discriminatory and racist-even if it survived for 50 years.

Are you seeing the pattern?

This is not an ‘activist’ court. It’s a restorative court.

This is not a court that puts democracy in jeopardy, as AOC ludicrously claimed this weekend. It’s a court that protects democracy...and protects the republic.

And you might not like their rulings, but if you reject the notion that they ‘got them wrong’, then you aren’t being honest. Because these were never controversial questions....and these cases could only come to-one-conclusion- in each instance. The only correct and obvious constitutional one.

But-as John Yoo, a conservative constitutional expert out of Berkeley says- expect the ugly attacks on the supreme court to only escalate now:


Yoo also agreed that there was really only one way that these cases could be decided. In the instance of the student loan forgiveness, for example, he said:

John Yoo: You Are Going To See "Enhanced Attacks" On The Supreme Court By Progressives, It Will Be "Unprecedented"

And despite the expected and obvious ruling, Joe Biden rushed out and insisted that the court got the decision wrong...and that this isn’t a ‘normal’ court.

No, it’s about as ‘normal’ a court as we’ve had in my lifetime, my friends.

No exaggeration. We finally have a court in which most of its’ members clearly know why they are there-and why they are not.

They are not on the court to follow public opinion. They are not on the court to make policy...or to allow illegal or unconstitutional policies like Biden’s student loan program or Colorado’s rules on businesses to stand, just because they are ‘well intended’.

No. They are there to ensure the constitution and the laws and policies that have been passed b past congresses- are followed.

That’s it. And it’s why we had such clarity in all of the rulings last week. 

I notice that Biden, Schumer and AOC have all insisted that this court isn’t making decisions that the majority of Americans agree with.

Well- first- so what?  

But second-it’s also not true.

First of all-the court isn’t supposed to be following the popular opinion of the moment. That’s sort of the whole point of the court system-as set up by the founders.

And second-most Americans disagree with race-based emissions policies. Most Americans disagreed with Biden’s student loan maneuver. And most Americans agree with the right to religious freedom in this country.

The polls have been done on all of these issues-for decades-and again over the weekend.

Most Americans-do! - agree with the three big cases that concluded late last week.

And so, the president is lying to you when he says ..quote...the vast majority of the American people don’t agree with a lot of the decisions that this court is making....

Ah, sir. Actually-they do!

story credit: RealClearPolitics and Grabien News

photo credit: Getty Images

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