Jay Weber Show transcript 4-12-23 7:10am
A bill that Wisconsin Rep. Scott Allen has introduced to allow Wisconsin school districts to decide if they want to allow teachers to carry concealed-at school-as a way to deter or respond to mass shootings.
This is a good idea. I know it won’t get past governor Evers, but it’s a more sensible reaction to school shootings than calling for all-out gun bans- or banning law enforcers from schools.
Scott Allen-who- full disclosure- was a friend of mine back in high school 40 years ago...and is now a Waukesha lawmaker...proposed a bill in which.
That is true. And governor Evers, with is knee-jerk reaction and staggering ignorance when it comes to crime and ‘carry’ isn’t sounding as reasonable as he thinks he is, on this one.
By banning guns and police officers from their schools, and then idiotically touting themselves as gun free zones- school officials have made their buildings and their kids-targets-for nut jobs who want to commit a mass shooting in order to lash back at society.
In instance after instance-we know that mass shooters have passed up on targets that they knew they might have armed security officers who would fire back...and instead...chose targets that were advertised as ‘gun free’ areas.
In short-these mass murderers pick soft targets and advertising that you are one-is stupid.
Over and over again, this has turned out to be true. The most recent shooting in Tennessee-with the trans-shooter.
Police say she left plans and a monolog that made it clear that she initially intended to target a different school, but it had too much security. She might not have time to kill enough helpless victims.
But I’m sure you’ll remember the theatre shooting out in Colorado in which the wingnut painted up his face like the joker. He drove past two or three theaters with security...to shoot up the theater where he knew there was none.
We’ve seen shootings in shopping malls and churches, and on college campuses and high schools that were chosen-specifically-by the shooters because they knew they were gun free zones and they wouldn’t meet resistance.
It is-not- conjecture.
We have the shooters, themselves, telling us this, as well as documents left behind and official criminal studies that prove this is the case: mass shooters intentionally pick soft targets.
And so- don’t be a soft target.
This bill that says ‘make it known some teachers are armed’ is a good idea. Especially because it leaves the decision up to the community-not some myopic dillweed of a governor in Madison.
And if you disagree with me-consider this: did you know that there has not been a mass shooting in a single school in which teachers were allowed to carry concealed?
Some states and communities allow it-and John Lott just looked at the data, again. Not a single school that has armed a few of its teachers has been targeted-in any state.
Yep. In Utah and New Hampshire, state law allows for any teacher who is licensed to carry- to carry concealed at school.
In other states, it’s up to the school boards to decide-but Lott’s analysis concludes that three have been no mass shootings in any of these 20 states-in schools that have a ‘teacher carry’ policy.
This has congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky-who is famously libertarian in dc- proposing a law that would repeal the federal gun-free-zones act that makes our schools and govt buildings bigger targets.
He says – our default position-as a nation-should not be to advertise our children as sitting ducks. And he’s right. It is what governor Evers reinforces-again-when he immediately shoots down a move to give local communities to decide this for themselves.
On Monday-when gov Evers and his team reacted so quickly and categorically to shoot down Scott Allen’s proposal-they were advertising to every kook in Wisconsin- yet again-that our children are sitting ducks.
Republicans in Madison and in dc have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into hardening our schools as targets. Mandating improved safety measures and procedures. Moving to double-locking doors and a single public entryway etc....
We have been very good at doing everything we can to harden our schools and protect our children short of having armed guards and armed protectors in every building...
And it is something that warrants serious discussion...but democrats refuse to cooperate in any way.
They refuse to look at stats or listen to reason. They absolutely shut down when there is any suggestion that ‘meeting force with force’ is the best way to stop a crazy killer who is bent on destruction.
But it is.
We have some people in society who are deciding to commit any destruction they can as they go out in some terrible blaze of glory... And the democrats don’t want to take a serious look at either- the early mental health intervention that might stop them...or...the matching lethal force that might stop them...
Instead....they only want to blame the tool that many of them are using...and ban the very same tool that allows us to protect ourselves and our children-against the crazies.
story and photo credit: Wisconsin Right Now