The Jay Weber Show

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Gov Evers' budget is all smoke and mirrors

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-14-23 7:10am

I made this comment yesterday, in an off handed way, and decided it needed more explanation today, the day before Gov Evers gives his ‘budget address’ detailing what is in his next two-year budget.

The honest ‘take’ on this is: it doesn’t matter. Gov Evers won’t be writing the budget-the republicans in the legislature will-and so, Gov Evers can try to promise or promote anything he wants...but...if the GOP don’t agree. It won’t be in there.

Which is why i have been completely ignoring the last two or three weeks of ‘pretend’ budget talk. Because that’s all it is.

This exercise is akin to children dreaming about what they are going to do at Disneyland. Okay. Scheme all you want. Get a crayon and paper and make your lists: what we’re going to do at Disneyland...

But just so you understand, kids, you won’t get to do any of that if mom and i decide we can’t’t get your hopes too high.

This is very similar to the exercise that-every two years- reporters, editors, and lawmakers get ‘all invested in’.

As Benjamin Yount said yesterday, ‘reporters got to write about something’, and given that winter tends to be a slower news time-and given that newsrooms are so short-staffed and desperate for stories that ‘come to them’...they can do a ‘quick and easy’ turn around on whatever budget-related press releases gov Evers’ team is putting out each day.

But they don’t really-mean- anything: because with a republican controlled legislature, gov Evers isn’t going to be writing the budget- the republicans are.

That is why we are seeing the same sort of scenario play out-again this time around: knowing that he doesn’t have to craft a serious and responsible budget-Tony Evers and his team of younger, bitter democrat activists, are going to create an ‘unserious’ budget that has every leftist idea and talking point that they can cram into it.

Okay. Whatever.

The last two budgets since Tony Evers have been governor have followed the same pattern: Evers, Maggie Gau, and the hyper-partisans in the governor’s office collude with the party leaders and write a sham budget in which they ‘message’ all of their lefty stuff.

They do it-because they know that their accomplices in the liberal media- and frankly – ‘the ignorant media’ will report on it all, anyway.

They do it-to get weeks of the sort of stories we have been saying-and i have been ignoring-for at least two weeks:

Governor Evers wants to spend millions on -x, and y.

Governor Evers is calling for ‘legal weed’ and ‘public floggings for the rich, and for funding to make necklaces out of the transgender children’s genitals that his party cuts off-


And they get all sorts of attention and ‘message’ an agenda that they think appeals to their base....and then the republicans will simply toss it into the trash and make a serious budget that gov Evers will have to sign.

And sure, Evers can dig in and likely demand a few things, and get them. Sure. Around the edges. But unlike the federal government- Wisconsin doesn’t have a law that says government shuts down if a new budget isn’t agreed to.

Wisconsin has a law that says-if a new budget isn’t agreed to- we keep operating on the current one.

And yeah- that still creates some problems and complications for the govt agencies and the state’s obligations...over time...

It’s not like Evers can threaten to shut down government if he doesn’t get his way. Nor can the republicans.

And it puts them in the stronger position here: because ultimately, all the governor of a different party has the power to do is- use a line-item veto-and either sign a budget or reject it.

He or she-cannot- run some high-stakes gambit in which state government shuts down.

And that gives the GOP the advantage in the budget talks in this current era.

But let’s be clear: none of this messaging or virtue signaling or ‘promises’ of new funding that is coming out of the governor’s mouth is a final word-on anything-

And in truth? -most of it will never see the light of day with a republican legislature.

Let’s just look at what Evers’ team was talking about yesterday and what their mindless accomplices parroted out for them.

Gov. Tony Evers wants to hand the Milwaukee Brewers nearly $300 million from Wisconsin's budget surplus to enact repairs and renovations at American Family Field.

The governor's 2023-25 spending plan will mandate that judges order the use of an ignition interlock device for all drunken or intoxicated driving offenses.

Evers’ registration plans also include dropping the residency requirement from 28 days down to just 10, meaning people living in the state, a city, or even a ward could be in Wisconsin for less than two weeks and still get to vote.

Except for allowing clerks to start processing the absentee votes a day early- the rest of those are terrible ideas and will never end up in the budget.

