The Jay Weber Show

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Not one Democrat voted to protect girl and women sports

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-21-23 8:30am

My friends- zero democrats- in a house of representatives that currently as 213 of them-

Zero- voted to protect girls and women’s sports from male intrusion, yesterday.

The blind ideologue democrats stuck together on this one-and it was particularly disappointing for the female-republican-senators.

After this vote, all sorts of republican congresswomen who have fought for equal protections for their girls and for an even playing field in society-as well as in sports- lambasted their democrat colleagues.

The vote wasn’t unexpected, but it’s still sad to see, because it shows you how polluted and extreme today’s democrats are.  It shows you how quickly that some good people became deeply. Deeply. Invested in a radical orthodoxy that they have been told they need to agree with to be democrats on good standing...

Or to get help winning their elections, come election time.

I used to explain how the shift occurred in this democrat party- and it was long before Hillary lost to Donald Trump.

Way back in 2006 and 2008, when democrats had driven away huge numbers of blue-collar, working-class Americans and feared that they might not win national or statewide elections again- Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and the leaders of the party at the time decided to intentionally embrace their kook fringe.

They intentionally invited all these extreme grievance groups to have a seat at the table and power atop the democrat party.

What they never anticipated was that Obama would be such an awful president that he would kill off traditional liberalism and sap the leaders of the party of all their power.

What they never anticipated is that Hillary would lose to Donald trump...and she and all the other people running the democrat party...would go off and wander in the woods in their mu-mus....and leave a leadership void atop the party: a leadership void that all of the most powerful kooks and organizers in these activist groups would move in to fill and exploit.

And so-here we are now: suddenly, to be a democrat in good standing, you must bow to the bullying, radical trans-movement and pretend that there’s no difference between men and women. And pretend that there are hundreds of genders... And pretend that a man in a sports bra is now a woman who should be competing physically with other women.

30 or 40 years ago-who would have ever predicted that the liberal women who led the women’s’ rights movement would now stand silent and watch women and girls be trampled men moved in to take over their sports and standing?

Talk about a disturbing twist of fate. And it had republican women fuming at the betrayal that these house democrat women displayed to their gender, yesterday.

Ironically- in response to this dressing down- the democrat congresswomen claimed that these republicans were ‘bullying people’ with this bill.

How’s that for irony? 

The side whose activists are trying to bully the country into all buying the lie that sex and gender are fluid and interchangeable-

Are the ones pretending that those standing up for science, women, and reason  are the ones doing the bullying.

Today’s democrats really are cry bullies. They want to force these culture wars and force every person on the planet to buy into their delusions or participate in their personal struggles with their gender or self-image and when we don’t they play the victim card.

Its’ right to the tears and the whining.  

It is- getting emotional and unhinged and crying- when they don’t get their way...and it is their form of bullying.


But imagine-not a single house democrat -male or female-voted to protect women and girls’ sports, yesterday.

Our own Marc Pocan...who clearly never participated in sports of any kind. I mean-just look at him-

He said:

I agree.  Nearly all republicans and conservatives would agree with that: and they can do all those things- by joining the teams that match their birth-gender.

It’s that simple.

Transgender girls can play on the boy’s football team. Because they are biological boys. This bill doesn’t stop that-nor does any related law that has been passed in any of the states.

We have-forever- allowed girls to play on boy’s team if they want to and aren’t likely to get hurt. Certainly, biological boys who feel like girls can do the same.

Nothing is keeping trans kids from competing in sports. All this rule does is say- biological boys and men cannot compete on the girls and women’s teams- because they are biologically superior in strength, muscle mass, body weight.

In fact- a reporter asked Kevin McCarthy yesterday-in a somewhat snotty way-do you even know any trans-kids? Know what they are going thru?

And he said, yes. I understand the emotional pain and conflict that they are experiencing as they grapple with their gender issues but...this is just about sports. And we’ve always put safety and fairness parameters around children’s sports.

McCarthy’s explanation is perfectly reasonable...and it is going to sound perfectly reasonable to 80 percent of the voters in this the coming elections.

The house passed this bill to protect girls and women’s sports yesterday-but it won’t become law-because democrats control the senate and

Chuck Schumer will never even bring it up for a vote...and even if some reasonable senate democrats wanted to join with republicans and pass it-Joe Biden has already promised to veto it.

And so- yesterday’s vote was a ‘positioning’ vote, only. It’s a ‘show vote’ if you will- that is meant to show the American people which party is being reasonable on transgender women in sports-and which party is looking to destroy female competitions and the name of wokeness...and some twisted notion of ‘what’s fair...or reasonable’.

And for that reason, it was an important vote.

Republicans now have every house member on record as either supporting women and girls’ sports...or trying to ruin them with wokeness and gender bullying.

Democrats want to ignore hard-wired biology and the name of wokeness.

This is a winning-line of sight- political issue. And an important one. And democrats are on the wrong side of things and seem to know it.

Their members didn’t really offer too much push back on the loss and the scolding that they took, yesterday.

I am certain that most of their members know that they are on the wrong side of the issue. But also know they have their marching orders from the bullying activist groups that they are too afraid to buck, or challenge.

And that’s pathetic. About 100 democrat congresswomen yesterday sat silent as their gender was under attack.

Every woman who ever fought for women’s rights in the current-or earlier- eras- should be mortified and saddened by that.

photo credit: Fox News

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