The Jay Weber Show

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Gov Evers team treated the murder of an on-duty cop as an after thought

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-10-23 7:40 am

There was a controversy-midday yesterday-as several republican lawmakers ‘called out’ Governor Evers for not ordering the state flags to be lowered to half-staff in honor of officer Pete Jerving-the Milwaukee cop who was shot in the line of duty on Tuesday.

And these lawmakers were right to point it out, given how often Gov Evers drops the flag for other reasons. 

Well...two days after the murder of officer Jerving, Gov Evers and his staff still hadn’t

These lawmakers issued their letter, yesterday, and started to post on twitter. Jim and Jessica over at ‘Wisconsin Right Now’ quickly wrote a story that started to get traction-

Legislators Letter to Gov. Evers

Dear Governor Evers,

On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Wisconsinites awoke to the heartbreaking news that Officer Peter Jerving, was killed in the line of duty. Officer Jerving was only 37-years-old and had sacrificially served the City of Milwaukee Police Department for 4 years before his life was cut tragically short. As we now know, he was murdered by a criminal who had been in court less than 24 hours prior to this incident, facing other violent charges. Once again, this young man was out on the streets, committing crimes after his jail sentence was stayed by a soft-on-crime judge.

Governor, it took you until 11 AM to even acknowledge this tragic loss of this officer and then it was merely a brief tweet on social media before you moved on to other topics. To date and time, you still have not issued a full statement on this terror happening on Milwaukee’s streets. Neither have you ordered the flags be flown at half-staff in honor of this fallen hero.

At a time when law enforcement morale is at an all-time low, departments across the state are hurting for good officers, and citizens are deeply worried about public safety this is an insufficient response from Wisconsin’s Governor. We the undersigned members of the Wisconsin Legislature implore you to show dignity and compassion by ordering all flags to be lowered across the state until the day after this selfless public servant, Officer Jerving, is laid to rest. The day after Officer Matthew Rittner was killed in the line of duty, on February 7, 2019, you ordered flags to be flown at half-staff until his funeral. We would expect nothing less for Officer Peter Jerving.

Furthermore, we would hope leaders such as yourself would call on all citizens in Wisconsin to support law enforcement and for community members to engage in mentorship of these young people who are illegally terrorizing our state with crime and guns. This situation has become dire, and our youth need guidance and hope to lead them on a better path for the sake of our entire state.


Rep. Barbara Dittrich

Rep. Bob Donovan

Sen. Jesse James

Rep. John Spiros

And literally within minutes...Evers’ team had posted a hastily written post on Facebook...mentioning... Oh yeah, on Monday the governor is ordering all flags to be lowered to half-staff in honor of officer Jerving.

Evers’ team slapped this pronouncement together the moment they were alerted to their oversight and scrambled to save face. 

And please note that-in doing so-they couldn’t admit that they’d blown this and should have ordered the flags lowered on Tuesday-

So they’ll just skip the honor for this entire week, and pretend as if a ‘one day’ honor is normal.  Yeah, just Monday, the day of the funeral.

That is-not-the norm. 

And even hours after the hurried Facebook post went out- WRN noticed that there still hadn’t been an official proclamation that had come out of the governor’s office.That seemed to validate that the Facebook posting was a rush-job.

And the lawmakers, in their letter, noted Evers’ apathy toward the tragic loss of a police officer-on duty

As I say-this became a controversy for a few hours yesterday, as conservatives reacted to the slight, and essentially ‘shamed’ Governor Evers and his staff to do the right thing.

That’s fine-so far as it goes-

But to truly appreciate the story and the ‘slight’ that this was- I believe it needs to be acknowledged- why- Evers and his team engaged in this slight.

And no, I don’t think it was an intentional attempt to disrespect officer Jerving.

No. It was probably just an oversight.

But it was an oversight by Governor Evers, Maggie Gau, and the entire democrat staff, wasn’t it?

This is what really ‘brings this home for me’: the fact that not a single person in Tony Evers’ office or administration-over two days-  

Not even one of these left-wing leaders in Evers’ team- gave a moment’s thought to the loss of officer Jerving, and the sacrifice that he has made for his community, state, and country.

