The Jay Weber Show

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Latest economic news shows how great a Trump second term would have been

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-14-23 8:30AM

So- inflation is holding around four percent-year to year. Prices didn’t really tick up much-April to May-

Or month to month -but year to year- the cost of buying things went up other four percent over 2022’s major inflation and 2021’s sizable jump, too.

I’ve lost track of how much the cost of living, or the consumer price index has risen since Joe Biden took office-but last year- we were talking about how inflation pricing had done up 15 percent over Biden’s first two years-and so- add another four now?

If we do-we are up to about 19 percent inflation, overall, on virtually all our goods and services since Biden won office.

And this is something that the Biden regime, again and again, wants to ignore, as they try to celebrate another four percent consumer price hike since this time last year. And yes, when you look at the naked stats, inflation finally seems to be slowing.

And I know what you are going to say: but gas prices just shot up by 30 cents a gallon.

Yes. They did. And that will be reflected in June’s inflation number, no doubt. This report is about ‘may’ pricing.

And you know the reason for the ‘stubborn’ inflation: because the Biden regime and the democrats won’t stop spending and won’t agree to any policy decisions that would help reduce inflation. Instead, Biden has left it up to the federal reserve, entirely, and in contrast to the various policy changes that Biden and lawmakers might have to improve things-the fed members only have one tool. Hammering on Americans by raising interest an effort to get them to stop spending and ‘wanting’ things.

And what these numbers actually suggest is that it-hasn’t worked-and so they are going to have to keep raising interest rates after a short pause-

And maybe-

Maybe- we can at least get them to raise them more slowly and more carefully than they have been.And if anything, these inflation figures keep reflecting an American populace and American businesses who -really would have- delivered a massively positive economy coming out of covid if Donald trump would have won a second term-or at least- Biden would have left well-enough alone.

Folks- if this economy is still this strong-despite- all the democrat’s destructive spending and all of the fed’s intentional tampering-imagine what it would be if they’d just left it alone, or if trump had gotten a second term: we really would have seen percent GDP growth in 2021-and would still be seeing 3 percent growth, or better, today.

Instead, Biden and the dems bleeped it all up, and now want credit, over two years later, for the fact that we aren’t feeling as much consumer pain as we were when they screwed us.

Sorry. Biden and the dems don’t get to take victory laps for that. They didn’t ‘save the economy’ from anything. They did their best to destroy an economy that was poised for a genuinely historic recovery.

Put another way: a lot of you could be 401k millionaires by now- if Biden and Schumer hadn’t have bleeped you over.

Don’t let them take a victory lap now-as if your 401k isn’t still underwater...from the point at which Biden took over.

Oh-but there was one bright spot in the report on food prices.  

I’m not sure you caught this: there has been a significant reduction in egg-inflation if nothing else. Egg prices are finally falling again.

I’m taking this from a CNN story that quotes a ‘senior egg analyst’ for one of the egg producing companies.

Now there’s a job that i never knew existed and was never offered to me as an option by my college counselor, and i only met with her once, because she was useless.

She never said: well, Jay, you could be a senior egg analyst....

But in fairness-I probably would have poo-pooed it. Found a reason-not to be -a senior egg analyst.

Well, sure, but I’d have to start out as a junior egg analyst...and i assume it’s going to take years to analyze enough eggs to become a ‘senior’ egg analyst...

And... then I probably need a ‘chicken egg’ major with a ‘ostrich egg’ minor to really be employable...and the candling class is impossible to get as a freshman... I don’t know. Radio seems easier.

And i have no way to transition from this nonsense. To my next topic...and so it’s the increased likelihood of blackout this summer-and as we move forward with the ‘eco-zealot’s destruction of our electric grid.

It thought I’d also pass this along-from the federal energy regulatory commission. This is a government agency, mind you. Within Biden’s own govt. Only the Washington Times had the story, that I saw:

They say 2/3 of the country is at risk of energy blackouts this summer because our federal and state regulators have shut down reliable power plants fueled with fossil fuels-without having the requisite ‘wind and solar panel’ replacements ready.

This, too, is the typical way we are doing things in America now, under democrat regimes. We were just talking about it yesterday: how, more and more, the leftists and democrats simply ‘want what they want’. They are simply making demands of Americans, businesses, entire industries or economic sectors-to just ‘live by these new rules’ or just ‘make it happen’.

And so, lawmakers and these eco-zealots who now control the federal agencies have simply ‘demanded’ that gas and coal fired power plants need to be shuttered by ‘this date’ or ‘that date’ and the energy companies have been complying....and this is despite the fact that we don’t actually have a ‘green’ alternative to replace that lost supply to the power grid.

I think you get it. This is akin to banning gas powered cars before electric cars are widely available and/or reliable: you can take our reliable cars away at a ‘date certain’, but if you can’t replace them with anything, that’s disruptive and dimwitted.

Well-that’s what’s happening here: the eco-zealots at mostly the federal level have forced all sorts of fossil fuel power plants to shut their doors-by a ‘date certain’....and those dates have come and gone-but the power that those plants were generating hasn’t been replaced by anything. ‘green’ or otherwise.

And this isn’t the first round of warnings that we’ve gotten like this from industry leaders and government officials. The eco-nuts have been running us right into this inevitable disaster. And they don’t care.

In fact-the Biden administration is still pushing for more closures.

That’s nearly six percent of our electricity lost-with no comparable ‘green’ replacement. So, of course we are all going to be sitting in the dark, eventually.

That’ll be after the massive spikes in our electric bills- just to afford the power that-is- available. That’ll come, too.

And today’s democrats and eco-zealots don’t. Care.

Stop. Voting. Democrat.

photo credit: Getty Images

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