Jay Weber Show transcript 3-28-23
I assume this won’t surprise you: most economists now believe the country will officially be in a recession by the end of the year.
Also- about 7 in 10 of these economists- 70 percent- believe that inflation will still be at least four percent-or higher- at the end of this year.
Right now, it’s still at 6 or 6.5...correct? They predict it may ease a little bit more. But not much. Before the end of the year.
They are saying that the fed will not have accomplished its goal of hammering on the economy enough to tame inflation...
And most don’t believe it can occur without the fed touching off a recession. And don’t ask me how these people are defining a ‘recession’, anymore.
Because when Biden and the democrats slid us into the textbook definition last year, we were told that no, no, no....there are several different definitions of a recession....so...no...
Well, okay: you experts keep us apprised, then, because it sure has felt like a two year long recession-so far- under Biden and democrat control.
They sure have bolluxed things up and created a lot of pain and hardship.... for this not to be a ‘recession’...
And I’ll say it again: none if it was necessary.
Yesterday, toward the end of the show, i was citing an AP survey that had Americans saying the country was on the wrong track by a 78-22 margin...
And I was saying... I have never seen-in over 30 years of paying attention to stuff like this-
I have never seen a 78 percent ‘wrong track’ figure. I have seen them as high as 70 or 73 percent-but never so close to a full 8 in ten Americans saying 'this is bad’. This is going-very badly.
It has the Wall St Journal editors saying that Biden and the left have made Americans ‘hopeless’...
And I will add this-because they don’t say it-but it’s true: Biden and the left had made Americans ‘hopeless’....and just a few years after Trump had given them so much hope.
Let’s not forget that the Trump era saw the best economic figures-by every measure-that this country had seen in 50 years of keeping records. Wages were up. Benefits packages were up. Inflation was still very low. For the first time since the Reagan/Clinton era- the American people and the American economy were-really, really doing well-, and everyone was benefitting.
And along came Biden.
And don’t even blame covid: Trump and Kudlow and their economic team had this economy recovering quickly and, on the trajectory, to create an even bigger boom.
And tragically, trump lost in 2020, and along came Biden and democrat control. And still-all they had to do-was nothing.
Every economist in the country was saying: just don’t touch anything. Inflation is at 1.4 percent; the economy is in recovery and is primed to boom to an unheard-of seven percent GDP or more. The boom will be so big that it will carry us thru 2025, easily. Joe...you just...don’t need to do...anything.
And Biden and Bernie and the dems bleeped it up, anyway.
And intentionally.
They intentionally went against a torrent of expert advice....and effed everything up, anyway.
The left-has been-trying to destroy the American economy, and has been trying to destroy capitalism, ever since Ronald Reagan proved how powerful a capitalist economy- left in the hands of investors and workers- could be.
Today’s leftists-hate-that capitalism works. They hate that Reagan’s tax cuts and supply-side reforms work. They hate that their ‘top down’, heavy taxation model, doesn’t work, and never will.
They cannot manage every part of our lives and they cannot pick winners and losers and manage every part of our economy...if unbridled and only lightly regulated capitalism- is proven to work-and dramatically better than their scheme.
But I’d suggest to you-and to the American people-that we just got a vivid lesson in the two options for the American economy: lower taxes and less regulation under trump had the economy truly-singing- for the first time since Reagan’s reforms....and then Biden came along...and choked it all out like a coked-up pimp choking out a hooker.
I used to say it routinely in the Obama era: when democrats are in charge-they just will not let. The American business owner, or worker, even get up off the mat.
They implement policies that pin us all down...economically and culturally. And they simply...refuse...to let us rise.
They simply-refuse-to let us follow the forces of freedom, and free will, and capitalism.
And I didn’t get to this yesterday-but i can work it in-today: even the unbridled crime that they have nurtured on the streets of our large and medium sized cities- is having a terrible effect on commerce and prosperity.
The UK Daily mail is pointing to a retail apocalypse coming in 2023-and it’s not all related to a tough economy.
It is more directly related to the rampant crime and era of lawlessness that today’s democrats have ushered in....starting with the BLM and antifa riots.
photo credit: Getty Images