The Jay Weber Show

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It appears the Biden family corruption was worse than first thought

Jay Weber Show transcript 4/19/23 7:40am

We haven’t checked in on the house investigation into the Biden family corruption schemes in a few weeks-but the congressman leading it- James Comer of Kentucky- is talking about ‘new breakthroughs’ this week.

“We learned a lot that was new. The committee went there today, but I’ve had staff there over the past two weeks. There are thousands of pages of documents relating to financial transactions. And let me be very clear, this isn’t just about the President’s son or the President’s brother. We’ve identified six new Biden family members involved in shady foreign transactions, that we believe were a direct result of influence peddling. That brings the number of Biden family members now to nine that were involved in the Biden family influence peddling, and we still have more family members that we suspect were involved. So this is a family affair. This is something that should be troubling to every American. And what we’ve learned from going through these records, there are a lot of additional LLCs, a lot of additional bank accounts that we didn’t know prior to going to the Treasury cabinet. So, we’ve learned a lot. This investigation is ongoing but I can tell you, without hesitation, it’s very serious, and the President of the United States is going to have a very hard time explaining how so many of his family members have received so much money from our adversaries around the world.”

It proves that democrats have- no interest-in political corruption.

The scummy Jamie Raskin and the democrats on this oversight panel have been refusing to cooperate in this investigation in any way, and have only tried to toss up roadblocks or poo-poo comer’s significant finds-

And yes, the corruption is related to one of their own party members, but for heaven’s sakes-there is evidence of global corruption here-stretching back decades- and some of our biggest enemy countries are involved-

In fact-it looks like the bides’ m-o was to-intentionally-seek out companies in enemy nations- because they would pay more for high level access to the u-s senate, and then the Obama white house.

Congressman comer was on with Larry Kudlow yesterday, and said, the suspicious transactions that the treasury department has flagged-on the Biden family is in the hundreds.

Hundreds. Of suspicious transactions were flagged, and nothing was ever done about them. Comer told Kudlow-there are dozens-maybe hundreds-of fake LLCs and related accounts that were likely being used to launder the money.

At least nine Biden family members have now popped up as participants and beneficiaries of these Biden family corruption schemes- and comer reminded us again that none of the Biden’s are -selling- anything. None of them have run a single legitimate business. So, what were they getting tens of millions of dollars from foreign corporations and investors for.

What were these Russians, Chinese, and Ukrainians ‘buying?’ or ‘investing in?

They were buying access. Favors. They were buying promises from Joe Biden to do their bidding or serve their needs- high atop the u-s government. How is this not criminal?

Folks, we conservatives have been suggesting for decades-when it comes to joe Biden-that something was scummy, here.

Rush and other talkers, over the decades, have openly wondered how Biden magically became a multi-millionaire and appeared to be enriching virtually every one of his family members-including extended family- on a senator’s salary.

Ditto for Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, and any number of other congressmen and senators.

Neither party has wanted to investigate. Not even major offenders like Pelosi, Reid, and Biden.

For Biden’s 50-year dc career-no one from either party really wanted to know what was -really-going on with Biden and his brother.... Because....gee...all sorts of lawmakers from both parties over the years, have engaged in these sorts of hinkey dealings.

We know. Fact: Maxine Waters is directly enriching her daughter. Cori bush is directly enriching her boyfriend. AOC is directly enriching herself. The Pelosi’s have made themselves hundreds of millions of dollars- with most of it probably coming from insider-trade deals. These things are known- and talked about at the cocktail party-

This is very similar to how everyone in Hollywood knew that Harvey Weinstein was a disgusting pig who was criminally abusing women...and know which directors are pedophiles....etc.

Many of these things are open secrets.

Well-in DC- many of the scummy lawmakers are known to be scummy. The insiders know that ‘something is up’, even if they don’t know all the details. They’ve heard the rumors.

They know that hunter Biden’s associates-for some reason-were routinely seen visiting the Obama white house. 


They know that hunter was on the plane when Vice President Biden was flying to China and Ukraine. 


This is all known. Biden has been known to be dirty for decades. But no one in DC had the simple integrity-to look. To call him out on it.

Liberal legal expert Jonathan Turley writes about this today, and says:

"The Biden family business is largely influence peddling," Turley said. "That's the favorite form of corruption in Washington but the Bidens took it to a degree that I think is unprecedented. I have been a credit of influence peddling for 30 years. This is how money is made in Washington. But I have never seen anything like what we are witnessing with the Bidens."

Turley said people should want to know what the Biden family did, "what did they buy, and who did they buy it from?"

"Even though influence peddling itself has been carefully kept legal... it still tends to spin off crimes," he said. "Your efforts to conceal it, lies to federal investigators, transactions that were not lawful can cause problems under the criminal code. But even without that, we should want to know."

Johnathan Turley is right about all of this-of course- but he fails to explain why this sort of ‘influence peddling’ isn’t criminal... Or why.... this big loophole that allows for unlimited gifts and cash to lawmaker’s relatives-is-allowed.

The reason is simple but should be stated: none of this is illegal-because congress makes the laws!

Why is- anything? -illegal? In this country?

Because a legislative body has passed a law saying it is illegal-and a governor or president has signed it. Right?

And since congress has always ‘governed itself’ – all sorts of obvious corruption just somehow, never...alarmed them enough to make it criminal.

In 250 years of lawmaking, America’s congressmen have never felt the need to clean up their own houses. At least not in any major way.

The truth is that-of course- influence peddling should be illegal.

The truth is- of course big payoffs and lavish gifts to a lawmaker’s family members should be illegal- for heaven’s sake- my family members are barred from winning any of our contests!

Relatives of radio hosts can’t win a thousand dollars or a Peter Frampton t-shirt....

But the spouses and children of our congressmen and senators can accept tens of millions of dollars from foreign sources and it’s not illegal?

Not illegal!

Because congress-governs-itself.

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