The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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POLL: Social Conservatism in U.S. Highest in About a Decade

Jay Weber Show transcript

We didn’t have time to talk about it-but we saw a new survey out on Friday that showed ‘despite the country’s new push toward progressivism, more and more Americans are labeling themselves socially conservative’...

Social Conservatism in U.S. Highest in About a Decade ~~Gallup

That’s the wrong take: it’s not ‘despite’ the country’s new push into wokeism-it’s ‘because of’ the country’s new bullying foray into wokeism- that more people are calling themselves socially conservative.

Here’s something I’d like to know: are more people labeling themselves ‘progressives?

See-liberalism is dead. It’s a dirty word now, not just on the right, but also, in some corners of the left. These socialist progressives don’t want to be called, or viewed as, liberals.  

And so- I wonder if the percentage of people calling themselves liberal has gone down for that reason. I’d love to know if they gave them an option and asked...well then, are you progressive?’

So that part of this might be misleading.

Still-the notable gain in people calling themselves conservative is completely understandable to me. We talk -all day-about outrages and instances that would push the average American more toward the ‘conservative’ label or brand.

Because the left hasn’t just been -rhetorically pushing- more wokeism and extreme left-wing nonsense and Marxism on us-they’ve been doing it.  The American people can see -in action-what it means to be a liberal or a democrat, these days.

Their policies are destroying our cities, destroying our reliable energy sector, destroying our borders...etc.

Folks- late last week-in Seattle- the ‘progressive’ city council out there-rejected a bill that would have cracked down on drug use again, even though an overwhelming number of residents are now calling for it.

Seattle has become such a lawless, drug infested, homeless infested, crap-hole, that even the city’s huge number of left-wing voters are saying: we must change course. Decriminalizing drugs and ignoring the open-air drug dealing and drug using is destroying our city.

And so- about 70 percent of Seattle residents now want to change course.

Too bad, say their elected councilmen, we are sticking with our ‘progressive’ policies. Give it time. Like a dog eating your wedding ring-this will all work out in the end.

The Seattle city attorney was also critical of the council members, saying Seattle will now be the only city in Washington State that allows people to legally use hard drugs in public...and overdose deaths will continue to climb’

Yes. They will.

In Denver- where residents just elected another ‘Brandon Johnson type’ socialist- so watch that city crumble faster now-

At least the Denver school board is coming to its senses...and is reversing course on having police officers in schools.

Meanwhile- crime and homicides have spiked in all of these cities, following progressive takeovers. Chicago under Brandon Johnson is the latest example: folks, even the left wing Chicago media members are starting to mock Johnson for having platitudes on everything, but no plan.

Crime and homicides have increased-again-just since he got into office. The thug element of Chicago knows that it’s open season on the law-abiding citizenry- there.

Okay...sixty people were shot over Memorial Day weekend. A dozen died.

Folks- Chicago saw -a dozen deaths- over a single three-day weekend. The only people who seem to be safe walking Chicago’s streets are the drag queens and the pride parade attendees.

Shops and retailers are closing by the dozens...but if you want to attend the pride parade marketplace there’ll be all sorts of sex toys and bondage equipment on sale.Bring the kids.

Is it any wonder that more Americans are labeling themselves conservatives?

In DC- they’ve reached the ‘100 murder mark’ faster this year than at any time over the last 20 years.

And so, when you see headlines insisting that murder and crime are starting to go down again in these cities-don’t believe it. So long as the progressives are in charge, it will only keep getting worse.

Is it any wonder that more Americans are calling themselves social and fiscal conservatives? -


Or-that good people no longer want to be associated with these cities or states?

I love the story about how it is now-twelve- counties in Oregon state who want to secede and join Idaho, next door.

It’s only Portland and a smattering of counties along the very coast that are clusters of leftist voters in that state...but they have the numbers to keep forcing this disastrous left-wing agenda on the rest of Oregon-and so- the good, normal people of central and eastern Oregon have been on a succession mission over the last few years now, and it keeps growing.

But ‘county number 13’ has already scheduled a vote. Crook County will hold a succession vote in May of 2024 and will likely join the others.

And one last thing: this poll that suggests more and more Americans are disgusted with today’s left and are moving toward common sense, the GOP, and the conservative movement-

Is proof that the pearl-clutchers and so-called experts in Washington DC, and within the republican party, who say that we need to abandon the culture wars-are wrong.

These are people who have seen Florida governor Ron DeSantis rise to overwhelming popularity and prominence in his home state-and nationwide-by engaging in the culture wars, in addition to engaging in the fiscal and low-tax battles-

And yet, they don’t know what they are seeing. Glenn young kin has risen to popularity in Virginia doing much the same thing.

And yet, there’s a push on among the dc elites and so-called ‘strategists’ in the party, who say, ugh, ugh.... we need to stop alienating voters with all this culture war stuff. We need to abandon the culture wars.

Bull plop, we do. They’ve been a winning strategy for several years now, given how hard the radical left is pushing their extremism-and how disgusted the average voter is becoming by it.

Even a chunk of young people are rejecting this stuff.

And so, anyone who says we should abandon the culture wars or not run against ‘wokeness’ hasn’t been following along.

The conservatives who want to win elections in 2024 and beyond would be crazy to ‘go silent on’ or worse-capitulate- on these cultural issues.

Because-if we do- then there’s no one making the argument in favor of morals, values, our fundamental freedoms, our constitution, intact families, the right to-and the importance of- worship....

Why in god’s name would we ‘go silent’ on the most important things that define us as a people and a nation-and the very things that are going to matter the most to our kids, and whether this republic continues to stand...or falls?

photo credit: Getty Images
story credit: Gallup

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