The Jay Weber Show

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Lightfoot blasts TX Gov. Greg Abbott for sending illegals to Chicago

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-2-23 7:10am

Today’s so-called news media -really is- astoundingly pathetic: one of yesterday’s lead stories was about how Lori Lightfoot sent a letter to Governor Greg Abbott- imploring him to stop sending illegal immigrants to Chicago.

I’m guessing that most listeners saw that story.

Does anything strike you as -odd? - about it?

Lori Lightfoot-the pseudo-socialist, democrat, mayor of Chicago sends a letter to conservative governor Greg Abbott-in Texas-blaming him for the huge number of illegals who are arriving in Chicago-and tells him to stop sending them.

She’s PO’d that Texas officials who are neck-deep in illegal aliens in those border cities and counties...are organizing transportation to get them moved: bussed or flown elsewhere.

Lightfoot, Eric Adams, the mayor of NY City, Muriel Bowser the mayor of DC is now routinely expressing how PO’d they are at Greg Abbott for sending just a small fraction of the absolute flood of illegal aliens that he is dealing their cities.

Does anything strike you as odd about these stories?  Yesterdays, in particular: Lori Lightfoot calls on-Texas?

Calls on-governor Abbott. To stop the flood of illegals to her city?

Everyone in the audience knows the answer to this one: why in the hell isn’t she calling on-Joe Biden! - to stop the flood of illegals into her city?  Huh?

We have hit another new low in so-called ‘journalism’ when Lightfoot does 15 interviews about how angry she is with Greg Abbott-and not a single reporter asks her:  Why are you angry with Abbott when it’s Joe Biden, the president atop your own party who is flooding the country with illegals?

Not a single reporter asks: why isn’t your letter directed at President Biden, Lori?

Why aren’t you firing off a letter to Joe Biden’s White House, all exasperated, and insisting: my god, Mr. President. Stop. This. Flood of illegals, now!

In this new era of having the news media be a cabal of left-wing accomplices covering and protecting Biden and the democrats- Lori Lightfoot gets to blame the border crisis on Greg Abbott?


But that’s what happened, all day Sunday and Monday. Lightfoot couldn’t seem to do enough interviews slamming Abbott for shipping illegals her way.

During a tv interview on CNN, she rambled on and on about how many aliens are arriving in her city, and how many of them are in terrible shape and in desperate need of help that should have been offered to them-at the border- as they crossed-

And she never mentioned once that that’s Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas’s job: to take care of the immediate needs if these illegals if they are going to let them into the country.

Instead, Lightfoot deflected all that blame onto Governor Abbott

Lightfoot went on to say some of the illegals getting off these busses...are very sick, or very pregnant, and should have gotten medical attention or intervention at the border, or before they were put on a long bus ride, and she blames Abbott.

He's not controlling the border process. Greg Abbott isn’t letting all these illegals in. And it’s not his ‘state of Texas’ law enforcement and health officials who are responsible for assessing illegals at the border or getting them the help, they need: that is -all-on the feds. That is all Mayorkas and Biden’s responsibility.

And so, if they are waving thru very sick and very pregnant illegal aliens and simply saying...go...walk into America....go.....

How is it the responsibility of Greg Abbott or Texas taxpayers to collect them and get them the help they need?

Ironically- mayor Beetlejuice rejects the very idea that she should have any responsibility for the care of these she is is insisting that Abbott has that same responsibility.

He’s not responsible for any of it, either.

Why’s she blaming him?

Blame Joe Biden.

I tell you; today’s democrats are such scumbags that they won’t even call out members of their own party who are totally screwing them.

Lightfoot, Adams, Bowser-the mayors of these major cities-they know who is responsible for this crush of impoverished illegals who are being dumped onto their doorsteps. But they won’t name the culprits.

They won’t -for the good of their cities and the good of the country-  call out Biden and Mayorkas and demand that-dammit- this flood of illegals needs to stop.

No, no.

Instead, they try to deflect blame onto republicans for the problem. And we have so many ignorant voters in this country, that they just might believe it.

The only role Gov Abbott plays here-is that his small Texas border towns and sparsely populated border counties have almost no ability to house, handle, or care for all these impoverished illegals coming in from third world countries. And so...rather than allow his state to be thoroughly abused by Biden and the democrats-he set up a system in which some of them can -willingly-get onto a bus or a plane that will take them to one of the large cities or ultimate destinations...who have much better social networks and resources in place to care for them.

That’s all Greg Abbott is doing. This is-Joe Biden’s mess. This is the democrat’s own mess. And they need to be -forced- to be accountable for it.

I swear to you- just a few decades ago-when we had real reporters and editors-

When we really had people in the news business who tried to be fair and balanced and call out the lies and the b-s

There is no way Lori Lightfoot or these other dem mayors could be getting away with blaming the flow of illegals that has been overwhelming their cities for two years now- on republicans, somehow.

Every news outlet in the country would have been asking: why isn’t Lightfoot -properly-blaming Biden? Why didn’t her angry letter go to Biden? He’s the one creating the open borders and all this human misery. It’s his actions that are causing billions of dollars in new expenses and burdens for America’s largest cities.

Why is she blaming a governor who is simply struggling with the surge, like she is?

Biden’s open borders have created a drug crisis to various humanitarian crises like the sex trafficking of women and children...the rise again. Of human slavery in America.... etc.

And every single democrat has looked the other way. Including Lightfoot. Not a single democrat in dc-aside from a few representing borders areas-have made a peep. Objected to these myriad new humanitarian miseries their own party is encouraging and amplifying with its open borders policy.

So how – do any of them-get off blaming republicans? Trying to deflect their misery and mess onto Greg Abbott or our side of the aisle?

But get used to hearing this b-s a lot more-because it’ll be their infuriating false narrative over the next year and a half-right thru the next election.

They’ll try to convince America’s ‘gullible moron’ class of voters that -somehow-republicans are to blame for Biden’s -fully engineered- open borders.

photo credit: Getty Images

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