So why even waste time talking about them?

It is already easy to vote. Your changes are meant to encourage cheating.  The AP won’t search out republicans to make the counterargument and include that in the article-

They’ll just ‘cut and paste’ the pablum included in Evers’ press release and print it.

This. Is how it’s done.

There is no push back or public reaction included in this ap story detailing why those are all stupid ideas...and....Evers’ team gets its daily nonsense-out there in the media-with no push back.

This is how it’s done.

Molly beck’s story in the JS online was equally useless. It also included a ‘cut and paste’ with Evers’ statement and no push back. or from a single republican she sought out-because she didn’t...

And this is how it’s done.

And when the Evers team is ‘handing you your story’, practically pre-written, you have all sorts of time to write other stories...

And so, we got a second story from Molly Beck yesterday following the same pattern:

·Create a $400,000 grant program to help clerks pay for electronic poll books.

·Require state technical colleges and University of Wisconsin System schools to ensure they issue IDs that are valid for voting purposes.

·Allow more time between primaries and special elections to ensure military and overseas voters had more time to return absentee ballots, as the federal law requires.

Cut and pasted right out of a press release. And no... having taxpayers pay for the driver’s education courses for poor teenagers doesn’t do a thing to solve the reckless driving problem.

Because the reckless driving problem isn’t due to ‘certified teenaged drivers’ driving recklessly. It’s due to both -teenaged punks stealing cars and driving around recklessly with them- and- a whole lot of young and middle-aged adults who are living criminal and gangster lifestyles who don’t feel the need to follow our traffic laws.

So-that’s a dumb idea: as is ‘calming traffic’ with a bunch of expensive new speed bumps and round-abouts and barriers and other b-s that simply make the rest of us...and our lives...miserable.

This idea of destroying the flow of traffic in the name of ‘traffic calming’ dates back decades on the left. Mayor John Norquist and the lefties in his day were talking about it-

And not to deal with reckless driving. No, no it was to screw up traffic so they could force more of us onto mass transit and justify building a billion dollar light rail system.

Long time listeners remember this.

This ‘traffic calming’ b-s has been around forever-and it has always been a way to bleep up the point that....oops...the only fix is to have people use mass transit.

Norquist pushed it for that reason. He and the dems of his day had the asinine idea of knocking down all the high-rises and forcing all traffic onto surface streets because. It would be safer...and would allow for all sorts of business development that people would use -while they were captive in the gridlock.

That foolish idea dies off for a decade or two-and now it’s back- in the late ‘Barrett’ and early ‘Johnson’ eras: lets knock down the high rises and force everyone onto trains.

I keep telling you-the left never gives up.

And so, what a shock to see tens of millions spent on ‘traffic calming’ in Tony Evers’ budget...and this time with a different fake reason that we need it: to combat reckless driving.

Bull plop.

How about locking up the punks and thugs doing the reckless driving? Because they aren’t model citizens, otherwise, and we all know it.

For heaven’s sake, people, we have Gov Evers proposing ‘free drivers licenses’ and ‘round abouts’ to combat a problem that is almost entirely related to crime, gang activity, and the fact that we won’t lock up criminals, anymore.

What a dunce.

But- his accomplices in the media will mindlessly parrot it out-and Evers-for his part-can pretend as if he has a solution to the lawlessness and reckless driving in Milwaukee.

What a joke.

And republicans won’t include anything this stupid in the budget-and so- two years from now- democrats running for re-election can claim that ‘we had a plan to stop reckless driving in Milwaukee, but republicans blocked it’.

And that’s another reason we go thru this stupid exercise with Evers and his team every two years: so, they can invent fake, even asinine, fixes that would never word. And pretend they have ‘a plan’ for everything, but the republicans won’t let them do it.

Stand by for that nonsense...and feel free to ignore the governor’s budget address tomorrow.... because it won’t mean diddly.

He will be the child reading a list of the stuff he’s going to do at Disneyland....even though his parents have no intention of taking him...

And then, and then, I’m going to fix reckless driving and allow illegals to vote. And them. And then.

Okay tony. You’re over-stimulated here. Let’s get you your pudding and get you to bed.

story credit: J/S Online  Fox News

photo credit: Getty Images

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