The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

Jay Weber knows what you want to talk about. His show examines the big issues, trends, and events at all levels -- local, state, and national -- from...Full Bio


No this country is NOT becoming more progressive

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-20-23

I talked earlier about the epic flop of three movie releases this past weekend that were supposed to set the tone for summer blockbusters-

They all flopped. Disney’s ‘elemental’. Warner Brothers’ ‘the flash’, and a smaller release black horror movie called the blackness that turns out to be little more than a string of BLM talking points and hating on whitey-

All three flopped- providing further evidence that the backlash to the activist left’s attempt to divide this country by race and gender and any other way they can-in order to sew chaos- has begun.

The latest figures suggest that the three major companies that have been hit with backlash protests have now lost 29-billion dollars in market value...and their stocks aren’t bouncing back.

This is Budweiser, target, and unfortunately, kohls- but their execs decided to ‘go woke’

Axios is a website that was started by fired and former journalists-all progressives-of course, and so, they get it wrong by 180 degrees: they claim that society has ‘progressive impulses’ and suggest it’s the evil conservative protestors that are the smaller group.... impeding progress or stunting America’s social growth.


Well-that’s all wrong: the most recent surveys show that more Americans are calling themselves both socially and fiscally conservative than have been-in decades. And those responses need to be in direct correlation to the social bullying that this much smaller group of radical leftists has been doing-

And that their accomplices in the media outlets like Axios- want to believe is the ‘new normal’ or the prevailing sentiment of most Americans.

It’s not.

We just talked about this gallop survey last week. It was a large sample size of something like five thousand Americans, if I remember correctly...and it found...

Social Conservatism in U.S. Highest in About a Decade

Contrary to what the left and their accomplices in the media want you to believe- conservatives hold the majority views on all of this- and aren’t the outsiders or fringe kooks that they make us out to be.

Instead- it is they-the far-left wingers pushing all this wokeism-who are the fringe actors and outsiders.

The backlash has begun. It’s real. And it’s measurable.

Americans Say ‘No Thanks’ To ‘Woke’ Corporations: I&I/TIPP Poll

Nearly five in ten Americans hate the corporate activism. Another third is indifferent to it-

And the smallest group- fewer than one in five Americans-say they support it.

And so, which group have America’s CEOs and boardrooms been listening to? The smallest group. They are trying to appease 17 percent of the country....and in the process...are hacking off nearly 50 percent of the country.

How is that smart? Or logical?

Moreover-these seventeen percent of respondents agreed with the notion that. Quote...companies should aggressively push social change regardless of financial impact.

As in- even if they lose profits.

I don’t know about you-but I don’t want any of my retirement investments tied to companies whose CEOs and board members would intentionally engage in major profit losses to push the latest leftist bologna.

I don’t want those companies in my stock portfolio. If the CEO’s or execs at bud and target are willing to lose 30 billion in stock value every few years, as the latest woke poison comes around that they need to push- count me out.

I can’t retire on that.

What a dumb way to view companies...or their mission.

And if you question where the so-called moderates or independents are on this- the poll shows that nearly half of independents- 47 percent- say they oppose this DEI nonsense and don’t want companies engaging in it-

And only 13 percent of independents support it. That is overwhelmingly in favor of more traditional values and overwhelmingly against the woke nonsense.

There is no ‘significant’ constituency-in this country-for this DEI stuff, the racial bullying, the gender bullying, the child grooming, that today’s leftists are pushing on us...and that their accomplices in the MSM want to portray as ‘progressive’.

And it’s good to see other corporations and CEOs reacting nervously: sheepishly calling their store managers and saying...’take down all the groomer pride decorations....and that special we’ve been running where if you say if you’re a trans-man you get a free wiener? Cancel it.

Yeah. Let those gals pay for their own wiener.

Yeah. End it. 

story credit: Issues and Insights and Gallup
photo credit: Getty Images

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