And that-speaks volumes.

Evers’ silence- and the silence and the ‘slight’ by every member of gov Evers’ team tells me-volumes-about the sort of people they are.

This is the true outrage related to this story. That governor Evers and his team-

Not one of them-

Gave a single thought to ordering the flags lowered for peter Jerving. That’s the real insult here-and the real ‘telling’ moment.

This inaction shows the Wisconsin democrat’s apathy toward- or distain for- law enforcement.

Doesn’t it?

It might simply be apathy: it could be that neither Governor Evers nor anyone on his team particularly values or appreciates our law enforcers and so.... none of them ever gave a single thought to providing officer Jerving with this simple honor-

Or- it could be distain for law enforcement. It could be that gov Evers and today’s democrats have bought into the ‘cop hating’ rhetoric of their fellow leftists- and people like Maggie Gau and the rest of Evers’ young team of leftists actually hate law enforcers.

I have no idea which it if. But it is either one or the other, correct?

This is either an ‘administration wide’ oversight, because none of them value our law enforcers enough to give officer Peter Jerving’s on-duty murder a second thought-

Or- it’s ‘administration wide’ distain for law enforcement, which is a sentiment that pervades way too many people in their party, these days.

As for the governor-himself-i am going to assume this was ‘apathy’. Evers is enough of an old-school democrat that I don’t believe he actively distains our law enforcement. But I bet several his team members do. I’ll give Tony Evers a bit of a break here because a governor cannot think of everything on his own, especially an honorary event such as this.

It'd be great if this was just an automatic thought with any governor who learns of an officer’s deaths: an immediate step should be-lower the flags and honor him-

But i don’t think Tony Evers distain’s law enforcement. I cannot speak for the rest of his team, who tend to be young, socialist leaning, woke bullies of the sort that would absolutely buy into this hatred of law enforcement.

I may be the only talk show host who points this out today- or spends this much time on it-but it’s important enough to spend a quick segment on.

Neither Gov Evers-nor anyone in his entire administration- ever thought to lower the flags immediately in honor of officer Jerving.


Because here is the second part of this: you know darn well that if this had been an instance of another thug being shot by an officer- holy cow-would Evers and his team been all over that. Messaging that. Honoring the fallen criminal.


Listeners know I’m right about this because Tony Evers, as governor, has leapt to defend thugs like Jacob Blake after they were shot by officers. Evers and his Lt gov Mandela Barnes- to virtue signal and defend Jacob Blake, remember?

We didn’t have to wait two days for them to defend another ‘innocent victim’ of police violence.

Heck, Evers, and Barnes didn’t even wait for the facts-that showed Blake wasn’t an innocent victim and the police shooting was justified.

They leapt to defend the thug.

And this is the simple litmus test that proves today’s democrats have lost their way...when it comes to crime and law enforcement.

Everyone in this audience will now that this isn’t even a controversial statement that i am about to make: 

Flat out: you know that-if somehow-this situation would have turned out differently, and officer Jerving would have shot and killed Terrance Thompson in that scuffle...and lived....

You know that Milwaukee would have another ‘bad cop’ narrative going, and Gov Tony Evers and his team would be virtue signaling crocodile tears over the perp.


Does anyone even disagree with that?

And see-this is the real insult. This is the ‘tell’ related to where Tony Evers and Wisconsin democrats are ...on the issue of law enforcement and backing our police officers: backing the good guys.

When a thug is shot by an officer who is nearly always cleared because he was doing the right thing- Evers and his team have routinely leapt to defend the thug and vilify the officer.

But on Tuesday morning, when an officer was killed by a criminal- they had no reaction.

Oh, the governor put out a ‘throw away’ tweet, much later that day...

But neither he-nor anyone in his entire administration- had the common decency to reflect a moment on the death of officer Jerving...and go to the boss and say...ah, shouldn’t we order the flags lowered in honor of this man’s sacrifice, governor?

Not a single member of Evers’ team...had that thought.  That is telling. And that is Pathetic.

story and photo credit: Wisconsin Right Now

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